Unbeknownst to you, there is a fight to the death happening right now inside, and on your body. Everything you do, say, think, and eat is affecting this eternal fight for dominion over your organs, bones, blood and your entire human shell. For some, the fight will end early in their lives. For others, they will be able to keep the battle going for much longer than some of their human cousins. In the end there will be only 1 victor, and I will give you hint of who wins this battle of the fittest, it is definitely NOT you!
The reason being, is that the human body is infested with 8 different kinds of worms; that along with our higher selves (I like to call my soul), fight for dominion over our material bodies. Some of these same worms fight one another for control in order to replicate their species and kill ours. Some of us humans will sadly lose our worm eaten minds and organs during the process. All the while, these devilish worms are having the feast of their lives. Hence, the battle of the fittest, where the worm is king and man just worm food.
Many of these worms have small gnashing teeth, while some grow to be 2 feet long and who devour our insides and entrails without us ever even knowing they are living inside of our intestines. There are also the microscopic worms called the Demodex that crawl upon our faces and bodies causing acne, and also in our eyeballs making us blind as they eat our sulfuric secretions upon our skin and then burrow their poisonous poop rotten carcasses into our very same skin where they simply rot and die, making our skin worm carcass graveyards.
This is no script from a Hollyweird movie, and I’m definitely not a fear porn promoter who makes money from scaring the worm shit out of you. Nope, I’m just some wise fool with a worm complex, a blog, and internet connection here, shouting from internet rooftops in order bring these Wormwood Revelations to you in the Apocalypse. (unveiling)
Whether or not you take heed to my words or simply dismiss them as worm nonsense, is up to you.
Like many humans enjoy to fight, worms also love to fight. But please let it be known that the ancient fighting worms of the earth actually make the fighting humans of today in the UFC look like total wimps with worm arms. You see, in the UFC you have humans who have trained for several years in martial arts, that wear pads to protect their gonads, and have rules in order to help prevent serious injury or death. A sort of civilized human barbaric way to manage these aggressive human males who like to beat the shit out of one another. But in the fighting world of worms, there are no rules and these bad boys do not don pads. When they fight, they often fight to the death just like the Greco and Roman gladiators had done in the ancient past.
Here is a quote from a recent article on how worm fight and how this is rare amongst animals;
“Fighting, let alone fatal fighting, has not previously been described in any other nematode and fighting to the death is relatively rare amongst animals. Studying their behaviour helps us develop better pest control strategies – as well as providing us with a fascinating insight into the fundamental behaviour of animals and the external conditions that influence their fighting instincts,” said Griffin.
Hell, I guess we humans have to try to take the higher ground over our lower down trodden cousins known as the worm. If we don’t take heed, these same worms fighting one another to the death will become the defacto conquering kings of our own bodies. Bodies that eventually dies by becoming rotting worm filled corpses, in which the worm has obviously kicked our asses to kingdom come.
A recent article titled, “Survival of the fittest: Early life experiences can make worms fight to the death,” helps substantiate my many other articles I have written in the last year on worms.
“This is an interesting finding in terms of our thinking towards animal behaviour and fighting,” she said, adding, “conditions during early stage development have a profound effect on the expression of fighting in adults. Nematodes may be simple animals, but many of the biochemical and neural processes that take place in them have parallels in higher animals including humans”.
Fighting“Fighting, let alone fatal fighting, has not previously been described in any other nematode and fighting to the death is relatively rare amongst animals. Studying their behaviour helps us develop better pest control strategies – as well as providing us with a fascinating insight into the fundamental behaviour of animals and the external conditions that influence their fighting instincts,” said Griffin.
The study looked at worms that kill insects, using symbiotic bacteria that they carry around with them and reproduce inside the insect cadavers. Several generations can pass through a large insect and eventually, tens or even hundreds of thousands of nematode descendants emerge from the spent cadaver in soil and wriggle away in search of fresh hosts.
These are exactly the kind of conditions where we might expect fatal fighting to evolve, said Griffin.
Ladies and gentleman, llleeeeeetttttt’sss get readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to worm rumbllllllllllllle!

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
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Moe. I have enjoyed your podcasts and posts in the past. Thank you. With this worm post, I REALLY hope you give some antedotes, solutions. What do we do? Parasite cleanse? MMS? Oil of Oregano?
Hi Jason – Thanks for your support! I’m working on this. It is not as easy as a cleanse and will require a life style change, cleanse and also something that kills the majority of these worms. I have found various treatments, but I have not hung my hat on any one of them just yet. Please stay tuned for future articles and podcasts or even a book I create that will go over all the worms, symptoms, and treatments. Let’s just say that I believe that these worms cause most ALL illnesses such as cancer and Hepatitis.
hey are you the worm Jason??