“This is what the Sovereign LORD says: This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with countries all around her.” – Ezekiel 5:5
The Judeo-Christian religions call Jerusalem the center of the world. In Ezekiel 38:12, the Jewish people are simply referred to as the people who live at the “center of the world,” and in Hebrew reads, “the naval of the world.” Jerusalem was the capital of Judah and center of Israelite and Hebrew worship. It was the “metropolis” of the Greek Hellene nation, the house of the Ark of the Covenant amongst the globes royal houses and the place of the crucifixion of Christ.
The Samaritans in the Talmud are called Cutheans (Hebrew: כותים, Kutim). The Cutheans were from ‘Cuthah’ which was one of several cities from which people were brought to Samaria which was situated 30 miles north of Jerusalem and about six miles to the northwest of Shechem.
Both were part of David and Solomon’s United Kingdom of Israel in the tenth century, and both became capitals when it split into the southern kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom of Israel. Jerusalem became the capital of Judah, and Samaria, Israel. Today, the Samaritans refer to themselves as Bene Yisrael (“Children of Israel“). They claim to descend from the Biblical Israelite tribes of Ephraim, Menashe and Levi.
A colony of Cutheans (Samaritans) had settled in Crete, whose priests were the ancient Curetes, and in the bible, the Samaritan Levites. In other mythical tales, it is told that they came to Crete with their Phoenician Prince Cadmus. The island we know of as Crete today was called Keftiu in the Ancient Egyptian texts and also Kaftor, or Caphtor in the Old Testament.
The ancient Holy Island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea is halfway between Europe, Africa and Asia, it was considered in ancient times as being at the center of the world, and the original location of the first city of Jerusalem. According to an old Cretan tradition passed down to us by Kallimachos and Diodoros, it was the Omphalian plain, and not the oval- shaped rock at Delphi, that marked the center of the world, since the navel cord of Zeus feel in the River Triton in Crete.
For many thousands of years up until the last 100 or so, it was the major center of the world’s royalty, power, laws, life and commerce. Crete is the birthplace of the original secret Gnostic mysteries of the world were invented and also the well-known birthplace of all of Western Civilization. Many of the world’s ancient philosophers, and some of the world’s wisest men’s ancestors had come from Crete or were initiated there in the cave of Zeus (Jupiter) such as the great Pythagoras.
Here is an interesting map made by the German Heinrich Bunting that shows exactly what I’m stating here.
The ancient Cretans have been known as some of the world’s best sailors, warriors, inventors, philosophers and business people who the world has even known. Crete has been known by several names over the course of its 5,000 year history sometimes by historians our of confusion, and or to conceal its true location, and origins from the original inhabitants of this sacred island. Names such as Candia, Arcadia, Cappadocia, Atlantis, Minoa, Phoenicia, and the Land of Canaan to name a few.
Crete was also home to the first maritime culture of whom their cousins, the Greeks called them the Phoenicians, their Egyptian cousins use the name of the Sea People and they in their own book we know of today as the bible, they called themselves the Sidonians and the Cretans. This maritime force became later known as a Naval force in which by the laws of Jupiter and Poseidon, they conquered and ruled the globe from their island in the Mediterranean that we can call the “center or naval of the world.”
In a previous article on the Land of Canaan, I explained these names such as Canaan and Sidon were names of lands and or also the names of their ancestors of the lands they had come into possession of. In the Scripture, Canaan’s firstborn son was called Sidon which is the Phoenician/Cretan city of Sidon (Zidon or Kydonia) in present-day Crete. His second son, or lands was named Seth (Heth, Chittim Citium or Kittim) which would become Rome in Italy and may in fact also be originally a Phoenician/Cretan/Sidonian/Sethian colony.
This Seth I believe to be the Egyptian Pharaoh Seti or Suti who was the forefather of the 19th dynasty. He was the father of Pharaoh Ramesses I who reigned for a very short time (1318–1317) but gave his name to one of the most illustrious families in history, the Ramessides. He was followed by Seti I (1317–1301). Diodorus Siculus (who calls Seth by the name of Sesoösis) and Strabo, said he conquered the whole world, and was at the head of a large army that invaded Libya, Arabia, Asia, Europe, Thrace, and even Scythia and Ethiopia.
