Pope Benedict IX (1032–44; 1045; 1047–48) served three terms and he was known as one hell of a Pope.

He was accused of almost every vile Satanic sin in the book including but not limited to bribery, simony, adultery, murder, rape, and pedophilia.

Benedict IX threw gay orgies in the Lateran Palace and engaged in bestiality.

He was eventually expelled from Rome in 1044, but not before he sold the Chair of Saint Peter to his godfather, Pope Gregory VI.

St Peter Damian called him a “demon from hell in the disguise of a priest”. He had written, “That wretch, from the beginning of his pontificate to the end of his life, feasted on immorality.” (Liber Gomorrhianus)

Pope Victor III wrote that he had a “life as a pope so vile, so foul, so execrable, that I shudder to think of it”.

Dante had proclaimed Benedict’s reign the low ebb of the history of the papacy.

Benedict was later excommunicated.

It was said that later he presented himself at the Abbey of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata, and asked for God’s forgiveness.

He spent the remainder of his days as a monk in that abbey, dying there in 1065.

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