“Why was you divested of all metals when you was made a Mason?”

Ans. “Because Masonry regards no man on account of his worldly wealth or honors; it is, therefore, the internal and not the external qualifications that recommend a man to Masonry.”

“A second reason?”

Ans. “There was neither the sound of an axe, hammer, or any other metal tool heard at the building of King Solomon’s temple.”

“How could so stupendous a fabric be erected without the sound of axe, hammer, or any other metal tool?”

Ans. “All the stones were hewed, squared and numbered in the quarries where they were raised, all the timbers felled and prepared in the forests of Lebanon, and carried down to Joppa on floats, and taken from thence up to Jerusalem, and set up with wooden mauls, prepared for that purpose; which, when completed, every part thereof fitted with that exact nicety, that it had more the resemblance of the hand workmanship of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, than that of human hands.”

“Why was you neither naked nor clothed?”

Ans. “As I was an object of distress at that time, it was to remind me, if ever I saw a friend, more especially a brother, in a like distressed situation, that I should contribute as liberally to his relief as his situation required, and my abilities would admit, without material injury to myself or family.”

“Why were you neither barefoot or shod?”

Ans. “It was an ancient Israelitish custom, adopted among Masons; and we read, in the book of Ruth, concerning

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their mode and manner of changing and redeeming, ‘and to confirm all things, a brother plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor, and that was testimony in Israel.’ This, then, therefore, we do in confirmation of a token and as a pledge of our fidelity; thereby signifying that we will renounce our own wills in all things, and become obedient to the laws of our ancient institutions.”

“Why were you hoodwinked?”

“That my heart might conceive before my eyes beheld the beauties of Masonry.”

“A second reason?”

Ans. “As I was in darkness at that time, it was to remind me that I should keep the whole world so respecting Masonry.”

“Why had you a Cable Tow about your neck?”

Ans. “In case I had not submitted to the manner and mode of my initiation, that I might have been led out of the lodge without seeing the form and beauties thereof.”

“Why did you give three distinct knocks at the door?”

Ans. “To alarm the lodge, and let the Worshipful Master, Wardens and brethren know that a poor blind candidate prayed admission.”

“What does those three distinct knocks allude to?”

Ans. “A certain passage in Scripture, wherein it says, ‘Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.'”

“How did you apply this to your then case in Masonry?”

Ans. “I asked the recommendations of a friend to become a Mason, I sought admission through his recommendations, and knocked, and the door of Masonry opened unto me.”

“Why was you caused to enter on the point of some sharp instrument pressing your naked left breast in the name of the Lord?”

Ans. “As this was a torture to my flesh, so might the recollection of it ever be to my heart and conscience, if ever I attempted to reveal the secrets of Masonry unlawfully.”

“Why was you conducted to the center of the lodge, and there caused to kneel for the benefit of a prayer?”

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Ans. “Before entering on this, or any other great and important undertaking, it is highly necessary to implore a blessing from Deity.”

“Why was you asked in whom you put your trust?”

Ans. “Agreeable to the laws of our ancient institution, no atheist could be made a Mason, it was therefore necessary that I should believe in Deity; otherwise no oath or obligation could bind me.”

“Why did the Worshipful Master take you by the right hand and bid you arise, follow your leader and fear no danger?”

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