The ancient symbology of the serpent that can be witnessed for the last three thousand years all over the world in places such as Egypt, Crete, Greece and also the serpent in the Garden of Eden is really just a wise worm, and the little king of earth. This fact was somewhat of a surprise to me, and I know it will be to many of my readers. However, if you understand that the worm is one of the most ancient and strongest creatures on earth that is now being verified by science as fact, and that we humans are just descendants of the worm via the sperm, you will then start to comprehend these worm revelations that I have been revealing to you over the last couple of years. After all, this is the Apocalypse. (unveiling)
The current English and Germanic languages, and modern adaptations of the bible are much different from the ancient Hebrew, Greek and Latin versions. The words we speak and see today are different from those of yesteryear. In order to find the secrets of the past, we must search this ancient history and these older languages to find the truth hidden right before our very eyes. As in the case on the symbol of the serpent found all over the world, which I have found is really the symbolic exoteric representation of the worm.
This is why the father of the modern evolution theory, Charles Darwin who had studied worms for 39 years had concluded: “It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world as these lowly organised creatures.” The Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotle had said that the first men came out of the earth in the form of worms; and the Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher, Democritus spoke of a certain worm which take the human figure.
The symbolical worship of the serpent was widespread amongst the primitive nations of the earth. In almost all Germanic (Teutonic) languages found in the Northern countries, the meaning of the word worm signifies “serpent and/or dragon.” Meaning when they symbolize or write about a serpent or a dragon in mythology and history, they are really talking about a worm. Also in the word serpent, we find the connections to the word servant.
In Gnosticism, the serpent represents eternity of the soul, and “the Masters of Wisdom, and that all Initiates into the Sacred Mysteries, are called Nagas, or Serpents of Wisdom.” ( Helena Blavatsky) Alexander the Great, before he had become the son of Jupiter Ammon in the Siwa Oasis, was said to be the son of a serpent. Augustus Caesar’s mother Atia in legend had Augustus from a serpent, and Scipio Africanus was said that he believed he was the son of a snake.
In Egypt, Greece, Western, American and other Oriental countries, the serpent was normally associated as the symbol of royalty and monarchy. The Egyptian Pharaohs wore a headdress with a serpent in the form of a cobra, and it was embroidered on the robes of princes to signify their race and rule of alchemy in which the wound inflicted by serpent (worm) was incurable. This symbol of regal power was called the mekkah (from malak, “to reign”) by the Semitic nations, and we find the same meaning in modern-day Mecca which is the center of the Islamic world and the birthplace of both the Prophet Muhammad and the religion he founded.
In the tenth year of his mission, Mohammed told his uncle Abu Taleb, that God had revealed to him his displeasure against the covenant of the Koreish, and had sent a worm to destroy every part of the bond, except that which contained, “ In thy name, 0 God!”
The Greeks had called the serpent (worm) the basiliskos, and the Romans, regulus. Names which all signify “kingly or royal.” The basilisk of the Greeks is of a reddish colour, and its head is a crown. Isidore of Seville defined the basilisk as the king of snakes. The meaning of the name basilisk if from the Greek βασιλίσκος basilískos, “little king,” who is said to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death when someone looks into its eyes. Hence, the worm is truly the little king of earth.
The story of the little king worm with the deadly glance can be compared to myth of Medusa with her serpents, or should I say worms coming out of her head. Here is a modern rendition of Medusa who is the singer Rihanna with a tattoo of Isis below her chest.
The Devil and the Beast of Revelation is called “the serpent or viper” in the Scriptures, and “worm” was constantly used for “serpent” by many of the ancient Italian writers. In Inferno, Dante calls the Devil “the great worm.” “They shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth,” signifies rather ‘creeping things,’ or ‘ serpents.’ – Micah (vii. 17) In the bible under in Acts, xxviii. 4 and 6, you will find the word worm is used for serpent or viper, in the English Testament of the Geneva version. In the common version it is called ” beast,” and ” venomous beast.” In ver. 3, both translations call it a viper.
The seraph (plural seraphim), or “fiery serpent” is mentioned in Numbers 21. 6-8, Deuteronomy 8. 15, Isaiah 14. 29, and 30. 6. They are six-winged beings that fly around the Throne of God crying “holy, holy, holy.” The seraphs hold 5th rank of ten in the Jewish angelic hierarchy and the highest rank in the Christian angelic hierarchy of angels that govern this current world. In the Old Testament, the Prince of the Seraphim is named Beelzebub, and who holds office just below Lucifer who is King. In the New Testament and the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Archangel St Michael is placed over all the Angels as Prince of the Seraphim. But Christ is the head of all principalities and powers. (Col. ii. 10.)
The brazen serpent, or should we say worm which was “lifted up by Moses in the wilderness,” is symbolic of the burning or firey serpent (worm), and it became the symbol of our blessed Redeemer, who for our salvation was placed upon the cross, as the worm was elevated in Israel for the preservation of the people.
