The mysterious signals that Tesla received could be linked to what is now known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). Tesla was one of the first men to experiment with the necessary electronic receiving equipment. The very same equipment, albeit more sophisticated than Tesla had access to, is being used today to receive EVP.
Many people experimenting with Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) say they have received messages from “the other side” through radios, tape recorders, VCRs, televisions, telephones, and even computers.
These phenomena have manifest themselves since the appearance of the instruments themselves. EVP, for example, has been reported for well over 50 years or more: Strange voices being picked up with primitive radios during WWI and heard faintly on magnetic recording tape.
Tesla may have been the first to receive these electronic voices from another plane of reality. As with other modes of communications with alleged discarnate entities, care must be taken not to be swayed by the stories often told by beings from the other side. Tesla may have been duped, so-to-speak, by voices that only pretended to be creatures from other planets.
This is nothing new to those who are familiar with the tall tales told to them by spirits who claim to be ascended masters, Abraham Lincoln or Ashtar of the Interplanetary Space Command. Spirits love to tell lies to anyone who will listen.
Those such as Tesla and Marconi who experimented with radio early on were the first to report anomalous sounds and voices emanating from their radio receivers. These early reports were looked upon as mildly interesting curiosities and quickly forgotten.
Theosophist Alice Bailey in 1936, transcribed these words of her great teacher, the Tibetan Master DK: “Within the next few years the fact of the eternity of existence will have advanced from the realm of questioning into the realm of certainty. Through the use of the radio by those who have passed over, will communication be set up and reduced to a true science.”
It has been widely written that Edison and his assistant, Dr. Miller Hutchinson, were seriously at work building a machine to achieve spirit communication. Tesla wrote in his journals that Thomas Edison had heard from other engineers that Tesla had been receiving mysterious voices and sounds over radio frequencies that were not conducive for the broadcasting of the human voice.
Edison, who publicly mocked Tesla and his experiments, privately believed that Tesla had managed to find the correct frequency to enable communication with spirits of the dead. Edison was determined to discover Tesla’s secret, and be the first to get the “Spirit Phone” on the market.
In his diary, Dr. Miller Hutchinson wrote: “Edison and I are convinced that in the fields of psychic research will yet be discovered facts that will prove of greater significance to the thinking of the human race than all the inventions we have ever made in the field of electricity.”
Edison failed to live long enough to succeed with his ill-gotten idea to best Tesla. Tesla simply noted in his journal that Edison was trying to use his patents to talk with specters. Edison thought that Tesla could listen to spirits, Tesla considered that he was hearing people from other planets – the voices could have been the same, they may have just changed their stories to fit the belief system of the listener.
In 1967, Edison allegedly spoke through West German clairvoyant Sigrun Seuterman, in trance, about his earlier efforts to develop equipment for recording voices from the beyond. Edison also made suggestions as to how to modify TV sets and tune them to 740 megahertz to get paranormal effects. (Session recorded on tape by Paul Affolter, Liestal, Switzerland).
On September 15, 1952, two Catholic priests, Father Ernetti and Father Gemilli were collaborating on a musical research project; Ernetti as an internationally respected scientist, physicist, philosopher and music lover, and Gemilli as President of the Papal Academy.
The two men were trying to record a Gregorian chant, but a wire in their equipment kept breaking. Exasperated, Gemilli looked up and asked his dead father for help. To his amazement his fathers voice was heard saying: “Of course I shall help you. I’m always with you.” They repeated the experiment, and the voice, even clearer than before, said: “But Zucchini, it is clear, don’t you know it is I?.”
Gemilli was astonished. No one knew his childhood nickname but his father. The priest was suddenly afraid, for as a Catholic priest he had no right to speak with the dead. Troubled, the two men eventually sought an audience with Pope Pius XII in Rome.
Gemilli told the Pontiff of his experience, and to his surprise, was reassured. According to the 1990 translated text of his meeting, Pope Pius told Gemilli: “You really need not worry about this. The existence of this voice is strictly a scientific fact and has nothing whatsoever to do with spiritism. The recorder is totally objective. It receives and records sound waves from wherever they come. This experiment may perhaps become the cornerstone for a building for scientific studies which will strengthen people’s faith in a hereafter.”
Electronic Voice Phenomena was next researched by two men from California, the medium Attila von Szalay and paranormal researcher Raymond Bayless. In 1956, they recorded, quite by chance, a series of paranormal voices on magnetic tape, voices that should not logically have been there.
Though Bayless reported their experiments in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, like Tesla years before, not a single person contacted the society or the researchers to enquire about their work.
It was not until 1959 when Friedrich Juergenson, a film producer in Sweden, first made public his amazing voice recordings, did the world sit up and take notice of the Tesla voice phenomena.
Juergenson, while making a documentary, had decided to try and tape bird songs. When he played the tape back he was startled to hear, in among the tweeting and chirping, what sounded like his mother’s voice say in German: “Friedrich, you are being watched. Friedel, my little Friedel, can you hear me?”
Years later, Juergenson said that when he heard his mother’s voice he was convinced he had made “an important discovery.”
SOURCE: From the The Secret Life Of Nikola Tesla by Tim Swartz 2000 Spanish version from Scribd Website

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
About 13 years ago, the idea struck me that Edison’s rumored spirit phone would lend itself well to fiction. So, I wrote a novel set in 1899 in which the spirit phone has become a consumer device marketed by Edison’s company, with disastrous results. The protagonists are Aleister Crowley and Nikola Tesla. Edgar Cayce makes an appearance as well.
My Telsa like recording, using a small EMF BOX and a simple digital recorder