This ancient symbol to the right is called the Staff or Rod of Asclepius (Esculapius). His symbol is one of the most famous symbols in the world to this very day, and is represented by the serpent (worm) entwined around a staff or rod. It is an ancient emblem of healing power that is still used today.
This god is said to be a real person, who over the course of many centuries became immortalized in the Greek pantheon of gods who were their ancestors as official god of wisdom, medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians. Asclepius was the son of Apollo who was one of the original inventors of the art of healing humans, and that started one the most influential healing cults of all time that had first originated in ancient Greece and Crete.
His followers were some of the first priests who were also formally trained as physicians in the medical arts; they were known under such names as the Koans (Kohen) of Kos, the Curetes, Telchines, Ophites, Gnostics, Ascpliades, Druids, Culdees, Levites and the original priests who had helped form the Catholic Church. They were some of the most prized intellectuals and medicine men of their day. Priests who were often the philosopher teachers to kings and queens around the world.
Many historians, authors and people mistakenly think that this represents the wise serpent, but it does not. The hidden esoteric meaning is that it is a worm entwined around a staff, and in the exoteric or the outer meaning to non-initiates, would be that it is a serpent. In this article I will explain why the Rod of Asclepius was used by this highly influential medical cult that last still to this very day, and why they chose the worm to be their main esoteric symbol, and the serpent or dragon as an exoteric symbol.
If this is implausible for you, what you need to understand is that before the serpent and dragon became popular in more modern mythology and folklore, the worm was often depicted by many ancient authors as monsters, demons and devils that many of the heroes in these stories do battle with. I had written about these facts in my previous article, “The Ancient Symbol of the Serpent is Really a Worm.”
In that article I detail how in almost all Germanic (Teutonic) languages found in the Northern countries, the meaning of the word worm signifies “serpent and/or dragon.” Meaning, when they symbolize or write about a serpent or a dragon in mythology and history, they are really talking about a worm. I also detail how in Dante’s Inferno, he calls the Devil “the great worm,” and how King Solomon has used a mighty little worm named Shamir to help him build Solomon’s Temple.
The symbol of the Rod of Asclepius was derived from the ancient treatment of most diseases and ailments that plague humans as told in the Exodus story. In the story, the seraph serpents are sent as punishment to the Israelites who Moses later cures them with the copper brazen serpent on a pole. These seraph serpents were in reality worms, and it was the ancient Latin writers and other transcriptionists who had changed the original text with worms, to a new meaning with serpents and dragons.
The common theory in regards to serpent and dragon symbology by many historians and researchers, is that these serpentine creatures were used to represent wisdom and all-wise beings. Today more New Age researchers would like you to believe that the serpent is the kundalini rising up the spine to the skull thus illuminating the human who then becomes enlightened.
This is nothing but New Age poppycock because the facts are there is no such thing as kundalini, and there is absolutely no science to back up these ridiculous explanations other than by the other New Agers who they all copy one another in their wild theories that many people seem to love because I guess they are more sexy than my worm truths. Most profane (uninitiated) people like myths and fantasy because they are sexy and cool. True stories and science about worms isn’t really sexy or cool. Hence, the serpent and dragon mythology invented for the profane for the exoteric, and the worms known to initiates and the esoteric.
It is well-known in science that serpents are not really wise creatures, and worms (parasites, bacteria, fungus etc) have been proven to be the most resilient, toughest and longest living creatures who have ever lived on earth. If you get out of your mind that serpents rule the earth and understand that nothing can really beat the worm, then you will start to be enlightened to your own worm reality.
These medical doctors determined thousands of years ago that many of the illnesses and diseases which humans suffer from was from the result of parasitic worms that we humans carry. Today this is verified by science who have identified eight different kinds of parasitic worms that infest all humans, and almost all viruses, funguses and diseases are essentially microscopic worms who cause illness.
Even the modern-day Ebola, when placed under a microscope, appears to be just a deadly worm who wreaks havoc on its human victims.
One of these worms is known as the ascarid nematode of the phylum Nematoda. It is the largest and most common parasitic worm in humans, responsible for the disease ascariasis. As you can see, the name Ascarid is similar to Asclepius with the letters Asc beginning many of these words that involve worms.
This modern-day virus or worm has struck fear in many people around the world. This Ebola worm reminds me of the worm that God had sent to punish and bite the Israelites in the story of the Exodus.
I guess all we need to do now is wait for a modern-day Moe-ses to bring his brazen worm on a Tau cross, or the Rod of Asclepius to save his people and lead them on an Exodus from their persecuting Western Pharaohs, back to their Eastern homelands to defeat that devil of a worm and fulfill prophecy.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
So far so good about mortals’ claims of immortality. It seems human beings were designed with an embedded termination-date (like those roses they produce nowadays that dry out in bud form, or the cars that start breaking soon after the expiration of the warranty. How clever of the Creator, and how much more our ancestors — and even old people in my native “developing country” — knew of this if we are to look into their ancient proverbs. This page confirms my suspicions…I got to this page after 3 days of research caused by a “revelation” I had when I watched an Italian artistic movie — it featured a close-up on a bunch of maggots: a symbol of the human decay of the environment in which the protagonist finds herself (“worms as big as human beings”…) at some point the picture is suggestive of as different imagery as palpitating bodies and of a live tormented brain Both disgusting and thought-provoking. When I researched more in-depth connotations of “worm” I found in shock that “80+% of human beings have parasitic worms”…. From which connecting the dots between the the Biblical / Greek serpent, the microb/virus, and the Shakespearean worm was easy to draw. An impossible to avoid generic infestation that – by credible research — affects our thinking as healthy beings as much as it decides our illnesses and finality. Myabe aging is caused also by learning the truth and growing depressed by it, again like a Shakespearean tragic hero. So, who might those “pure” 20%- be?
When I consider the plight of man, sometimes I wonder if we are all not zombified gods, fallen angels held captive by this parasitic existence. Those above may watch in horror at our plight, dying immortals being eaten alive from the inside
I consider your comment to be spot on. It is said in science that each parasite in turn has another parasite who feeds on them and another parasite on top of that parasite. This is just in the world we can see with our senses and modern medical equipment. I would imagine the chemical beings we cannot see because they are not incarnate matter or atoms must be the true king parasites.
Wow!! I much appreciate your work.
The Conqueror Worm
Lo! ’t is a gala night
Within the lonesome latter years!
An angel throng, bewinged, bedight
In veils, and drowned in tears,
Sit in a theatre, to see
A play of hopes and fears,
While the orchestra breathes fitfully
The music of the spheres.
Mimes, in the form of God on high,
Mutter and mumble low,
And hither and thither fly—
Mere puppets they, who come and go
At bidding of vast formless things
That shift the scenery to and fro,
Flapping from out their Condor wings
Invisible Wo!
That motley drama—oh, be sure
It shall not be forgot!
With its Phantom chased for evermore
By a crowd that seize it not,
Through a circle that ever returneth in
To the self-same spot,
And much of Madness, and more of Sin,
And Horror the soul of the plot.
But see, amid the mimic rout,
A crawling shape intrude!
A blood-red thing that writhes from out
The scenic solitude!
It writhes!—it writhes!—with mortal pangs
The mimes become its food,
And seraphs sob at vermin fangs
In human gore imbued.
Out—out are the lights—out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, “Man,”
And its hero, the Conqueror Worm
I never saw this poem. Thanks for enlightening me with this text. I truly appreciate it.