This real news story about a group who claimed to be a Masonic and Knights Templar police force in Los Angeles, California appears to be taken from a bad script of a never produced Monty Python movie. A rogue police force who had said they have existed for more than 3,000 years and have jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
But this is no movie folks, and these D Hollywood actors got arrested for their bad acting skills, and evil Masonic plot to take over the world.
Last week, Brandon Kiel, David Henry and Tonette Hayes (pictured below) were arrested last week on suspicion of impersonating a police officer through their involvement in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department.
From left, Brandon Kiel, Tonette Hayes and David Henry.
(L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept.)One of the defendants, Brandon Kiel happens to be an aide to California Attorney General Kamala Harris. He is the deputy director of community affairs at California’s Justice Department. Keil’s fake title was chief deputy director with the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. There official fake website can be seen here at this link.
According to the suspects’ website:
“We are born into this Organization our bloodlines go deeper then an application. This is more then a job it is an obligation.”
“The Masonic Fraternal Police Department (M.F.P.D.) provides services to Masonic Sovereign Grand Masters and their Masonic Jurisdictions, as well as other Fraternities, Sororities and Greek Organizations. Masonic Fraternal Police Department will be located in 33 other states, including Mexico City. We support all law enforcement agencies. Our mission is to preserve the integrity, honor and legacy of our Founding Fathers, Masonic Organizations, all Grand Masters and their Constitution /By Laws. We will uphold our sworn obligation to protect Sovereign Grand Masters and their jurisdictions. God Bless the United States of America!!!!!”
Further: “We are not ‘Sovereign Citizens’ nor do we condone terrorist activity, sovereign citizens or clandestine!”
The rogue cops’ official oath: “I Am Fraternally Obligated. I Most Solemnly & Sincerely Promise & Swear to Protect & Serve & Uphold The Constitution & By-Laws of That Grandmaster & That Sovereign Jurisdiction So Help Me God Amen, Amen, Amen Fraternally Faithful, Absolute Supreme Sovereign Grandmaster Henry 32° 33° X°.”
“The Masonic Fraternal Organization is the oldest and most respected organization in the ‘World,’” the MFPD’s website asserts. Further, the force says it’s descended from the “first Police Department,” founded by the “‘Knights Templar’s’ back in 1100 B.C.”
The Knights Templar was formed by Christian fighters after the First Crusade. The religious military order became deeply involved in banking, but was dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1312 A.D. However, some conspiracy theorists believe the Knights Templar persisted as a secret society long after it formally disbanded.
How does the MFPD differ from other, officially recognized, law enforcement agencies? The MFPD explains: “The answer is simple for us. We were here first! We are born into this Organization our bloodlines go deeper then an application. This is more then a job it is an obligation.”

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.