When Carl Sagan had famously said that “we’re made of star stuff,” he wasn’t joking because the facts are that the cosmos are hidden within all of us humans. We are the SO BELOW here on earth in which the cosmos and heavens are the AS ABOVE.
Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite said; “Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! ”
And one of Freemasonry’s greatest philosophers that has ever lived, 33rd Degree Freemason and master Rosicrucian Manly P. Hall said this about Lucifer in his book, All Seeing Eye; “Lucifer represents the individual intellect and will which rebels against the domination of Nature and attempts to maintain itself contrary to natural impulse. Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world.”
Many people mistakenly think that Lucifer is Satan and vice versa, but the facts are that is simply not true. This misinformation, conspiracies and lies have been propagated to the people through many books and movies to the point today in this year 2013, that most people equate Lucifer with Satan or evil. Hopefully you have an open mind and will get past this propaganda like I did myself, in order for you to discover the truth. I AM sure this is the case or else most likely you wouldn’t be reading this website.
If you are asking the question, “Who is Lucifer?,” the answer that you will find often depends on who you ask or where you perform your search. But the facts are that if you were to research the true meaning of Lucifer that is somewhat hidden in secret societies such as Freemasonry, you would find that some of the world’s most prolific 33rd Degree Freemasons have already established the meaning of Lucifer, that they have written about in their books on the occult.
The word “occult” simply means hidden, which is the whole point of the misinformation that you will find on the true meaning of Lucifer. In addition, if you know where to look, the true definition of Lucifer along with corresponding information is now common knowledge on Wikipedia. However, due to countless publications of misinformation via articles, books and videos all over Youtube; the truth is still buried beneath a pile of ignorance.
Therefor, for us smart researchers, we have come to understand this simple fact: That in order to find the light, we have to uncover the truth which is buried at the bottom of these lies and hundreds of years of church, government and ignorant human propaganda. The real story of Lucifer is no different. We have to perform some fact checking of our own like you are doing right now, so that we all can get to the bottom of this disinformation in order to get to the light of the truth.
This article will do just that for you, by helping clear the lies in order for you to see the light of Lucifer for what he truly represents.
In the occult, Lucifer is often referred to as the ‘morning star.’ In the Bible, you will find this same exact reference to Jesus as well who says in Revelation 22:16 – “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
You see, just as Lucifer is known as the morning star, Jesus also calls himself ‘the bright morning star’ and as I stated above, Manly P. Hall had said, “Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world.” Hence, rest assured that Jesus and Lucifer are one and the same which will become clearly evident to those with an eye to see the true light amongst the darkness in which we live.
The reason that both Lucifer and Jesus can be considered one and the same is because of an often little understood chemical compound that is hidden within each of our own DNA called ‘Phosphorus.’ Phosphorus is essential for life and the phosphate is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes.
Simply put, without phosphorus, we humans would simply not be human because consciousness and our spiritual energy would not exist. It is through our DNA which contains phosphorus, that we become conscious to the world and who we are in order to live in the light. Hence, Lucifer is really just an allegory to describe ‘Phosphorus’ which resides in our DNA.
The literal meaning of phosphorus (Phosp-Horus = Lucifer) is “Light-Bringer.”
Here is the definition that you will find on Wikipedia; Phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros), a name meaning “Light-Bringer”, is the Morning Star, the planet Venus in its morning appearance. Another Greek name for the Morning Star is Ἑωσφόρος (Heōsphoros), which means “Dawn-Bringer”.
The Latin word corresponding to Greek Phosphorus is “Lucifer”. It is used in its astronomical sense both in prose and poetry. The Latin word lucifer, corresponding to, was used as a name for the morning star and thus appeared in the Vulgate translation of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל (helel) – meaning Venus as the brilliant, bright or shining one – in Isaiah 14:12, where the Septuagint Greek version uses, not Φωσφόρος, but Ἑωσφόρος.
Venus is the brightest morning “star” and is currently the focal point of the eastern dawn sky. This would be the reason why you will find that all Freemason Lodges face the north and south, but when you walk into the lodge room, you’re symbolically facing the East and all masonic rituals are performed while facing the East in preparation of the son of the morning via the dawn of a new day under the light of the morning star.
Manly P. Hall writes in his book, Initiates of the Flame: “It is said that in ancient times the Sphinx was the gateway of the Pyramid, and that there was an underground passage which led from the Sphinx to Cheops (Great Pyramid)” (Initiates of the Flame, p. 68).
The Sphinx symbolizes man. The Sphinx again symbolizes man, with the mind and spirit of the human rising out of the animal desires and emotions. It is the riddle of the ages, and man is once more the answer. The four fixed signs of which the Sphinx is a symbol are Taurus the Bull, Leo the Lion, Scorpio the Eagle, and Aquarius the Man, or the human head.
So, how can Lucifer be the the prince of darkness, when it has been established that Lucifer is really phosphorus, which a derived from a Greek name meaning “Light-Bringer?”
The facts are that is he is not the prince of darkness or Satan because Lucifer is really phosphorus that resides in our DNA. Once you understand this reality that is science based, you will then have one of the secret keys to the mysteries of the universe.
The light within each one of us humans is where we find Lucifer or Jesus, AKA the morning star. Hence, KNOW THYSELF and KNOW GOD. In ancient Egypt is was said; “The body is the house of God,” and one of the many proverbs is “Man, know thyself … and thou shalt know the gods,” and what Manly P. Hall called Aquarius the Man, or the human head represented by the Egyptian Sphinx.
When we KNOW THYSELF, we carry the water of Aquarius the Man and thus become Lion Kings of our own domain which the Egyptians had represented with the figure of a sphinx (Greek: Σφίγξ /sphinx, Bœotian: Φίξ /Phix) which is a mythical creature with, as a minimum, the body of a lion and the head of a human.
Unfortunately, with the advent of certain religions such as Christianity and Islam along with other government controls on the people, these ancient gnostic teachings were corrupted, modified or simply hidden from the multitudes of people because they are or were at one time very dangerous to the church and or government.
These authoritarian institutions operate primarily on the basis of having a master that is outside of you dictating your life, souls and spirit at every step, and they would rather “tell you who you are, where you come from and where you will be going,” rather than us humans being unique individuals who “know thyself … and thou shalt know the gods.”
