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This is a special 5 minute audio recording, by Moe with and Gnostic Warrior Radio. The reading is from the Three Books of Occult Philosophy, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa: from Chapter 42 called, “Of the Wonderful Virtues of Some Kind of Sorceries.” I will be doing this often as part of my special series of 5 minute audio recordings of weird occult knowledge.
Did you know the menstruum blood of a woman if it comes over new wine it makes it sour, and if it doth but touch the vine, it spoils it forever; by its very touch, it makes all plants and trees barren, and they that be newly set to die; it burns up all the herbs in the garden and makes fruit fall off from the trees; it darkens the brightness of a looking-glass?
Of the Wonderful Virtues of some kinds of Sorceries
Now I will show you what some of the Sorceries are, that by the example of these there may be a way opened for the consideration of the whole subject of them. Of these, therefore, the first is the catamenia, which, how much power it hath in sorcery, we will now consider; for, as they say, if it comes over new wine it makes it sour, and if it doth but touch the vine, it spoils it forever; and, by its very touch, it makes all plants and trees barren, and they that be newly set to die; it burns up all the herbs in the garden and makes fruit fall off from the trees; it darkens the brightness of a looking-glass, dulls the edges of knives and razors, and dims the beauty of ivory. It makes iron presently rusty; it makes brass rust and smell very strong; it makes dogs mad if they do but taste of it, and if they, being thus mad, shall bite any one, that wound is incurable. It kills whole hives of bees, and drives them from the hives that are but touched with it.
It makes linen black that is boiled with it; it makes mares cast their foal if they do but touch it, and makes asses barren as long- as they eat of the corn that hath been touched with it. The ashes of catamenious clothes, if they be cast upon purple garments that are to be washed, change the color of them, and takes away colors from flowers. They say that it drives away tertian and quartan agues if it be put into the wool of a black ram, and tied up in a silver bracelet; as, also, if the soles of the patient’s feet be anointed therewith, and especially if it be done by the woman herself, the patient not knowing of it. Moreover, it cures the fits of the falling sickness; but most especially it cures them that are afraid of water, or drink after they are bitten with a mad dog, if only a catamenious cloth be put under the cup. Besides, they report, that if catamenious persons shall walk, being nude, about the standing corn, they make all cankers, worms, beetles, flies, and all hurtful things, to fall off: from the corn; but they must take heed that they do it before sun-rising, or else they will make the corn to wither. Also, they say, they are able to expel hail, tempests, and lightnings, more of which Pliny makes mention of.
Know this, that they are a greater poison if they happen in the decrease of the Moon, and yet much greater if they happen betwixt the decrease and change of the Moon ; but if they happen in the eclipse of the Moon or the Sun, they are an incurable poison. But they are of greatest force of all when they happen in the first early years, even in the years of virginity, for if they do but touch the posts of the house there can no mischief take effect in it. Also, they say, that the threads of any garment touched therewith cannot be burnt, and if they be cast into the fire it will spread no further. Also, it is said, that the root of peony, being given with castor oil smeared over, using the catamenious cloth, cureth the falling sickness. Moreover, if the stomach of a hare be burnt or roasted, and to it be put a perfuming made with a catamenious cloth, it will make cross-bows useless for the killing of any game. The hairs of a catamenious person, put under compost, breed serpents; and, if they be burnt, will drive away serpents with their smell. So great a poisonous force is in them that they are poison to poisonous creatures.
There is, also, hippomanes, which amongst sorceries is not the least taken notice of, and it is a little venomous piece of flesh as big as a fig, and black, which is in the forehead of a colt newly foaled, which unless the mare herself presently eat, she will never after love her foal or let it suckle. And for this cause they say there is a most wonderful power in it to procure love, if it be powdered and drank in a cup with the blood of him that is in love. There is also another sorcery of the same name, hippomanes, a venomous humor of the mare in her mating season, of which Virgil makes
mention when he sings:
Hence comes that poison which the Shepherds call Hippomanes, and from the Mares doth fall,
The woeful bane which cruel tepdames use. And with a charms amongst powerful drugs infuse.