Hence, the old symbol of the cross with the serpent in reality, is the Redeemer, a worm hanging on a cross.
Later, the worm on the cross would be symbolized by Jesus on a cross who said; “But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by everyone, despised by the people.” – Psalm 22:6
“But I am a worm and no man. How much more is man rottenness, and the son of man a worm ? “First he said, ” Man is rottenness;” and afterwards, “The son of man a worm:” because a worm springs from rottenness, therefore “man is rottenness,” and “the son of man a worm.” – Job 25:6
King Solomon has used a mighty little worm to help him build Solomon’s Temple. In the Hebrew tradition and as it is written in the Torah, we find that ten things were created on the eve of the Sabbath,” and among which is the Shamir. The story relates how Solomon sent his general Benaiah armed with his signet ring of Solomon to the king of demons, Asmodeus, with orders to bring unto him Shamir (the worm).
This Shamir was the most excellent servant, or should we say serpent which we now know is a little worm who had helped Solomon with the stones of the Temple; “there was neither hammer nor axe, nor any tool of iron, heard in the house while it was in building.” (1 Kings vi, 7)
The Freemasons are well-known to honor King Solomon, and it is often said they are builders who are servants (or should I say serpents, meaning worms such as the Hebrew Shamir) that are helping build Solomon’s Temple. This makes perfect Masonic sense. Another clue is passed down to us by the 17th century Master Freemason and Rosicrucian, Thomas Vaughn who wrote under the pseudonym, Brother Eugenius Philalethes; In addressing the most honorable Fraternity of the Freemasons of Great Britain and Ireland, Vaughn wrote: “the mightiest and most haughty princes of the earth are but as worms, and that not so much as we are all sons of the same one Eternal Father.”
It is from the servants of the Temple where we obtain the wisdom of the serpent which we now know is really a “worm” who was used in the construction of the symbolic Temple of Man, AKA Solomon’s Temple. The Sons (worms) of God who had mated with the daughters of earth.
In the end it is said that the Lord will wash away the filth of the women of Zion; he will cleanse the bloodstains from Jerusalem by a spirit of judgment and a spirit of fire. – Isaiah 4:4

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
FASCINATING!!! Most all translations say “Made Ready” (2Kings 6:7) The ultimate pre fab building. I was curious about this Worm business as a horror fan The Strain show used worms, and now most recently ChapelWaite w/ Adrien Brody also heavily references worms. The Worm God? So The devil is a worm? or is the Devil a vampire? Symbolically sucking the life out of the faithful? Life is in the blood? Lev. 17:11?
Serpent = Electric charge
It’s all about technology and how the FLAT realm really works.
that damn worm got me blue, 33, 22, how about you?
Where do you guys think the term BOOKWORM came from ? along with its associations ? A worm being compared to a genius that is, and also we have a picture of that ol’ scholarly apple with a worm wiggling out of it on a teacher’s desk.
This is a common misunderstanding; you need to look up the earlier meaning of the English word “worm,” or “wyrm.” It meant dragon, or sometimes serpent.
Hi Freeman – In my opinion, dragon and serpent are exoteric meanings for the true esoteric meaning which is worm.
The “worm” that is spoken of in the Bible, is each of our our evil Doppelganger that we are attached to it the Pit, through a blue tooth type of frequency. These worms have been feeding off our spiritual energy our entire life and keeping us in sin. We have an angel and demon inside of us warring against each other. This is known as our duality. The human host body is a transmutation device, to convert God’s angels who rebelled against Him in heaven and were led astray by Lucifer to the earth to start this flesh system. If you die in your sin without getting spiritually converted with Christ’s spirit, your spirit become food or the Life force for that worm, which is the pupa stage for the demonic serpent scorpion Locust race, that will be birthed out of the pit in the end times (Revelation 9).
Ezekiel 13:20- Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly”. Thing of the pillows covering the Pupa in a wasp nest. This is no joke! The female body is a honey trap to keep us formicating and to keep us in sin.
That is what this system we call the flesh is all about. That is why Jesus had to come into the system in the first place. His spirit is what severs the connection to the worm, when we become born again and we become redeemable to return to Heaven where we came from. The Holy spirit restructures your DNA to a new divine source and you become a living stone (DNA crystal) as part of Jesus’ spiritual church. This is the mystery of Life. I provide visual and scriptural evidence of this in my Video titled the “Mystery of Life”. The mystery of the Human race has been revealed by the Lord God, because He told us in uke 8:17 that “Everything that is hidden in the dark will be made manifest” in the end times. I hope that anyone who reads the message will receive it and watch my video.
Sorry I still see serpents.
Here is another example of misunderstanding of metaphor and allegory.
First, you must understand that there are multiple levels of understanding in everything.
You actually stepped right over a valid understanding of “serpent” in the first few paragraphs, without picking it up and stroking it.
