In the Scripture, we learn that the ancient warriors for the Lord can trace their knowledge (Gnosis) to Ulam (Olam, Elam, Elyma, Elymai) who is listed as a descendant of Machir of the tribe of Manasseh.
The genealogy of the Tribe of Machir tells us in 1 Chronicles 7:16 – “Maacah the wife of Machir bore a son, and she named him Peresh; and the name of his brother was Sheresh; and his sons were Ulam and Rakem.”
Ulam is listed as the father of Bedan in the Gileadite posterity of Manasseh (1 Chron, vi, 16, 17); and the first-born of Eshek of Benjamin who was among the descendants of King Saul, and the ancestor of one hundred and fifty valiant archers (1 Chron. viii, 39.40).
Hence, the sons of Ulam were men who were mighty warriors, bowmen, having many sons and grandsons who created the “Tribe of Benjamin (Benjaminites).”
The Ancient Sages interpreted the name Bedan as “Ben-Dan” which means the son of Dan and others have identified him with the judge of Revelation known variously as “Abadon, Abidan, Abdon, Adon and or just Bedan.”
For example, in Judaism, the term “Adon Olam” means the “Master of the World,” and is used as one of the names of the “God of this World” who differs from the God on Most High, Yahweh or Jehova.
Since we know Bedan was called a “Son of Dan,” then it makes perfect sense that his father who is named Ulam was also named Dan for he would have to be for his son to be named Bedan.
These names I contend are given in the Scripture as holy sir name or appellation to signify both their rank in the heavenly hierarchy and also concealing their ancient secular (sec-ulum) history from the profane which can be reconciled with etymology, history, and now science (geography, archaeology, and DNA).
With that said, Ulam who was also known as Dan and his sons were the Tribe of Dan in which Bedan was the last and Bedan’s sons became who “were men who were mighty warriors, bowmen, having many sons and grandsons – the “Tribe of Benjamin (Benjaminites).”
However, what they have done is encoded their Holy names into the history books, myths and even geography of our world into just about every known civilized government all over the globe. Whether it be their given holy name or name of their tribe, they left their marks everywhere.
Meaning, my research proves that you will find that the Sons of Ulam and Bedan have most likely played the largest role as the builders of the world we see today in the 6th Age where you will clearly see that their names are connected to the most famous and industrial cities and also to some of the most intelligent (knowledgeable) who have ever lived.
In this article and future pieces, I will attempt to put forth some of this fascinating research documenting this hidden but revealable history of the Sons of Ulam and Bedan.
Please keep in mind as you read this that “It was the tribe of Dan that left the serpent’s trail,” and in following Jeremiah’s instruction to “Set thee up waymarks”.
What I would like to first bring to your attention is the meaning of Ulam as I did with Bedan which means “Son of Dan.”
The name ‘Ulam or Olam’ is a compound word composed of the words ul (ol, el,il,al) and am (om, on, me).
The meaning of ul (el,il,al) is variously translated as “God, Lord and or Governor” and ‘am’ means “to exist, be alive, having the state, quality, identity, nature, role and or occupy a position in space.”
Therefore, Biblically speaking, we may refer to the Sons of Ulam to have been appointed to their roles and positions by a “God, Lord, King and or Governor.”
In Arabic, Alima (Arabic اليمه) or Ulama means “knowledgeable, wise, and or scholar and today in Islam, the Ulama are placed in charge of all religious, legal, and historical governmental affairs for the kings of the East in their respective countries.
The world Ulam is also rendered Olam (Alam) in the Old Testament as a word when used in reference to the Levite priesthood as servants to God and the king in which Olam becomes to mean “eternal (e-tur-nal) or eternity (e-tur-ni-ty).”
My readers who have been following my latest articles will notice that in the word eternal (e-tur-nal) or eternity (e-tur-ni-ty) we have the ancient word tur (ter, tir, tyr) which means “rock, stone or Peter”.
Olam can be found in the Torah, In Psalm xc. 2 we read, “From olam to olam thou art Elohim.” Olam : hidden, veiled, gives Alam: a virgin, one veiled. Jonah was in sheol for olam as he lost count of time, it was veiled from him.
Other Examples of Olam in Judaism;
“Mighty men from olam.” in reference to David’s Mighty Warriors who are a group of 37 men in the Hebrew Bible who fought with King David and are identified in 2 Samuel 23:8–38.
Exod. xxi. 6. “Serve him for olam;” xl. 15. “Priesthood of olam.”
Jer. xxviii. 8. “The prophets that have been before me and before thee from the olam.”
Dan. ii. 20. “Blessed be the name of God from the olam and unto the olam.”
Job vii. 16. “I would not live to olam;” xli. 4. “Wilt thou take him (leviathan) for a servant for olam.”
Generations of olam, The covenant of olam, God of olam, Hills of olam.”
In Judaism “Ulam or Olam”
In Ireland “Ollamh”
In England “Barron of Verulam (Ver-Ulam)”
In Islam “Ulama”
In Iran “Mullah”
In Persia “Elymaei and Bathina”.