The facts are that a person who KNOWS THYSELF and KNOWS GOD, is very hard to control by the powers that be because they loose their grip on this persons soul once they figure out “the game” which from day one has been an attempt to trick or steal us all out of our true beings, souls and spirits. Hence, the reason why there are all these lies and propaganda surrounding the name Lucifer.
Lucifer represents the angel of light with individual intellect who ‘rebels’ against the outside ‘dark authority’. This is why he is called the ‘fallen angel.’ The dark and outside authority can be attributed to our flesh and fleshly desires coupled with the outside material world that attempts to take us away from the true light within each one of us.
This darkness tries to fool us into looking without when we should have always been looking within the whole time. Hence, this is the whole illusion of the matrix in which Satan, the true prince of darkness that represents the flesh and free will is looking to control you, so you do not look within yourself for the “prince of light” or “the morning star.”
The reference to the Venus is the AS ABOVE of which Lucifer, AKA Phosphorus is the AS BELOW.
The facts are that we are made of stardust” or star debris and are therefore “one with the universe.” This is where we get the AS ABOVE, in the SO BELOW and the AS WITHIN , of the AS WITHOUT. It is that star dust hidden inside you in the form of Phosphorus, which I have already stated is essential for life. The phosphate is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. This is the ‘spark’ in our DNA that makes us human. Lucifer is in all of us in the form of Phosphorus.
This may be where our souls access our divine consciousness and thus we become divine like Saint John or a Christ like Jesus. Or is this what the church calls evil in Lucifer because a conscious soul and spirit is a dangerous one and maybe that is why Jesus was crucified?
It is an allegory of the light that resides in us and the fall is simply the fall away from this light. With the advent of most religions, this caused the fall of mankind. A fall away from the light within us that was then exchanged or forced by a false light that that was to be found outside of ourselves within a book or church.
Hence, the fall of Lucifer is the fall that each one of us takes when we look outside for answers as opposed to looking within for the true light, that which will guide us to the promise land or own own personal heavens.
As I stated above, Lucifer and the Morning Star are references to Phosphorus which is essential for life. Without phosphorus, consciousness, energy and the creation of this article would simply not be happening. When we turn away from this light within, we too fall away from grace. Hence, we fall for lies and truth in which we then become one of Satan’s tools that is represented by the planet Saturn. However, that will be a new article in itself.
Whether you choose to believe what I AM stating here and by confirming what I have written and quoted above, is entirely up to you because this is your path where you have to decide truth from fiction or light from dark on your own. However, if you have not done your own research and you have already reached an ignorant conclusion based on heresay or lies, then you are what Mr. Pike calls intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls, in which you are one of the billions of Satan’s weak human tools. A soul who chooses darkness rather than light and an unawakened human who worships lies over truth, where ignorance rules your actions over that of true wisdom.
Hence, another brick in the wall…….
Albert Pike’s full quote of Lucifer in his famous book, Morals and Dogma on page 321;
“The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. Lucifer. The Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! For traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed Plato and Philo also, were also inspired.”

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
“Lucifer represents the individual intellect and will which rebels against the domination of Nature and attempts to maintain itself contrary to natural impulse. Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world.”
In the future wil every step mankind take be represended in heaven. The rulers of this world wil get power from their god Lucifer and put all the individual intellect in big data. Every person and its intellect wil go to the cloud where Lucifer is the god… just God who is in heaven.
Wow! When you said phosphate and phosphorus I immediately thought about how products are proudly labeled “phosphate free”. Is this a good thing? Are they keeping the good things out and adding junk? (I know the answer) but are there different types of phosphorus? Going to search now. Your thoughts?
Phosphates are required for the biosynthesis of genetic material as well as ATP, essential for life. Medical literature claims phosphorus deficiencies are rare but I believe they are more common than what is being reported.
Heylel ben shactar means heylel son of shactar, shactar is venus . The egyptian horus is Tammuz the phonecian name for Tammuz is Adoni . Tammuz is the son and lover of venus innana. The greeks equated horus with apollo. Apollo is lucifer his twin is Artemis Dianna. She was worshipped in the east as alat or Ballat . Apollo Abbadon is destroyer , he represent healing and plague . Apollo is also mithra and krishna. In the kabbalah apollo represents tipareth and the archangel micheal. In the bible Abbadon unleashes the plague of locust things to torment the wicked lol . Put it this way horus is the risen Osiris who is the hindu murugan kartekayas, dyonisis. ( mars) Horus becomes luner then solar lunar . So whats good about lucifer !
You really said a whole lot about nothing which makes me confused.
I was on a truth, awakening, consciousness path for 10 years. If it weren’t for God opening my eyes and saving me from possession and legion of demons (thousandsss!) in And around me just recently (from all the DNA light activations and bull crap I was doing to ascend and awaken my light body) I would still buy this crap of “hidden” wisdom. I say this nicely, its all crap and worthless knowledge. There is 1 true God and 1 way out of this matrix, thru Yeshua the Messiah. I was saved in the name of Yeshua and there is no other name that has power or authority of demons. This wisdom is the same old baphoment luciferian lie and twisting of truth (because its all serpent and belly of the earth garbage). Ive had 30 foot serpents coming in and out of my body and seen hell and satan. Demons are real. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is here only thru Jesus Christ of Nazareth are we able to get to our Father. We cant have oneness when Satan is ruler of world. I didnt want to believe it myself and was a stubborn love, light, spiritual seeker. Its all a lie. I was deceived. We need to understand the beginning to understand the end and the you need the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh) to understand and read the bible. The Holy Spirit will open up your spiritual eyes to Yahuah’s truth. I was spiritually blind led by false light. You only truly know the dark when you come into God’s Kingdom. I unknowingly served Satan. He and his locust army are real. I dont know what else to say except Repent and ask Yeshua to show you who he is. Just ask and decide then bc there is a war for our souls. I promise you. I was just like you and everyone else here.
PS: there is much truth in what is shared on your site but its slightly twisted bc Satan is a counterfeit. I spoke in His demonic tongues believing it was Holy Spirit and as above so below nonsense. Most would not willingly worship Satan so he steals, twists and deceives to get us to serve him unknowingly, Too much too say but ask Yahuah in name of Yeshua for him to show you.
You can only see and know the dark when you are accepted into God’s Kingdom. All the best, truly, bc I care for everyone’s soul. I dont selfishly live my will but the will of Yahuah Elohim. I never ever believed in sin nor repentance. Ive been humbled.