Of this doth Juvenal, the satirist, make mention:
Hippomanes, pay sons that boiled are, and charms
Are given to Sons in lata, with such like harmed.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
It probably isn’t all menstrual blood. The blood has good things the baby needs but once being released toxic stuff will come out too. Depending on someone’s health level the menstrual blood can either be good or bad, if for instance someone’s body has minimal toxins. Not everyone has worms coming out bruh. Also weird thing, very strange is that I secretly used to always think my menstrual blood smelled amazing so to test it I had my ex smell it before with his eyes closed and he thought it smelled amazing to, I know Im not the only one (I know it sounds really weird but whatever). You saying period blood is rancid and disgusting wouldn’t level with the fact that somehow it can smell good. I’m more curious on the powers of menstrual blood or any potentially good things you could find about it. Also with the thing that the lady in the post said about her plants liking her menstrual blood, I mean how would you explain that? If what you said is true wouldn’t her plants like, be dying or something? I guess men are toxic too!!!!!
I have been a gnostic for years. This post goes entirely against gnostic teachings. The only way this post is justified is if you are speaking in metaphor, but even then I doubt it would be a metaphor worth anything. Literally what you just said is something the demiurge would say. The whole point of gnostic teachings is equality for women. Pythagoras’s teacher was a woman! The entire concept of gender is abolished in gnosticism because ANYONE can achieve gnosis. You present absolutely NO TRUTHS in this article. I honestly feel like I listened to a sermon given by a priest in biblical times. And not a gnostic priest, a Abrahamic one! I think this is your psyche talking here, and therefore the demiurge. Have you ever fucked a woman on her period? Obviously not because then you would know it does not burn your penis off. And skin is more susceptible to acid than a fucking vine. A lot of the stuff you post mixes Christian gnosticism with real gnosticism. Do some more research if you can’t find anything move to Scotland because that is where most of recorded gnostic history is located.
Also worms don’t come out of your vagina unless you have some SERIOUS medical issues. Also gnostic people don’t wish misery unto others, sigh. I was really getting excited about your website since there is about four in existence that hold true to the religion. But then I read this post. And I maybe I am biased because I am a woman but there is difference between bias and recognizing lies.
First of all, this is from a 16th century book. Second of all, Have you even studied this or tested it?
complete superstitious lies and misogyny. stop creating hatred for women i will never visit this website again.
You are speaking from pure ignorance, stupidity and feelings, rather than reason and wisdom because if you did, you would know the menstrual blood contains mostly human wastes, acids and even worms. Try pouring acid and worms on a tree, bush or garden or just about anything and see what is left of it in a few days. But no, you want to make this an attack on me and my blog because you don’t like the truths I present and so mote it be. People like you deserve the lies and misery you sow for yourselves.
Hmmm! So how come I can’t find any of these “scientific facts” in actual textbooks? The “worms” you’re referencing are an INFECTION (ie NOT normal) and affect the digestive system, and make home around the anal canal. They CAN enter the vagina but that’s not WHERE they come from. Most women do not have these worms. The worms can also gather around the penis, so I guess the penis is toxic too.
Can you get me a reputable source that directly states: “Worms are shed through menstruation every month, and can make all trees barren etc”
That’s funny cause when I water my plants with menstruum they love me for it.
Menstrual fluids can be used for stem cells to cure a variety of diseases.
Who’s toxic now?
BTW have fun getting a girlfriend! Get your head out of the 1300s, the days where there was unadvanced science & misogyny. What are you gonna post next? Wandering womb syndrome?
WARNING: Don’t spew these lies to a woman in person. If you come across the wrong woman, and she’s menstruating, she’ll take her tampon out and shove it down your throat (I would). You’re weak. And since you’re such a wussy, we will always have a weapon against you.
All humans are born with 8 species of worms who live off humans. In fact, I’m married to a beautiful woman who is mature and smart enough to know what I write is truth backed up by science. It is painfully obvious you are in denial because I listed links to science as well.
I think you may have a worm in your eye that used to be in your vagina that is now feeding on your brain.
Shows just how superstitious , idiotic and stupid region is. Where is the study on this for perusal and verification.
This is interesting, but I am confused on how it is helpful. Perhaps if naked menstruating women walked through corn fields there would be no need for GMO corn. As a male, are you saying we should avoid contact with menstrual blood?