In Media “Elymais and Batana”.
In Arabia “Elamitae and Pudna”.
In Syria “Elemais and Batnaa”.
In Macedonia “Elyinea and Pytna”.
In Sicily “Elymii and Pittineo”.
All over the world, the Sons of Ulam (Dan) left a serpent’s trail in order to set thee up waymarks.
With that said, I believe that their were two factions of this Tribe in which one side of the Brotherhood travelled West and the other stayed in their Eastern homelands.
The Western branch had purposely went into the ways of the world of commerce and even paganism and became what we can call today “Secular” which is derived from the Latin word ‘sec-ulum.’
It is in this word ‘sec-ulum’ where you see the Ulam chiefly through the influence of the Latin Versions of the Bible, wherein seculum is always used as equivalent to “the way of the world. (in Tacitus, Germ. 9,—’ Nee corrumpere et corrumpi ‘seculum vocatur,’ for “the way of the world.”)
To this we owe the use of the word “secular (secolo, secolare, siecle, seculier) in such phrases as the “Secular Clergy ;” i. e. those who were engaged actively in the world, as opposed to the ” Regulars,” those who lived sub regula, “under rule,” in Monasteries.
Hence, “And also after that, when the sons of God came in wnto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them; the same were the men that were of old, the men of renown.”
Jerome translates it thus – “Isti sunt potentes a seculo (these are mighty men from the beginning).”
You can see both these differences and similarities I mention simply above in the priesthoods today with the Western Roman Catholic Church and governments and the Eastern Orthodox Church and their governments.
As part of my ongoing research into this history, I would like to list some of the synchronicities and revelations between the two Brotherhoods.
Unfortunately, I cannot document the complete histories in this space but will devote some time to each Ulam in their perspective country as time permits.
Ulam and his sons had created a city that Eusebius had said, in ‘Ovaxugo, that there is a village called Ulamma (Ulamais, Ulam-luish, Ulam Luz, Elymais, Elemais) twelve miles from Diocaesarea, east.
Not surprisingly, the Septuagint lists the ancient name of the city of Dan as Ulamais which confirms the history passed down by Eusebius and is translated to Laish (Judg. xviii. 29).
The name of Ulam-Luz is said in the Septuagint to have also taken this for the ancient name of Bethel.
As part of my ongoing research into the history of the Sons of Ulam of the West, I would like to list some of the synchronicities and revelations that seem to first appear in Western literature in the history of Ireland and then moving into Scotland, England, Brittain, Gaul or France, Russia and other countries.
The Sons of Ulam can be found in the Early Irish Annals where they immortalize themselves into the legendary history of the first people of Ireland called “Tuatha de Danaans’, meaning “The tribe of Dan’ with King Ollamh (Ollam) Fodhla who was the great lawgiver and patron of learning to Ireland.
An ollam or ollamh in both early Irish literature and event today is a member of the highest rank of filí and came to mean a doctor, professor and or scholar of any kind of learning.
This family, the Sons of Ulam were some of the most learned people in all the world by virtue of their Eastern ancestors of whom they have been charged with carrying these teachings into the West such as in the formations of Early Ireland where they have left their literature and Mason Marks as scientific proof of this true history.
It was said that originally the Ollamh was appointed by the king but by the 6th century A.D. it had become an elected post which was voted for by the other ollamhs.
The Ollamhs led by the Ollamh Érenn or Chief Ollam of Ireland became the most powerful institution and person in the land whose social status was equal to the High King of Ireland. The head Ollamh of a province such as Ulster would have been the head of all the ollams in that province and would have been an equal status to the king as (Ollamh Érenn) .
The Ollamh Érenn had his own palace and a large group of other learned and elected ollamhs said to total approximately 30-33 Ollamh with their servants.
The ancient name for the northern province of Ireland was Uladh (Uluidh) (pronounced Ulla) now called Ulster. The name Uladh is said to have taken its name from Fothadh Airgtheach, the king of Ireland in 285 AD. who was killed at the battle of Ollarba (Larne Water) in County Antrim, where his “uluidh” was erected. This place was named after him and became a place of pilgrimage.
We see the Sons of Dan in Ireland can also be found with King Baedan (Son of Dan) who was the grandson of Muiredhach, who was grandson of Niall of the Hostages; and his grandmother was Erca, the beautiful daughter of Loarn, a prince of Scottish Dalriada; and through this union he became the father of the senior line of the Hy-Niall kings.
Medieval Ulster genealogists describe him as rí Érenn ocus Alban (king of Ireland and Scotland) until his murder in approximately the year 520-533 AD. You will find various spellings of his name Bedan such as King Tech- Baoithin, Baithen, Baithin, Baithan, Baetin, Baitan Mor (“Baithen the Great”).
The official Ollamhs of Ireland held significant power until around the 15th-16th centuries.
One of the most famous Ulams of the West is known as Saint Alban (Albinus) who is known as England’s first Martyr in which the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle places as the year 283 and Saint Bede listed the date in 305 where he adds, “when the cruel Emperors first published their edicts against the Christians.
