I’m watching this shit closely my fellow Gnostic Warriors. This is what I have dubbed Vaccinegate.
It is the very important vaccination debate playing out right before our very eyes on Capital Hill where our overlord lawmakers, and corporate media fact spinners are deciding our fates.
Rand Paul on Monday had said in an interview with CNBC, “I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.”
Then he says, “I’m not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. I think they’re a good thing, but I think the parents should have some input,” he added. “The state doesn’t own your children. Parents own the children and it is an issue of freedom.”
So he knows they have maimed children and caused profound mental disorders, yet he is not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. In fact, Paul has made it clear that he’s pro-vaccine.
Then he tells ABC News: “I did not say vaccines caused disorders, just that they were temporally related — I did not allege causation. I support vaccines, I receive them myself and I had all of my children vaccinated.”
The big picture in the media on Tuesday was the libertarian congressman and doctor, Rand Paul getting a big old fat needle poked into his arm for his hepatitis A booster shot. Paul was concerned over his libertarian comrades seeing the picture and criticising him that he stated, “Oh you’re not libertarian enough!” or “See you’re for big government now!” or “Wow so you think hippies who don’t want to vaccinate their children should still be allowed to be around my kids?!
The senior editor of the Daily Beast, Justin Miller then tweeted to Paul “F*** you.”
Miller then quickly deleted the tweet and issued the following statement to Politico: “I replied from my personal account to what I felt was spin after Senator Paul said factually incorrect things about vaccines. It would’ve been better to respond with facts than an obscenity, and I deleted the tweet so it wouldn’t reflect on the Beast. I’m sorry for the insult,” Miller said
Research Links:
Rand Paul Is Linked to Doctors’ Group That Supports Vaccination Challenges
Rand Paul: Vaccines Can Lead to ‘Mental Disorders’ – NBC …
Rand Paul Really Wants You to Know He’s Pro-Vaccine …

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
These inoculations are vicious on a child’s adrenal system. Allergies originate from the adrenals if you give this to your children beware of all of the sinus and allergies meds you will have to use on them. They lie and say that they are safe even thought they contain mercury, which is dangerous and the majority of babies that get them display the side effects of mercury poisoning which are lung issues and skin eruptions this is wrong then they prescribe eledel for they skin eruptions which will cause melanoma if used longer than a couple years it is about profit and keeping you medication dependent from 2 months old
So what is the claim being made? That vaccines never cause any injuries? There are potential side effects listed on the vaccine inserts of every vaccine. It’s not anti-science to be able to fucking READ. If it is considered to be anti-science to be able to read, then this country deserves exactly what is coming.