Vital information to humanity. This staff is not for kids. I have been waisting my time looking for unseen God in the sky and yet God is just within me, Lucifer (Jesus) is within me.
Lucifer is the god of this world. He is the serpent (reptilian) god known by just about every culture: vodun, the inventer of magic (voodoo), wotan, quetzalcoatl, shiva, enki, king palas, apollo, horus, jahbulon, lugus, poseidon, fuxi, etcetera. Even though Atlantis was destroyed in the flood, the fallen angels survived, either by seeking refuge in the underworld (agarta) or by seeking refuge on the stars. But the Atlantean religion was not destroyed in the flood and was reintroduced into the post flood world by the so-called ‘shining ones’.
Hi. I’m not looking for a debate but am just learning like everyone else. But having said that, I’m full-on Christian. I understand everything the Bible says about the last days in which all Scripture can agree and have written a book showing how all the preachers are lying. This is my understanding about Lucifer. He represents the god of Venus. Apollo represents the god of the sun. So if what you say is true, ie. Jesus also being Lucifer, why would Lucifer himself in Rev tell us not to worship Apollyon and refer to him as “the beast”? Wouldn’t that be counter to his own goals?
Leslie, if you let me, I will recommend you read Mauro Biglino’s work and also watch many of his Youtube videos. He is a former translator of 17 books of the old testament for the Vatican. He explains what the family Bible is in reality… A complete fraud, intentional mistranslated, a lot of fantasy and stories stolen from older books. The Atrahasis, the Enuma Elish and the epic of Gilgamesh. The point is… you can’t take what is written as proof of anything, neither try to use it to get to any accurate conclusion of anything because its only purpose apparently was to mislead, confuse and cover the real knowledge from humanity.
I just think the meaning of Phosphorus (Phos – Light | Horus – The Above) would be better said: “Light Of Horus”, or “Light From The Above”
Lucifer is the devil. The same one who was thrown down to earth with the other rebellious angels. Hence: how art thou fallen from heaven, oh lucifer (or horus, wotan, quetzalcoatl, shiva, jahbulon, e.t.c). If there was no devil, there would be no atlantis myth (Ezekiel’s Tyre), from where the so-called “aryans” and their global “all seeing eye” religion originated. And the dragon (reptilian) said to the woman: for if you eat of the fruit, your “eye” will be opened and you will become (equal) like a god, knowing (gnosis) good and evil.
The WORD Lucifer is a MISTRANSLATION by St. Jerome in 382 AD ! PERIOD !!!!!! In Hebrew the word is Heylel/Halal…Hey (Yod) Lamed Lamed. Isaiah 14 is about a MAN….READ IT. The ONLY Lucifer was St. Lucifer of Cagliari who died 10 years before St Jerome PURPOSELY Mistranslated Isaiah 14:12. Doesn’t ANYONE ACTUALLY read the Bible? KILL LIST from King James Bible. YHVH 2,476,633 NOT including the Flood or Sodom and Gomorrah…..SATAN? only 10. There is NO Devil………
The Hebrew word Hêlêl or Heylel is found just once in the Hebrew Bible. It means to shine or shining one, to flash. The Septuagint renders הֵילֵל in Greek as Ἑωσφόρος (heōsphoros), “bringer of dawn” and Lucifer is Latin for the Greek phosphorus.
The Church had labeled Simon Magus as Satan.
How art thou fallen from heaven, oh Lucifer, the deciever, together with his fellow reptilians. He is the one who will take his followers to the lake of fire. Jesus Christ is God and saviour to all who accept Him.
Therefore, are you saying that Lucifer is Jesus? Most of all this piece of information are craps and they are produced to confuse, brainwash and deviate us from the only true God, Jesus Christ, the one who died on the cross of calvary in order to set us free from the grip of Satan, prince of peace, the only begotten son of God, the bright and morning star, the only way, the truth and life. Nobody cometh to the father except through him. Any book contradicting what is stated in the bible, the word of God is satanic. Satan is evil and what most occult worship is satan the ark enemy of the true living God, the creator of the universe.
One true God is Christ which Jesus became Christ and Lucifer was Christ both children of God. I even believe Lucifer was feminine the balance between masculine and feminine as the two were One. Lucifer was the child of God don’t you think that he/she has healed from any wrong doings and returned home by now. If there even was wrong doing, which there could have been, doesn’t matter.
What you believe and what is true are obviously 2 different realities. I recommend you embrace the latter reality which I have given you the keys to here.
In other words believing and knowing are two different things. You believe something that you have not seen, but you know about something because you have seen it.
Hey Moe, Hey Moe…., Wella….
Samael/Yaldaboath/Salkas are one God ultimately created by Sophia. That God brought Lucifer, an angel, into being.
The Great One, Him who is, or the Pre-existant One (the same name) would be belittled by the name God.
The Great Sphinx has the head of Aquarius and body of Leo,two halves of the Great Year,Anno Magnus,encoded in the measures…Just as the 3 synoptic Gospels tells us of Man in the West…But the Sphinx head is neither male nor female,but both in One,as Monad! The Creator,Potter,since one of the three symbols is JAR-POT-CUP-BOWL,on Codex Menfoza,Bowl with 9 stars on the ooutside and with 11 stars inside,9/11…Potter is described in Jeremiah,chapters 18 and 19…30 silver shekels for betrayal of Christ( the Son&Sun) ended on Potters Field( usually,cemetery) to be remold in red clay to new age,Aquarian Age,the head of zodiac in the new Great Year,Anno Magnus…Potter,in Hebre as y.s.r.,YoSeR and DJoSeR, whose 5 stepped pyramid was 1st,not only for 5 ages of sun in Great Year,but also symbolising Pentateuch,5 books of Moses, starting new age…Rebirth-Ressurrection,conquest of lands and settling in…
Who is Lucifer?
I was taught in the SDA religion that Lucifer was Satan’s name before he fell from heaven. Felt stupid even when I was 11 years old.
I now understand that the Bible is astrology and physiology, as above so below. “JESUS” was originally IESOUS, the Greek name for the sUn in the sky. Each of the 12 “disciples” are actually symbolic/allegories of the 12 constellations. Those aren’t “halos” around the head of “Jesus” and the disciples, those lit heads are hints to the true identities and the actual truth that they are literally the sUn and the primary stars of the 12 primary constellations.
Every culture and time period gave their own names to the heavenly bodies. The ancients were well aware that everything in our 3D reality is frequency and vibration.