It may be a good idea since the facts are that what is discharged is blood, mucosal tissue (the endometrium), acids, and additional excretion of some toxic chemicals through the menstrual blood from the uterus down into the vagina. It is a very toxic substance that carries the bodies poisons out of the vagina in the blood during a woman’s menstrual cycle that spoils vines forever, makes all plants and trees barren, burns up all the herbs in the garden and makes fruit fall off from the trees. It is this vaginal mucus that has an acidic quality that becomes rancid, and exert a corrosive effect on everything it comes in contact with.
Take a modern day biology course. Ask any modern day scientist or biologist. These “facts” were from hundreds of years ago when people had no concept of modern medicine/technology. The uterine lining that is released is full of nutrients prepared for a possible BABY. Why the hell would it have toxins in it? It’s simply being released because there’s too much fluid to be reabsorbed. The blood is kept if you get pregnant. By your logic that would mean we were developed out of poison and toxins and worms. Pinworms are a disease that affect the DIGESTIVE tract, which has nothing to do with the reproductive tract. Both men and women get pinworms, but it’s pretty rare. I know of some women that water their plants with their menstrual blood and they say the plants love it. That’s because menstrual blood is composed of pure blood and tissue and nutrients, as clean as (or cleaner than) semen because semen’s job is to nourish sperm, the endometrium’s job is to nourish an egg AND possibly create a human being. If all of this were true, and the other myth was true that women are outrageous during their period, then the world would be destroyed already after millions of years of menstrual release. Luckily for us, that’s not true. Plenty of people have consumed menstrual fluids (just like plenty of people consume sperm); in some religions it was considered the holy grail; and guess how many people died from it? ZERO. But you can get sick if you consume TOO MUCH of any bodily fluid, including sperm…defecation would make you sick regardless, but menstrual blood, sperm, and urine are sterile (upon first being released) unless they have a disease. Those people on yahoo answers have a disease – if it was common for worms to be in menstrual fluids, there’d be no such questions, because it’d be accepted common knowledge. You”re trying to demonize women & the sacred blood they give, the blood that has the potential to create a human being. It’s not a release of toxins. We have poop and urine and sweat (sweat is actually the most vile substance in the body except poop) for that. Urine doesn’t have the potential to create a human being. Neither does poop, or sweat, or sperm, or tears. Only menstrual blood has that ability – why would the CREATOR OF HUMAN LIFE have toxins in it? You make no sense.
One more time: Please stop making ignorant comments on my website. It is obvious that A. You do not know how to read or B. You are in denial because I clearly state my sources and multiple links with women who have worms crawling out of their vagina. Many of you comment out of ignorance and emotion thinking you are being rational when your profane comments are based on no education or actual real world research.
The whole point of having a menstrual cycle is to expel these toxins and worms so the baby can be safe.
Oski’s Pediatrics: Principles & Practice – Page 1365 Julia A. McMillan, Ralph D. Feigin, Catherine DeAngelis – 2006 – The adult worms have a cylindrical body (mean length, 40 mm), with a thin whip-like anterior end that is anchored to the intestinal mucosa and a … Migration of worms to the vulva and vagina may result in vaginal discharge and vulval pruritus.
Diagnostic Pathology of Parasitic Infections with Clinical … – Page 371- In one case, the worms passed through a fistula between the intestine and the ureter to gain access to the kidney, … one in which the worms were located in the placenta, and were passed spontaneously and recovered from the vagina by the …
Encyclopedia of Remedy Relationships in Homeopathy – Page 108 -other remedies fail in worm complaints44), Calc, Chin, Cic (Convulsions from worms when Cina does not help’5,”,’”), Ign, … Calad (Worms travel over perineum and get into vagina exciting masturbation in little girls)
Pathology of the Vulva and Vagina – Page 32
By Laurence Brown – 2012 – Preview – More editions
Because of the proximity of the vulva to the anus, adult worms migrate to the vulva, vagina, cervix, endometrium, ovaries, and peritoneal cavity, with resultant deposition of ova. Vulval involvement by E. vermicularis is rare, with patients …
Robb & Co.’s Family Physician: A Work on Domestic Medicines, …
R. L. Robb, J. V. Bean, Sarah Lucretia Robb – 1882 – Read – More editions
First: The pin worm is the smallest of the three ; it is one.third to one-half an inch long, and as thick as common size … Usually it is found only in the very last part of the intestine and sometimes in the vagina, into which it crawls from the anus.