The cross of life or the logos was used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Jews. Their cross was modeled after the Egyptian Ankh or the Greek Tau. The letter Tau, Saint Bede had written was the sign of salvation and of the cross. The Tau is represented by an uppercase Τ and is the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet. The Greek alphabet is derived from the Phoenicians who had represented it with the Phoenician letter taw. The tau is considered a symbol of salvation due to the identification of the tau being the sign that which in Ezekiel 9:4 was marked on the forehead of the saved ones (וְהִתְוִיתָ תָּו עַל־מִצְחֹות הָאֲנָשִׁים “set a mark (tav; after the Phoenician cross-shape on the forehead of the men”).
St. Mark informs us, “With the form of a serpent, He kills the serpent, for the serpent made out of the rod swallowed up the other serpents.” Jesus was crucified on the Christian Cross of Warfare on Friday, April 3, AD 33. “The power of the serpent of Egypt was broken on the cross.” That quote about the symbol and power of the serpent being broken on the cross was from the 1st century A.D. Christian apologist Justin Martyr, also known as Saint Justin ( c. 100 – 165 AD). St. Augustine tells us, that the image of Christ and his Cross was the new ensign of Christian Warfare that the Romans had carried before them; being the Ensign or Profession of their Warfare.
Many Christians are unaware of the fact that the Christian Cross is a symbol of Christian warfare. The cross is a symbol and war standard, and should not be worshipped or adored like an idol. The 7th-8th century Doctor of the Church and Father of English History, Saint Bede had explained, “A Cross of Silver, and the Image of our Saviour in a Picture. They bore a Cross for their Banner, Pro Vexillo: hon pro Adoratione, not for Adoration.” A Latin phrase meaning, “As standards: no honors for Adoration.”
Before the advent of Christianity, the Gnostic religion and brotherhood of the serpent (wisdom and health) had ruled the world for thousands of years. The religion of the serpent had originally come from the East in Ancient Greece, Crete and Egypt. It then moved West with the mass migrations of these tribes of the serpent into places such as America and England. It was here at this time, where the priesthood of the Druids, Saxon, Angles, Picts and various pagan Celtic tribes were dying for control of this land. It wasn’t until approximately in the 7th century A.D., when the cross had made its way into ancient England.
It was a time of war, bloodshed and lawlessness. Loyalty and peace were simply non-existent.
In order to bring peace to the region, a group of powerful ex-Druids of Italy, Gaul, Ireland, Britain, Scotland and Iona who were also known as Culdee Monks had made the decision to become Christians by joining the Celtic Druid Church with the Roman to create what we know today as the Catholic Church. The meaning of the name Catholic is universal and these monks were some of the true Doctors and Fathers of the Catholic Religion.
In fact, one of the first symbols they had placed in the newly built Catholic monasteries of St. Peter and St. Paul in which was the main center of Anglo-Saxon learning, was an image of Jesus on a cross placed right next to an image of the serpent on the cross. This imagery was used to help people understand the significance of this event, since most people could not read at this time and all teaching was done through officially sanctioned symbology and/or appointed church interpreters. No longer would the religion of the serpent rule these lands that was based on individual Gnosis, ancestral blood lines or private family rites. Now the Catholic Church under the New Law known as the New Testament, through the religion of Christianity would become by Roman Law of the Caesars, the official world-wide religion of all Gentile and Jewish (Greek) people no matter where they had lived in the world.
The replacement of the serpent with Jesus is explained by Doctor of the Church and Father of English History, Saint Bede who said in his book “The Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth; “For the decoration also of St. Paul’s church and abbey he had procured another set, in which, upon an admirable system, was displayed the concordance between the Old and New Testaments. Of this, to give an instance: Isaac carrying the wood whereon he was ordered to be immolated, and Jesus bearing the cross, on which he died a sacrifice for our sins, are drawn in one piece, and exhibited as corresponding subjects; in a second are paired together, the Son of Man hanging on the cross, and the brazen serpent raised by Moses in the desert.”
In its place, the savior to the world, Jesus had taken the place of the serpent. An event that would signify the official start of their world-wide Brotherhood. A Brotherhood that was now not just based on Gnosis and blood, but also by merit in which the first Pontifex Maximus, Augustus Caesar with his advent of the 6th Age would be declared the defacto cornerstone to not only their church, but the official Grand Master of their secret societies as well.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.