“ if you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
-Nikola Tesla
This sUn emits codes through frequencies and scientists have recorded the sounds coming from the sun. The stars and planets are emiting their own frequencies and all frequencies affect us here as we are affecting everything out there.
In the book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible, there are several references to astrology…Mazzaroth, which is the Hebrew word for the 12 primary constellations/clock in the sky, and Zodiac is the Greek word. In the book of Job you read about the sweet influences of the Pleiades and about the mother bear and her cub/Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
TPTB KNOW and use this knowledge/science to their own benefit and to our detriment. Becoming educated in astrology and it’s effects on our physiology will finally break the chains that have held us in these man-made prisons for millennia.
Ultimately, what we can not live without is the SUN. The eternal SUN gives life, it triggers cell regeneration and can extend life, it heals and restores.
I am a sungazer as was Akhenaton in Egypt before the bloodline, that still rules today, killed him. Because of sungazing, I no longer have the eyeglass restriction on my drivers license. I began my son gazing practice for years ago. Two years ago, I had to go in person for my 20 year drivers license renewal. I passed the eye exam for the first time in my 43 years of driving. I had given up the practice but after passing that eye exam I have been back at it the past couple of months. I am hoping to get to the level of not needing to eat food anymore. No more hunger…isn’t that what “Jesus” promised?
I was taught in the SDA religion that Lucifer was Satan’s name before he fell from heaven. Felt stupid even when I was 11 years old.
I now understand that the Bible is astrology and physiology, as above so below. “JESUS” was originally IESOUS, the Greek name for the sUn in the sky. Each of the 12 “disciples” are actually symbolic/allegories of the 12 constellations. Those aren’t “halos” around the head of “Jesus” and the disciples, those lit heads are hints to the true identities and the actual truth that they are literally the sUn and the primary stars of the 12 primary constellations.
Every culture and time period gave their own names to the heavenly bodies. The ancients were well aware that everything in our 3D reality is frequency and vibration.
“ if you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
-Nikola Tesla
This sUn emits codes through frequencies and scientists have recorded the sounds coming from the sun. The stars and planets are emiting their own frequencies and all frequencies affect us here as we are affecting everything out there.
In the book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible, there are several references to astrology…Mazzaroth, which is the Hebrew word for the 12 primary constellations/clock in the sky, and Zodiac is the Greek word. In the book of Job you read about the sweet influences of the Pleiades and about the mother bear and her cub/Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
TPTB KNOW and use this knowledge/science to their own benefit and to our detriment. Becoming educated in astrology and it’s effects on our physiology will finally break the chains that have held us in these man-made prisons for millennia.
Lovely work, as usual.
Lucifer can also relate to Samael, the Archangel. Fixed Zodiacal signs were Angels (Angels) of the Arch. The most crucial of the four fixed signs were depicted through most variations of the Sphynx, which was usually seen as a half lion and half human. In particular, an upper half woman with one breast exposed. This brings Aquarius and Leo into significance as gaurdians of the gateway of the Archs. (Think Zenith/vernal Equinox and Nadir, it’s opposition). Our most profound (and cataclysmic) events of history tend to happen when the Platonic year hits the 0 degree Pisces mark (beginning of the Age of Aquarius) and 0 degree Virgo (Beginning of the Age of Leo). The light will return during the Great Conjunction of winter 2020, the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius, by the Western systems. Strap on your seatbelts, folks. It’s going to be a wild ride! : )
People/ mankind want to see these 2 as a person/s or creatures. Lucifer, some form of being and Jesus the man. When all of this is astrology/ astronomy personified.
I was taught in church growing up that Lucifer was Satan before his fall from grace due to his pride so he lost his once great name meaning light bearer to Satan meaning enemy opposer and slanderer. Just a thought, could it be that beings he was no longer the bright and morning star that Jesus came in to claim that title?
then who is it that the occultists are sacrificing animals, babies, and children to in the rituals if Lucifer the angel, the prince of the darkness?
These are all ways they who are trying to prevent what must happen establish confusion for our people, they have failed
They are the one so called Phoenicians who are worship “baal – baphomet”.
I know who is lucifer
Do you?
..i love how you write..it is good to see truth being spoken again..i will join as soon as it is financially possible to do so
fantastic stuff moe,,,its great to see it put in the right context for me ,,something i have felt alone with for so long ,,i am not a scholar or a scientist of the enforced + restricted denied false truth seekers ,,,,,i just saw the real truth at the age of 5 yrs old before adults tricked me into their strange denying deliberately blinkered world of dellusional safety ,,,when my cat died ,,i watched all the elements join together to my cat more alive than his cold empty body lying in front of me ,,,it was normal to me …i knew there was no death ,,but only constant renewal ,,,but its a lonely world when you clearly see what everyone else prefers not to simply through fear of majority brain-washed acceptance
This is an excellent article. However I contend that the ‘fall’ of Lucifer was not a bad thing, but a good thing. The ‘fall’ of Christ and the ‘fall’ we must individually go through to knock us from a sensual/individual type of pride and give us true humility to be able to handle the power of ‘being as a God’ is what the ‘fall’ was really about. The single biggest problem in this material existence is power/control and individuals inability to handle it. The reason this is so is because people see themselves as ‘individuals’ and not part of the One. There is a veil placed in front of their faces. That is the deception Satan/Yaldabaoth placed upon mankind in order to rule them fully. Gnostic teaching states Satan is the God/Creator of this world and the Serpent came to show us ‘the way’. He took a ‘fall’ for that. Lucifer/Prometheus took a ‘fall’ to help us, Jesus took a ‘fall’ to help us…and if you have truly lived in this material existence…it is a requirement to take a ‘fall’ to do truly good.
Very good article. Something you must experience before you read and learn about. I have one comment I’d like to point out however. I believe the ‘fall’ that we take, as did Lucifer is not a bad thing or a falling away, but rather a necessary thing and a falling towards. If we are to follow true Gnostic teaching which basically teaches that Satan/The Demiurge is the God of this creation and material world, then to ‘fall’ away from it would truly be a blessing. It is described as a ‘fall’ in the sense that it is all about humility. Christ himself learned it as we must before we inherit the power of a God. Just look around. Power/Control is the single issue among separated beings. When one ‘falls’ one experiences a sense of powerlessness and helplessness. It is then true unity is infused and the individual, now realizing they are not an ‘individual’, but part of the One…can now rise up, with TRUE power, and go in and out of this material existence with relative ease and comfort. Just a thought.
