Brad’s drink was originally created in 1893 by a pharamicist named Caleb Bradham who made it at his “drugstore” where the drink was first sold. The word pharmacy is derived from the Greek word pharmakia. A word meaning sorcerer.
The sorcerer Gradham intended to invent one of the modern era’s first energy drinks.
Pepsi had paid over a millions dollars to create a new special logo with secret occult meanings. PepsiCo employed the help of the eccentric designer, and whom some call crazy, Peter Arnell of the Arnell Group for the job.
The Pepsi logo contains circle with the top half is red, the bottom half is blue, and a wavy white line runs through the center. The red, white and blue colors have always represented the American flag. But there are more secrets in this logo then just shapes and colors of the flag.
The new special design represents magical secrets such as the earth’s magnetic field, feng shui, Pythagoras geodynamics, the theory of relativity, and the golden ratio.
According to Newsweek someone leaked a 27-page memo Arnell wrote for PepsiCo, the logo references to the Mona Lisa, the Parthenon, the golden ratio, the relativity of space and time, magnetic fields, “perimeter oscillations” of the Pepsi logo, the “gravitational pull” of a can of Pepsi on a supermarket shelf, the rate of expansion of the universe—that some thought it might be a hoax. It wasn’t. In the small and catty world of advertising and design, Arnell’s stumble has been cause for celebration. The schadenfreude on Madison Avenue hangs so thick you can practically taste it.
But guess what? While the new Tropicana box fizzled, Pepsi says Arnell’s new logo for its soda cans is working. “Our business momentum has really changed,” says Burwick, PepsiCo’s marketing boss. “Customers like the new design. Our bottlers like it. We’re happy with the work.”
The LA Times had written in 2009 that the new Pepsi logo will be front and center in PepsiCo’s three-year, $1.2-billion campaign that will overhaul all its beverage brands. Pepsi will overtop the cultural levee with this redesigned logo, plastering it on a zillion billboards, merchandise, point-of-sale signage and ad inventory for TV, radio, Web, mobile, pro sports and social media.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Hi Gnostic Warrior, I belong to Tamil diaspora. Thank you for bringing this topic and I see smart replies are coming in. However, the answers lies when you dig deep into the world of zionists and imply my logical findings to it. Then it is easy for you to decode. Let me reveal the truth of pepsico.
There are only two races on earth that zionists are feared and those are 1. Tamils and 2. Islamic people. Though the current tamil population had spread across the world it is this once place where the tamil race originated from that is ‘Eelam (Eezham)’ currently srilanka or Ceylon. This Eelam land was once a connected landscape along with 49 tamil island during the sangam literature period where we had an utopia of tamil race. This collective islands are grouped and called as ‘Kumari kandam’ aka ‘Lemuria’ which is a mistaken ‘Atlantis’. During this age we had the entire civilizations connected with the tamils in terms of Arts, Economy, Trade, Agriculture and more. It is the existence of this duality Good and Bad which exists all time. The zionists jews who is now loathing in money spending trillions in war also did the same during our sangam period. At the same time we had our land sunk in a deluge and left with only one land, Eelam. This eelam gave rise not only to an utopic nature but it is the place where the first man activated his pineal gland and attained transcended state who is noneother than our ancestor ‘Sivan’ or ‘Eesa’ Yes it is the place of lord eesa who is currently in a transcend state watching us over and answering our prayers. The reason why I had to drag to a history because not only now but also from the ancient time the covet jewish tyranny always wanted to eliminate us so to rule over the entire world. Hence the plan was to kill the descendants of eesa, or eelam.
Now, coming back to logo. The logo is a nothing but a slant letter ‘e’ sign if you see! also it has a hidden number ‘6’ and ‘9’ which I will further explain.
It is a sign to ‘eliminate’ the ‘existing’ people of tamil ‘eelam’ who are the descents of ‘eesa’ or lord ‘siva’ who designed the early tamil language!.
if you really want to know more about the jews and zionist plans please check our research community on youtube channel -> #Tamilchinthanaiyalarperavai
Thank you!
Peace Lover
Logo looks like the patch i wore in the army in Korea in late 1960
Pepsi logo represents PAC-MAN who will eventually kill you if you drink it.
“Pepsi admits its soda contains cancer-causing ingredients” – Natural News
I’d also like to add that the symbol looks very similar to the earth, it’s Northern (red) and Southern (blue) hemisphere. The white line perfectly reflects the Tropic of Capricorn (the southern Arch).
I Love ALL your articles, by the way, Moe : )
From a fellow lover of Wisdom, NNDNN
I have heard the logo is supposed to me as n next generation. So when you turn the whole thing upside down it reads, the next generation is dead (Pepsi upside down and backwards reads isded ded old spelling for dead)
Would you have info if country singer Raymond Nobel price was a mason? Had 2 people tell me that he was. Would probable blue lodge would be in texas. Thank you
the logo represents the “Amazing” smiley face
hi im a graphic Designer in Iran
i think white space in Pepsi
is Map of Israel(plastin) not anything if you looking that’s map you understand it. be searching more .good by
hi there I would love to communicate more on this and related subjects friend from bonnie Scotland..on lock stay in or police army, just recalled from iraqu!! mmmm coincidence?? not..i don believe the establishments we the people are more than them they have us in fear to divide n conquer, I get a feeling u know this already, we live as neighbours and some no all saian or refugee etc are more friendly and nice with morals …than so called natives/the average scot persons not aware but I hope they are catching up friend…love and peace dona
I am excited to learn more about that organization.Please Kindly email some information about it.
Just found this website….can not wait to peruse it. Thank you !