The name of the town in Roman Britain where Alban was murdered is called “Verulamium”.
The British author Gildas refers to the fifth-century martyr as “Saint Alban Verolamiensis,’of Verulamium’ in a passage that refers to the “graves and places where they suffered” of the early British martyrs.
Gildas gives us a brief historical account of what he describes the persecution of Christians in Britain,which he identifies as part of the persecution of Diocletian, adding at the end of a passage about “their graves and the places where they suffered:
“I refer to Saint Alban of Verulam (Verolamiensem), Aaron and Iulius, citizens of Caerleon (Legionum Urbis) and others of both sexes, who in different places, displayed the highest spirit in the battle-line of Christ”. (De Excidio 10)[32]
The town of Verulamium is mentioned in an ancient wax tablet inscription written in Latin discovered in London during the Bloomberg excavations that were dated in approximately 62 AD. The tablet reads:
P(ublio) Mario Ce<lso=XIII> L(ucio) Afinio Gallo co(n)s(ulibus) XII Kal(endas) Nove//mbr(es) M(arcus) Renn[iu]s Venusrus me condux{s}isse a C(aio) Valerio Proculo ut intra Idus Novembres perferret a [[Londi]] Verulamio penoris onera viginti in singula |(denarii) quadrans vecturae ea condicione ut per me mora |(assem) I Londinium quod si ulnam om[n]e[m]
It is in this compound name Ver-ulam-ium where we can clearly see that this town is where the Ulam had presided.
The word ‘ver’ means “to spring, or belonging too and truth.” The suffix ‘ium’ at the end of the word is for “nouns that have been adopted into the English language that are unchanged from Latin and also representing a region of the body or a biological structure.” I will explain the meaning of Ulam below.
After Saint Albans death, the early Church dedicated a cult to his memory that was established upon a hilltop located outside Verulamium.
The next Western Ulam worth mentioning is the English philosopher and statesman Sir Francis Bacon who took the titles of “Baron of Verulam (Ver-Ulam) and Viscount of St. Albans.”
We can say that Sir Bacon was the “Supreme Ulam for England” where he served both as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England and his genius as a philosopher, alchemist, cabalist, and Rosicrucian helped him develop the very scientific methods that remained influential through the scientific revolution.
In Bavaria, Germany is the city of Ulma or Hulma, called by the French, Oulme.
It was known more anciently Alcimoennis in the province of Swabia (Schuaben) on the Danube River (River of Dan) first mentioned in a document of 854 AD as the royal palace-fortress of “Ulma”.
It was considered one of Europe’s most important medieval cities with an exceptional cathedral and scenery along the Danube.
Hulma was given a municipal charter from Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I (Barbarossa) and the city was surrounded by a massive wall around the year 1000 AD until Henry the Proud of Bavaria burned it down in 1134.
Lewis of Bavaria made it a Free City. It had embraced the Reformation in the year 1529.
One of the most famous of the modern Ulma who hails from Hulma, Germany is Albert Einstein.
The Samara government of South Russia was divided into seven districts, the chief towns of which are Samara, Bugulma, Buguruslan, Buzuluk, Nikolaycvsk, Novo-Uzcn and Stavropol. In the name, Bugulma you can see the Ulma and also Samara can be connected to Samaria.
In the history of Samara from the time of Catherine II, some German colonists, from Wiirttemberg and Baden were invited into her court.
Today Bugulma (Russian: Бугульма; Tatar: Бөгелмә) is a town in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Population: 89,204 (2010 Census); 93,014 (2002 Census); 89,589
After the Mongol (Tartars) conquests led by Genghis Khan, it was said that the Khans were influenced by the Ulama or who were institutional Sufis who were their country’s scholars and legal administrators. From this point forward, rarely do political and or other people are documented in their history where the Ulama now plays the central role.
As the Ulama serve the King, it is not surprising that they must answer to the Turkish sultans to this very day.
In Iran the Ulam are called Mullahs who are called today “autonomous theologians and jurists, who claim authority in all civil and religious questions.” The Mullahs
are charged with the interpretation of the Qur’an and the hadiths in developing Islamic law and cultivating the Arab language.
Mohammedans are said to invoke the intercession of the prophet and the worthies of the early days of Ulam.
We find the word Ulam in Islam today variously translated as Ulama (Ulema, Alim) to mean in Arabic as the “knowledgeable ones, the learned ones, and or scholar” who are held in their prospective countries as the guardians, transmitters, and interpreters of religious knowledge, Islamic doctrine, and law.
The Islamic State considers the Ulama are not restricted to be knowledgeable of the state’s religious affairs, but also other experts in their respective trades whether it be in fields such as politics, science, commerce, education and more.
In Islam, all knowledge is divine and God-given.
In the early 1800s, with the support of the Egyptian Ulama, Muhammad Ali came to power and at Sultan Mahmud H’s request, suppressed the Cretan revolt in 1822.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.