I am one of the original Starchildren God made in the beginning. I am the Evening Star. No joking whats so ever.
me too are you rh neg?
Good content. Very well laid out.
Wish you would go more deeply into the light. Our stardust deep inside us.
How do you determine your purpose?
…sometimes….our ‘purpose’…is late in coming to us…sometimes..it is just one thing, one act….get to Know yourself & do what you are best at..wait patiently..when it is time for you, you will then know what to do
TheCloning of God
Godhad an inner compulsion to externalise himself: to make aconsciousness outside and beyond himself, and through this othernessto come to full consciousness.
Hegel,one of the greatest grandmasters of the Illuminati, said, “Thedivine Idea is just this: to disclose itself, to posit the Otheroutside itself and to take it back again into itself in order to besubjectivity and mind/spirit.”
Consciousness,including that of God, requires interaction with otherness if it isto develop. God is compelled to create otherness – to externalisehimself – and through a study of that otherness we can gain sureknowledge of God.
Hegelcriticised conventional Western religion on the grounds that itseparates God from the universe, and makes all of his attributesindependent of the universe. God, according to the traditional view,would be exactly the same whether or not anything else existed. Hisnature wouldn’t alter in the slightest even if there were no universeand no other creatures. Hegel fiercely attacks this view. If God hadno inner need to create anything else then why did he? Is hecapricious? Was he bored? Curious? None of these make any sense inrelation to a perfect God without deficiency. God is entirelyself-sufficient and needs nothing else according to the tenets ofmainstream Western religion. Hegel said, “If God is allsufficient and lacks nothing, how does he come to release Himselfinto something so clearly unequal to him?”
NoChristian, Jew or Muslim can answer why God creates the world when hehas no need to do so. If he does it for a reason such as wanting tospread his love then it implies that he has a need to do that, yetGod, by definition, needs nothing. If he does it because he wants tobe obeyed and worshipped then that also indicates deficiency on hispart. If God is truly self-sufficient, it is impossible that he wouldever have felt the need to create anything. Therefore God is notself-sufficient. Therefore a God of whom it is claimed that he isself-sufficient cannot exist. God creates otherness because he must.He has no choice. He is compelled. Creation is an act of innernecessity. God needs others as much as they need him. Anyone whodoesn’t understand that single truth can never understand God. Theywill always believe in a fantasy.
Godcreated many things as he evolved – a dazzling realm fashioned fromlight – but none of them gave him what he needed: an othernesscomparable to himself. Eventually, after endless experiments, Godsucceeded in cloning himself. The clone was the being that is nowknown as Lucifer, Son of God, the Angel of Light, the Morning Star,Lux Mundi, the Light of the World.
God,through his interaction with Lucifer, became fully self-conscious, asdid Lucifer. Between them, they created the first language, thedivine language. Then Lucifer wanted a brother as a companion and Godgranted his wish. The second son of God was a fateful being. Hisoriginal name was Paracletus, meaning “the Comforter” or”one called to help” because he was to be Lucifer’s brotherand friend. But religion knows him by his later name of Satanel, thensimply Satan. Satan means “accuser/adversary”. It will beexplained below why Paracletus, second son of God and beloved brotherof Lucifer, became the sworn enemy of his father and brother andacquired his dread new name.
Satan’sfatal flaw was “hyperephania” – extreme pride. Afflicted bydoubts about himself, lacking self-esteem, in awe of his father,envious of his radiant brother, unsure of his identity, Satancompensated by cultivating an exaggerated ego. After an age, hebelieved himself superior to Lucifer and even God. He resented theirrelationship and was jealous of it. He resented being the youngestand least powerful. Resentment became hate. Hate became action. Thataction was rebellion. He stood as the adversary of God and Lucifer.He accused them of plotting against him. He opposed all of theirplans.
Havingcreated Lucifer and Paracletus, God provided his sons with the secretof how to clone themselves. The clones of the two sons were thebeings now known as angels. The realm of light became populated bymany beings of light: God, his two sons and the choirs of angels. Butthe angels were loyal to their respective creators and reflectedtheir natures. Satan’s angels were infected with his discontent.
Satanand his army of angels rebelled against God, Lucifer and their loyalangels. The struggle was long and furious, but Satan and hisfollowers lost and fell. They were banished from God’s realm, beingcast out into darkness where the light of God never penetrated.
Satanwanted his own realm where he was the sole master. He discovered thesecret of matter and fashioned a rival universe of matter rather thanlight. This was the universe of the Big Bang – our universe. “Letthere be light,” Satan announced as he brought this universeinto existence: a mockery of God’s light. Satan is the creator andruler of our universe of the Big Bang, and he’s assisted by his rebelangels – called the archons, groups of whom were given regions of theuniverse to rule on Satan’s behalf. 144 archons are assigned toearth. They are responsible for most of the secret history of earth.They are opposed by two groups within that secret history: theIlluminati (consisting of approximately 6,000 people i.e. a similarnumber to that of the Old World Order), and the small group thatcreated the Illuminati but stands outside of the society, just as thearchons stand outside the Old World Order. That small group consistsof 36 angels of Lucifer.
TheIlluminati and the Old World Order are mirror images. Both groupsknow the secret history of earth, and the strange and fatefulstruggle that takes place behind the scenes and to which the rest ofhumanity is mostly oblivious.
Satanwas almost as bright as Lucifer in his earliest days, but he grewrepelled by light and made himself dark. He became “darknessvisible” to use John Milton’s immortal phrase. He is truly theprince of darkness, yet it must never be forgotten that he is the Sonof God and contains the divine spark.
ThroughSatan, evil entered the universe. The birth of evil is not difficultto understand. It is a product of a damaged self-consciousness, oflow self esteem finding a way to overcompensate. It is exactly thesort of situation with which Freud and Jung would be familiar. Whyshould gods be any different from humans? We are made in their image.
Self-consciousnessis a prerequisite for distinguishing good from evil. Animals cannotcommit acts of evil. Evil can be defined according to three levels:strong, medium and weak. Strong evil is the voluntary commission ofmalicious, harmful and even fatal acts towards others, to suit theselfish desires of the perpetrator. Medium evil is the voluntarycommission of acts to promote a selfish agenda, regardless of theimpact on others. Weak evil is captured by Burke’s famous aphorism:”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for goodmen to do nothing.”