This is when the Egyptians and Hittites had become the mixed races of the Egypto-Hittites of Israel and they became what a Hittite scribe said, “one heart and soul.” They essentially had formed a new unified race of people identified with a New Dynasty and blood which is always the unwritten law when uniting kingdoms and people. These tribes had merged under the banner of ‘Jerusalem‘ as seen in Ezekiel (xvi. 3, 45) where it is written, “the mother of Jerusalem was a Hittite, and its father an Amorite (Egyptian).” Meaning, the tribes of the Amorites, AKA Egyptians and Hittites had merged under the new banner of Jerusalem.
According to the Biblical tradition, King David (Ramesses II) established the city as the capital of the united Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King Solomon (Ramesses III) commissioned the building of the First Temple. In Ezekiel 16:1, Jerusalem is said to be the daughter of a Hittite mother and an Amorite father, sister of Samaria and Sodom. A century later, Ezra is dismayed to learn on his arrival from Babylon, that the leaders who had remained on the land had been “polluted” by mixing with other people, including the Hittites.
This history can also be found in Genesis 10:14-15 – “and Pathrusim and Casluhim (from which came the Philistines) and Caphtorim. Canaan became the father of Sidon, his firstborn, and Heth and the Jebusite and the Amorite and the Girgashite…”
Canaan I believe to be representative of the name for Crete whose workers would be the Canaanites due to the fact it being the center of commercial trade, and their Naval power they used to travel, gather precious metals and goods, trade and conquer. As I stated above, the Egyptians had called Crete Caphtor, Kaftor or Caphtorim and it is also called Philistia and the Cretans known as the Philistines. Hence, the birthplace, or navel thus being the umbilical cord of life supplying the man-ufactured goods of creation from Crete, the center of the world to all of Western civilization. The meaning of the word Canaanite or Kenite is “smith,” which is a worker in metal.
I also believe this is the time they had moved into Crete in a big way with world-wide plans for global domination with the creation of the world’s first major hub distribution center of power ruled by the three forked metal pronged Trident over earth, heaven, and hell.
Crete was what they had called the omphalos, the navel or birth center of the classical Gnostic world that was well positioned as the center of Europe’s first powerful maritime civilization. In Greek lore, Zeus sent two eagles (phoenixes) across the world to meet at its center, the “navel” of the world. This was their holy centre called Omphalos, where it was said that the navel-string of the infant Zeus had fallen to the ground.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the most Holy sites in all of the Christian world. Roman emperor Constantine had established the Church in the year 333 A.D., after his mother, Queen Helena, marked the place of Golgotha during her visit in 326AD. Here is the Church of Constantine and Helen in Crete with the Double Headed Eagle.
The omphalos represents the stone which Rhea wrapped in swaddling clothes, pretending it was Zeus, in order to deceive Cronus. (Cronus was the father who swallowed his children so as to prevent them from usurping him as he had deposed his own father, Uranus). Omphalos is also the name of the stone given to Cronus. In the ancient world of the Mediterranean, it was a powerful religious symbol. Through the oracle of Apollo, it radiated knowledge, wisdom, and virtue to generations of Greek citizens.
The omphalos at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, represents, in Christian mediaeval tradition, the navel of the world (the spiritual and cosmological centre of the world). Jewish tradition held that God revealed himself to His people through the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple in Jerusalem, which rested on the Foundation stone marking the centre of the world. Omphalos Syndrome refers to the misguided belief that a place of geopolitical power and currency is the most important place in the world.
A people who were at the “spiritual center” of Ancient worldwide culture and politics and also with Syria, Asian Minor, Greece, Armenia, Rome, all of Europe, Russia, Turkey and the Americas. Today the U.S. has a joint Naval operation on Crete at Souda Bay. This location was once near the capital of the Phoenicians/Sidonians known as Sidon, Sidonia, Zidon, Zion or Kydonia. Thier ancient symbol is that of the Trident of Neptune/Poseidon.
