The Matrix is ruled by magic.
This makes us all magicians or unaware attendees by default to the global magic show. An illusion on a worldwide stage made to look like reality.
The big trick is to fool your soul through media and indoctrination by controlling your mind via the con-spirit-cy.
Those who have succumbed to the indoctrination have had their endocrine systems taken over via their glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood which are now in the hands of the sorcerers.
These are the weak minds who make up the vast majority of humanity do not use reason and logic, ie: think for themselves, are easily mind controlled by the black magicians who rule their souls.
Their lives are no longer their own and their souls nothing but spiritless puppets on strings.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I’m starting to see that most Americans have already disembodied. Their souls are in Klippoth inside the Earth in lower levels being purged of the Ego. Their physical bodies are still alive here eating, sleeping and living out this life with absolutely no meaning whatsoever except pleasing the Ego and seven deadly sins. When they die nothing transcendent will happen. The vital body will fade away. The personality will die. The physical body will rot. That is all. There will be no return because they have exhausted 108 lives within this turning of the wheel. Involution must runs it course. I know they look like humans or intellectual animals but they are NOT. They are even less than that being dispossessed on their true Being. Sad…..quite sad. All I can say is that I hope my fate is not the same.