Goodness,likewise, comes in three strengths. Strong goodness is the voluntarycommission of benevolent, helpful acts towards others to promotecooperative, altruistic ends. Medium goodness is the commission ofacts that are intended not to have any ill impact on others. Weakgoodness is where someone does nothing to stand in the way of goodacts by others.
Only a self-consciousness is capable of making achoice between good and evil acts. The Tree of Knowledge of good andevil is a metaphor for that choice. Knowledge, arising fromself-consciousness, allows the commission of moral or immoral acts.Without knowledge, without choice, without self-consciousness, goodand evil would not exist.
Thereason that evil triumphs is simple: most people are evil.
The meaning of life, by Jakob Albert Boor, Johannesburg SA 2011
This Poem I write to you, are you troubled by silent questions?
Still aware, that spoken questions deserve answers, followed by actions?
The biggest question we have, deserves the world, the worth, to put it in words?
Again some week answer? And hide away, silently remembering historical hurts?
Did life won the feared battle from us individually, and us all?
In the ‘’flock of sheep’’ we feel save, with courage so small.
Standing alone in silence, self decision making seems rough?
Just make the decision, in the end you will feel tough enough.
Visualizing the wall so high, the border so far, even to scared while imagining!
Imagining building inner trust, strength and pride that will be never ending!
Where the trigger does should come from, something needed to start,
Will we be waiting for the bomb, as that power provides, will awaken our hart?
The world showed his errors, examples, way too big or too small.
Everything what states ’too’’ will be a too big responsibility? Again excusing us weakened all?
The mindset we are having, the excuses from weakness we’ll make.
Not teaching us to stand strong while we are forced on steps to take.
Humans think often, the world is too much to take.
Do we use survival instinct, when that world is at stake?
Now with some details, I will show the irony in this.
Walking by, around real essentials, and leave them as it is….
We must look different to needed changes, cultures and mindsets heading for the cliffs and loose.
The roots of the problem measured, we’ll brainstorm for solutions from which together! we will choose.
Troubleshooting, attitude and believes, core reactors make it happen, you’ll see.
Opens different kinds of doors, for the lonely life changer the entrance to be?
As stepping out of the box at first, loneliness is part of the challenge.
Need an example? You will find in the movies, visuals will help with the balance.
As you may choose the right, but difficult path
You‘ll be tested mentally, trust will recognize the value in it, you should now that.
Believing is the keyword; you don’t need a religion for that?
Believing is you! That pure feeling inside! No world war started from that.
Can we stand still, could a simple poem stand a difference..?
No! It will be the reader who breaks down his offence.
Important is that it is able to trigger what’s already there!
It’s already in everybody’s hart; yes, you will get the credits! That would only be fair.
Isaiah: 64…
”Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountain would tremble before you!
As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil,
come down to make your name known to your enemies
and cause the nations to quake before you”
Isaiah 64:7-8
No one calls on your name
or strives to lay hold of you:
For you have hidden your face from us
and makes us waste away because of our sins.
Yet O Lord, You are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the Potter:
We are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah: 63;16-17 !!
ISAIAH: 49;5 😉
This is about having strength within, and showing why strength within is important, because there is always one testing your inner strength. When you try to be strong externally, sometimes in a moment of anger or argument, you’re giving up your inner strength.
any idea about lucifer?
Lucifer is a king. A very real king, not an abstract concept and certainly not Istar/Venus. His son is “Satan.” I suppose one could label me a 34th degree realist, I read and gain knowledge. His name “Lucifer” is the French way of saying his name, much like Lazerus. Hint: Lazerus is “The Blue”…azure…same as the statue of Osiris found in Tut’s tomb. You are welcome…She asked me to spread the truth for those with ears to hear. What I am saying is from mainstream evidence easily found for those that will bother to look. User Fau was his actual name, Moe. User means “crown Prince.”
I believe that all religions were created for balancing purposes and the only true creator is what everyone knows as god in which most pray to as god ,created all so god is the love and sin of all, also it is stated in the bible that we were all made perfect which we were we all chose this life we live now and the reason for this is to learn unique lessons that we have chosen, xenu/Lucifer etc were all real entities brought upon by personal belief produced by the reptilians on to man and other species and in which many beings have conquered this world single headedly, also this world has been inhabited many times over by us and different beings like us which we have ultimately destroyed ourselves in the end thanks to the help of other beings, now a systematic person who has no psychic awareness will disregard this as crap well that is ok your just not evolved enough to realise the truth and most likely have been suppressed by society all your life which is ok you will learn maybe in the next life as you have already started looking into these things in this one, but a true psychic who can communicate with the cross dimensional reptilians like I and see them in there dimension know other whys, now belief creates all and belief comes from the source I have shape shifted into what you could call Lucifer and felt his power I have also been gang stalked for the last five years and live with a spy for the last two who is my girlfriend, I have spotted many military people hiding in close quarters of the house to and get tested daily even by young kids which the government promotes, the truth is we all can be whatever we want to be but because we are evolving to quickly we are suppressed by other beings because we are very dangerous to them also here’s a few things that you should know, if you know the real truth you are a target, the reason why they presented the bali 9 all over tv was for historical purposes, the government will set up something catastrophic to enforce a new law that will take more of our rights away and cause the presentation subliminally of a coming war/ hostility or for the benefit of a new historical purpose, all crime syndicates are run by the government for the preservation of balance now non surpressed people will know this as true but it is harder to find people like I as I are killed of for we are truth
Isaiah Chapter 14 is the ONLY direct reference in the Old Testament to Lucifer, and it’s here: http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Isaiah-Chapter-14/
lucifer is the light in darkness. He paves our way towards fully becoming a human being once again.
The first references of Lucifer come from the HOLY Word of God. Lucifer was cast out of Heaven for wanting to be above the one true HOLY God. There is NO other place in the entire world that the truth about Lucifer is spoken. Satan means fallen angel and deceiver. The reason why some say Luciferian is because they believe he is like God, whom is actually the roaring lion, seeking to devour and to destroy people, God’s creation. It is truly sad that I come to these sites and find people who seek the easier way, which the Bible clearly calls the wide road, of which many find, but leads to destruction. You cannot take things out of context and pick and choose verses, when the Bible is literally God’s Holy Word spoken spiritually to followers all that time ago. Lucifer and Satan ARE proven the same. The Bible is complete, and cannot be separated. Many new versions have come out with the intention to change or leave out scripture. This is also blasphemy and heresy. Jesus Christ IS God whom came to save the world from being lost and helpless.
