“Our genealogy is that Tree and cosmic center that keeps us connected and balanced, and upon which we can ascend and descendg in a way that keeps deep time, the transcendent, and our family of flesh alive within us.” – Iona Miller

300 dpi Rick Nease color illustration of tree whose trunk looks like a DNA strand; can be used with stories about DNA. The Detroit Free Press 2009 07000000; HTH; krthealth health; krtnational national; krtworld world; MED; krt; mctillustration; 07014004; genetics gene; HEA; medical specialization specialty; de contributed; dna; family tree; nease; 2009; krt2009

300 dpi Rick Nease color illustration of tree whose trunk looks like a DNA strand; can be used with stories about DNA. The Detroit Free Press 2009
07000000; HTH; krthealth health; krtnational national; krtworld world; MED; krt; mctillustration; 07014004; genetics gene; HEA; medical specialization specialty; de contributed; dna; family tree; nease; 2009; krt2009

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