It is nothing but fire, worms, howling, groaning, moaning, and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Yeah, it’s like that folks and some of you corrupt souls out there better get a spiritual clue or you will also suffer the same mortal fate.
The newly elected Pope Francis seems to stigmatize these Revelation facts just about every week with statements and press releases coming out of the Vatican such as the one by the Pope this past week that truly wreaks of Apocalyptic over tones. Pope Francis had said in a homily last week;
The Pope described people engaged in corruption as “whitewashed tombs”, explaining that “they appear beautiful from the outside, but inside they are full of dead bones and putrefaction”. A life based on corruption was “varnished putrefaction”, the Pope said.
When the Apocalypse of St. John was written many centuries ago, I do not think John had realized that these events would be televised or “go viral” on Minerva’s web. A global Apocalyptic event that seems to be playing out right before our very eyes in a world where the man with one eye is king and those with two eyes are not only blind, they are literal walking obese zombies with rotting carcasses of flesh being eaten by worms as they feed the very beast that is killing them.
It was written that these days we are seeing now would occur and I personally do not think there has been a time in history that can almost perfectly match up to the predictions of John as they are today. A prediction that seems to be coming true with every passing day of darkness as the veil is lifted revealing the truth and light.
This varnished putrefaction I have written about before here on such as in my articles, Blood Alchemy: AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT , Blood Alchemy: Red Blood of Lucifer , and Blood Alchemy: Black Blood of Satan. If you would like to get educated on what the Pope means by these statements and the days we are living in, I suggest you read those articles and many of the other ones I have written on these subjects.
is one of seven stages in the decomposition of the body of a dead animal. It can be viewed, in broad terms, as the decomposition of proteins in a process that results in the eventual breakdown of cohesion between tissues and the liquefaction of most organs.
In terms of thermodynamics, all organic tissue is a stored source of chemical energy and when not maintained by the constant biochemical efforts of the living organism it will break down into simpler products. The breakdown of proteins in a decomposing carcass is a spontaneous process but one that is accelerated as the anaerobic microorganisms, already present in the animal’s digestive tract when it was alive, consume and digest the proteins that comprise the creature’s cells. As cells and their proteins are digested, the tissues of the body are left in a weakened state. Proteins are broken down into smaller components and these are excreted by the bacteria.
The excreted components, which include gases and amines such as putrescine and cadaverine, carry the putrid odor associated with a decomposing body. The gases are initially constrained within the body cavities but diffuse through adjacent tissues and into the circulatory system. Once in the blood vessels, the gases can then spread to other parts of the body. The result is visible bloating of the torso and then limbs. The increased internal pressure due to the rising volume of gas also helps to weaken and separate tissues. At some point, some part of the body will rupture, releasing the gas. As the bacteria consume all available proteins, the process of decomposition progresses into the next stage: skeletonization. (Wikipedia)
When Pope Francis speaks of putrefaction, his statements are as true as the sun shinning in the heavens or the full moon lighting the dark night sky. It’s like that, and when he says the devil is like a lion circling his prey, he is not talking about Simba in the movie the Lion King, but the symbol of the lion that belongs to a specific tribe who is also spoken about in the Apocalypse of St. John such as in the second vision where he sees the four apocalyptic living beings, the lion, the bull, the eagle, and Man, surrounding a throne where sits the spirit of God.
It’s as if we are living in the days after the Crucifixion of Jesus to the time of St. Francis of Assisi who had tattoos placed on his very skin to signify Christ’s wounds corresponding to those left on Jesus’ body after he was crucified. Marks called the ‘stigmata.’ Tattoos that remind you not to live like a beast of the earth, and be more like Jesus so your flesh isn’t eaten by worms or your blood turned to a poisonous gas as your organs liquify to a state of varnished putrefaction.
O, then my best blood turn to an infected jelly – Shakespeare
Listen to the Pope’s homily at this link

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Mythological fantasy realities are so scarey.