Christ, Christos is the oil produced when the Kundalini hits a gland in the brain. It sits there for 3 days and then flows over the pineal gland. I think this may equate to enlightenment. Jesus is an allegory of the Sun, and also each of us. Whether he actually existed or not is moot. Do what he says or you are no christian, and he taught the above, as is quite clear in various parables such as the Bride and Groom. This is what ‘they’ suppress in us by all means possible.
very true friend of mine, at the moment it is a requirement to teach humanity about ‘Kundalini’ which is the whole genesis of Christ. The ignorance in humanity on the planet earth is just too huge. Suffering is allover the world just due to ignorance, people are busy looking for God in the sky and not knowing that God is within them.
I agree with some of this and much of it makes sense. However, there are, in my opinion, some holes in your logic. For example, intellect is not always contrary to nature, nor is nature evil. Nature is loving and brutal, nurturing and deadly, just as is the human archetype of the divine, in whatever form. I think that you are perhaps equating nature with the feminine and maybe that is where the misogynistic tone of your other articles is coming from if you consider nature evil. Nature itself has a vast intelligence. There would be no intellect without it and certainly no avenue of expression for that intellect. Also, you say that we all have to walk our own paths and not be lead by others, which I absolutely agree with 100%. However, you also take a very condescending tone with those who disagree with you and accuse them of being blind, refusing to see the truth, etc. I would gently remind you that you are human and fallible and therefore you should take care not to sound so much like the very authorities you rightfully accuse of deceiving the people. As for Lucifer, I see him as neither perfect light or perfect darkness. He is, in my opinion, an archetype with strengths and weaknesses. He is the symbol of an truth that, as Cliff pointed out below, must be balanced with love. That love is often expressed in feminine terms as women are the great nurturers. I am reminded of nothing so much as the blind men and the elephant, all accusing each other of lies while simply looking at the same thing in a different way.
Do you think you know it all? Do you think you are going to insult me on my blog, great work and I’m going to be Mr. Nice to you? It is clear to me you have took the new age information hook line and sinker like 99.9% of the people who have not done their own independent research which is expected so don’t feel bad. Lucifer is simply Latin for the alchemical element known in Greek as phosphorus in which Lucifer is from the morning star known a Jupiter. The feminine aspect is portrayed as the goddess Isis (Cybele, Rhea, the Magna Mater etc) who represents sulfur from the planet Venus. You are making this about men and women or into a gender battle as if Isis was a real and Lucifer was some dude who fell from heaven. They are ancient memes for the profane and ignorant like you who are truly the blind and zombified.
Moe- I found this article to be very “materialistic” in nature. This experience that you are having right now isn’t actually about anything, in human terms anyway. It’s just hyper intelligent light shining forth and even that is saying too much. On another note it might not be such a bad thing for to learn to acept some constructive critism..
That’s ok I love ya anyway;)
I have to say More, I love how you take no crap from people on here. If anyone who did their research would know your right. Opinions are like butt-holes we all have one. This people are profane. And you are sharing very guarded secret s. Which I do not agree with, but that’s out of my control. It was planned long ago, and is designed to happen. Anyways stay strong, stay a warrior 🙂
Lucifer means The Anti Christ, by the way u idiot Moe why u insist anti christ evil calling Lucifer, ok u have ur belief , don,t u worry ur messiah will not survive except for few years, stop pretending being good guy and inventor of white magic . Have spell on me idiot, if u practice magic I hope u know what does exist to counter magic and ur messiah Lucifer ,
ISIS can be conversed with, as a feminine aspect/spirit, by taking Ayahuasca. So can Lucifer who apparently comes across as somewhat arrogant. As above so below, As within so without may allow sulpher and phosphorous to be synonomous, same as planets (stars).
I’m seeing an X formation… Lucifer (Red,love of the self), Satan (Blue, love of the mother), as the left and right in this X. Whats on the other ends? We have the woman and the whore in the Bible. Inversion, tops and bottoms. Middles (balance,heart) as green. The whole construction is being prised open, the black and the white of the papersea (papacy) and represents the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This is behaviour of Light, see Goethe. Some of this information is encoded in ‘Jupiter Rising’ and ‘How to train your Dragon 2’.
Very hard to convey in such a short space. ISIS is a real something though. Confirmed and certain, and it’s why they are trying to demonise the name at present with ‘terrorist’ association etc. She is also an illusionist, I’m thinking. Spiders from Ma’s… Ma Sons?
One other very interesting thing… On one of the Jeff Rense shows dealing with reverse speech (approx. January ish 2015), Obama said ‘There will be no pursuit of the woman’. They had no clue what it meant but it was one of the clearest reverses I’ve ever heard.
Lucifer does indeed represent the light, that is to say the pure light of the rational intellect, and just the intellect. It is the cold light of pure reason unmitigated by the warm light of the heart and thus unbalanced. It is the light that allows the means to justify the end, as pure reason would demand it do so. The Christ you quote also said that ‘by their works you shall know them’ . Your Albert Pike stated that three world wars would be required to bring in the Masonic Age, The Masons have been major players in creating two of them and are on the cusp of igniting the third, so please do not equate your luciferian objectives with that of the light of the Gnostic Christ self. Notwithstanding this, there are many truths still contained in your article, however it seems that these are very cleverly placed to capture those who seek for the light within, an imitation of the path of the seeker after truth, two paths that appear to be subtlely similar and yet ultimately lead to devastating different results. ‘My kingdom is not of this world’ , Albert Pike’s and the Mason’s very definately is.
Quite an interesting point: ‘those who seek for the light within, an imitation of the path of the seeker after truth, two paths that appear to be subtlely similar and yet ultimately lead to devastating different results.’
there are several important points which need to be understood…Christianity does not have a monopoly on the term “Lucifer” nor on its definition. The Christian concept and definition of the term “Lucifer” is merely the latest in a long line of definitions and interpretations of this pre-Christian term.