The symbol of the 3 forked Trident had originated in ancient Greek mythology where it was first applied as the symbol of Neptune who is also known as Poseidon. Neptune (Poseidon) is known as the god of the sea who travels the world with his war chariot or seahorses, and he holds sovereign sway over the world armed with his three-forked trident. With his mighty trident, he had caused earthquakes and deluges and holds a 3-fold power over heaven, the earth, and hell.
In the Scripture, the Center of the World’s Naval power is at Sidon which is easily connected to what is now called Souda Bay by its older name of Saida, and these people are described is the same exact mannerisms and culture as that of the Phoenicians/Cretans/Sidonians. In the time of Homer, the Sidonians were eminent for their trade and commerce, their wealth and prosperity, their skill in navigation, astronomy, architecture, and for their manufactures of glass, etc. They had then a commodious harbor, now choked with sand and inaccessible to any but the smallest vessels.
In the Old Testament Sidon or Zidon, now called Saida, was the most celebrated city of all of Phoenicia, on the Mediterranean Sea, twenty miles north of Tyre and as many south of Beyroot. It is one of the most ancient cities in the world, Genesis 49:13, and is believed to have been founded by Zidon, the eldest son of Canaan, Genesis 10:15 49:13. In Genesis 10:19 it is the chief city of the Canaanites, and Joshua (Joshua 11:8) calls it Great Sidon. It is also well-known that in ancient Phoenicia (Crete), Sidon was the center of Phoenician commerce with the glass industry, and Tyre was said to be the hub of the purple-dye industry.
The independence of Sidon/Phoenicia was lost when the Egyptian Kings of the XVIIIth and XIXth Dynasties of Egypt added Palestine and Syria to their dominions (1580-1205 B.C.). Upon the division of Canaan among the tribes by Joshua, Great Zidon fell to the lot of Asher, Joshua 11:8 19:28; but that tribe never succeeded in obtaining possession, Jude 1:31 3:3:10:2. The kings of Sidon were allowed to remain on the throne as long as they paid tribute to the Egyptians.
When the power of Egypt declined under Amenhotep IV (1375-1358), the kings of Sidon became independent and the main power house by throwing off their yoke as it is said in the Tell el-Amarna Letters. The Book of Judges claims that Israel was oppressed by Sidon (10:12), but most likely what is meant by this is that Sidon became the main power center, as it is said in Ezekiel; “This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with countries all around her.”
Crete is also home the infamous Gnostic labyrinth of the soul in which to win the game of Gnosis, you must make your way through the winding paths filled with monsters and dead-end turns in order to get to the center by defeating the beast known as the Minotaur. A real life game signifying the pathway to the Gnostic center of the creation of our manmade world lead by the Sovereign Lord at Crete.
Eventually the 100 cities of the Holy Island of Crete with its umbilical of power at the center of the world would be crushed. Its citizens banished or killed who under Roman law were forbidden from returning as it is said in the “Judgment against Jerusalem; “Take again some of them and throw them into the fire and burn them in the fire; from it a fire will spread to all the house of Israel.
“Thus says the Lord GOD, ‘This is Jerusalem; I have set her at the center of the nations, with lands around her. ‘But she has rebelled against My ordinances more wickedly than the nations and against My statutes more than the lands which surround her; for they have rejected My ordinances and have not walked in My statutes.’…
The prophecy which tells us the Messiah will return to Jerusalem can be found in Zechariah 14. The passage says that when Jerusalem is about to fall to the Antichrist and his forces in the end times, the Messiah will return to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. It says that when His feet touch the Mount, a great earthquake will split the mountain in half. Jesus will speak a supernatural word, and the Antichrist and his forces will be instantly killed. And, in verse 9, it says that on that day Jesus will begin to reign over all the earth from Jerusalem.
It is said in the Scripture that on Mount Carmel that prophet Elijah discredited King Ahab’s belief in the power of the Phoenician god Baal. Elijah had the Israelites slay all the prophets of Baal, and the Phoenician deities, in order to assure and preserve the survival of the true Gnostic religion. Elijah was to leave the Cherith, he was sent to Phoenicia which we know of as the island of Crete today at what is the geographical centre of the island. There is a chapel dedicated to Prophet Elijah that sits atop a large rock known as the ‘omphalos’, or navel.

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.