Secondly, lets address a clear lack of understanding that you have placed in this posting that will allow you to find understanding about the lack of understanding of what a “serpent” can be.
You make reference to the “beast of revelation”.
You need to understand that there are half a dozen different beasts in revelation, and not one of them is about the” mark of the beast”. The beast that you will receive the “mark of” is the three story tall computer that sits in Brussels Belgium, and is a component of the Rothschild’s world banking system, that absolutely every banking transaction on earth is processed through.
The “mark” is the RFID chip in your ATM card. Consider that you would “bear” the mark in your right hand, or if you had the number memorized, than it would be” in your forehead” in old world understanding. If you don’t have the mark(ATM card) you cannot merchandize, buy or sell.
That is just one beast. There are the “four eyed beasts” in Rev. Chapter two.
There is the” “seven headed beast the rises from the sea” in Rev 13:1-3
Who is like unto the beast. Who can make war with him? Rev13:2
“And the world did marvel and wondered after the beast” Rev 13:3.
The seven headed beast implies exceptional intelligence, in metaphorical terms. This “Beast” makes reference to an individual that is a Nephilim. Which makes him a beast. It is the exceptional intelligence that makes the world “marvel and wonder after him”
Then you have the three headed beast that is like the dragon, which is also discussed in Rev chapter 13.
Then there is the beast that has two horns like a ram, also referred to I Rev chapter13.
This is the “lamb of god” which actually is turned around due to the council at Nicea making the bible reversed is not the lamb of god but an illegitimate son of the creature of dark.
Clearly, the “beast” in revelation is now five separate individuals and a computer.
The serpent in many cases is making reference to the phallus.
You actually stepped right over it in the second or third paragraph, when you stated “we are all descendants of the worm, via the sperm.”
This is Rev.12:15
15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
That is a one eyed trouser serpent. That’s biblical porn.
The serpent in the garden is actually nothing more than the untruth of a twelve year old Eve trying to pass one off to get out of trouble.
But a good portion of the time, these worms and serpents actually are metaphor for the old john Thomas.
Think about what kind of serpent casts “water” out of his mouth. They are capable of “wriggling”
Are you seeing how you cannot take things in the bible in a literal sense always.
The bible is already backwards and screwed up enough, every time somebody mistranslates it, it becomes more unintelligable .
If it wasnt for the remaining valid prophecy, which will be fulfilled in the next few years, the bible wouldn’t be good for anything but kindling for your fire
Nah,’ he’s actually right – to a degree. What he missed, and what you missed by virtue of your disagreement with him, is that: our respective colons and intestine are giant, primordial worms; and
the Homo-Sapien intestines and colon are that Homo-Sapiens’ subconscious or “dream state,” which connects to a larger thread of consciousness which connects us ALL. Digest
“In DreamSpace last night red worms were multiplying all around on the floor. Had scooped up what was thought to be all of them & moved them outdoors & upon returning saw one part of a red worm wriggling around until suddenly it shape-shifted into the form of a human…still red yet tiny. It appeared to be saddened that it was alone…”
I understand this dream…Thanks!
Interesting article and in line with some of my demon worm theories. Worms rule the fracking wormld 😉
Great article Biblodiac! – Chris
Ordo Ab Chao = A Cobra Hood!
Snake Plissken: Escape from Earth! (he did punch in the world code of 666 and EMP’d the planet!)
Hey Moe, I’m new to your site and love your stuff! (MOE = OEM = Original Equipment Manufacture)
Serpent = Repent (anagram)
Snake = Kane’s (anagram)
Satan = Technology\Electricity and the Snake is an extension cord or a rod of electricity!
Ophipus is wrestling the snake, hence collapsing and expanding coils = generator! 😉
NOW, that was some good wisdom right there. I LIKE IT! Thanks for the kind words and adding some serpent wisdom to my article.
Hey Moe,
I’ve been doing a lot of research on hidden ancient technology as there had to have been civilizations way more advanced then us if the planet is 4.5 Billion years old.
What’s interesting is that electricity seemed to come into the collective consciousness around late 1700’s to earl 1800’s as you have, Hans Christian Orsted – Michael Faraday and Alessandro Volta rocking out with it during that time.
Now if we look to early Jewish mysticism and the Kabbalah, around that time, one starts to wonder why the Hasidic Jews start dressing up like Tesla Coils! 😉
OK that explains why Isaiah 41:14 calls Jacob a worm, for the seed of redemption was borne through Israel.
Great eye, mind and catch. You definitely have an eye for the worm and do not worm yourself out of controversial subjects.
Also curious in Italian Orme is the word for Worm, In modern Alchemy ,we have Ormus, monatomic orbitally rearranged Nobel Metals
Lots of connections here. More inspiration for a future article.
Just to add, monoatomic gold is deception. It won’t help anyone consuming it. (Source: Just like the worm/serpent – it won’t lead you to wisdom, but to a never-ending maze and perhaps ultimately to a blackhole – the Void.