The word “Lucifer” occurs only once in the entire Bible. This is in Isaiah 14:12, which says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” Those who read this verse in its actual context will clearly see that the sentence is applied specifically to a certain Babylonian king who was an enemy in war of the Israelites. The original Hebrew text uses the word הֵילֵל which literally means “bright star” or “shining one,” a term applied sarcastically or mockingly by the Israelites to this particular enemy of theirs. The translators of the King James Version of the Bible – one of the chief of whom was the well known Rosicrucian initiate Dr Robert Fludd, a fact which will no doubt shock and horrify many Christians – chose to translate this word with the Latin word “Lucifer.”
.“Lucifer” literally means Lightbringer, Lightbearer, Bringer of Dawn, Shining One, or Morning Star. The word has no other meaning. Historically and astronomically, the term “Morning Star” has always been applied to the planet Venus.
Since the only occurrence of the word “Lucifer” in the Bible is that one verse in Isaiah, there is absolutely nothing in the Bible which says that Lucifer is Satan or the devil. It was Pope Gregory the Great (540-604 AD) who was the first person to apply that passage of scripture to Satan and thus to equate Lucifer with Satan. But even then this notion didn’t catch on in a big way until the much more recent popularisation of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” in which Lucifer is used as another name for Satan, the evil adversary of God. Also, such luminaries of the Christian world as Martin Luther and John Calvin considered it “a gross error” to apply Isaiah 14:12 to the devil, “for the context plainly shows these statements must be understood in reference to the king of the Babylonians.”
Thus the Christians who claim that Lucifer is the devil actually have no Biblical basis or authority for such a belief. Though they may claim to be “Bible believing Christians” whose faith is built solely on “the Word of God” they are actually followers – in this and many other respects – of Christian religious tradition and not of the Christian Bible. Or have they quietly conferred divine infallibility upon the Pope and Milton without informing the rest of the world?
H.P. Blavatsky was never at any point in her life a Christian, gave no credence to Christian theology and did not believe in any type of personal or anthropomorphic God nor in any type of personal or anthropomorphic devil. She believed and taught that there is but ONE Infinite Divine Life which is everything and in everything and that It has no adversary or enemy, since there is nothing but That – the boundless, impersonal, omnipresent Principle of Absolute Existence Itself. She was against the notion of worshipping or praying to anyone or anything. She taught that evil is really imperfection, which is the automatic and inevitable byproduct of the existence of matter.
Now let us take a look at some of the statements HPB made about Lucifer in “The Secret Doctrine”…
* “Esoteric philosophy admits neither good nor evil per se, as existing independently in nature. The cause for both is found, as regards the Kosmos, in the necessity of contraries or contrasts, and with respect to man, in his human nature, his ignorance and passions. There is no devil or the utterly depraved, as there are no Angels absolutely perfect, though there may be spirits of Light and of Darkness; thus LUCIFER – the spirit of Intellectual Enlightenment and Freedom of Thought – is metaphorically the guiding beacon, which helps man to find his way through the rocks and sandbanks of Life, for Lucifer is the LOGOS in his highest, and the “Adversary” in his lowest aspect – both of which are reflected in our Ego.” (Vol. 2, p. 162)
* “In antiquity and reality, Lucifer, or Luciferus, is the name of the angelic Entity presiding over the light of truth as over the light of the day. In the great Valentinian gospel Pistis Sophia it is taught that of the three Powers emanating from the Holy names of the Three Tριδυνάμεις, that of Sophia (the Holy Ghost according to these gnostics – the most cultured of all) resides in the planet Venus or Lucifer.” (Vol. 2, p. 512)
* “It is but natural – even from the dead letter standpoint – to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind. For it is he who was the “Harbinger of Light,” bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was the first to whisper: “in the day ye eat thereof ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil” – can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour. An “adversary” to Jehovah the “personating spirit,” he still remains in esoteric truth the ever-loving “Messenger” (the angel), the Seraphim and Cherubim who both knew well, and loved still more, and who conferred on us spiritual, instead of physical immortality – the latter a kind of static immortality that would have transformed man into an undying “Wandering Jew”.” (Vol. 2, p. 243)
* “The Fall was the result of man’s knowledge, for his “eyes were opened.” Indeed, he was taught Wisdom and the hidden knowledge by the “Fallen Angel,” for the latter had become from that day his Manas, Mind and Self-consciousness. In each of us that golden thread of continuous life – periodically broken into active and passive cycles of sensuous existence on Earth, and super-sensuous in Devachan – is from the beginning of our appearance upon this earth. It is the Sutratma, the luminous thread of immortal impersonal monadship, on which our earthly lives or evanescent Egos are strung as so many beads – according to the beautiful expression of Vedantic philosophy.
“And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the “Lord of Phosphorus” (brimstone was a theological improvement), and Lucifer, or “Light-Bearer,” is in us: it is our Mind – our tempter and Redeemer, our intelligent liberator and Saviour from pure animalism. Without this principle – the emanation of the very essence of the pure divine principle Mahat (Intelligence), which radiates direct from the Divine mind – we would be surely no better than animals.” (Vol. 2, p. 513)
So we see that in the teachings of Theosophy – which are at times deliberately symbolical, allegorical, and esoteric – the Lightbringer or Bringer of Dawn (Lucifer in Latin) is our Mind Principle, our individual self-consciousness and spark of intelligence, which was awakened in mankind around the middle period of the Third Root Race, also known as the Lemurian Epoch. Our mind can either be our adversary (which is what the word “satan” literally means) or it can be the lightbearer (the Lucifer) of spiritual Truth to us, the knowledge of which brings about our liberation from ignorance, including spiritual self-ignorance.
Jose M. Herrou Aragon, in his book “Primordial Gnosis: The Forbidden Religion,” writes…
“According to Gnostic legends and myths, the great Unknowable God sent Lucifer, angel of indescribable fire and light, to show man the light and to help him wake up and see his true origin, the origin of his Spirit, which has been perversely imprisoned in this impure matter called body-soul. He is an uncreated being, who came to the created world to bring Light: Liberating Gnosis. The saving knowledge which can wake man up and help him free his imprisoned Spirit. The knowledge which allows him to know who he truly is, why he is here in this world and what he has to do to liberate himself and fulfil his Spirit, which belongs to another uncreated and unknowable plane.
“We have said that Lucifer came to the world to wake man up, to help him remember his divine origin, the divine origin of his Spirit, and to help him free himself from the body-soul in which he is trapped, and from created time and matter.”
Theosophy interprets all these allegorical Gnostic teachings as referring to “the lighting up of Manas” (Manas is the Sanskrit word for Mind) which we mentioned above. When we bear in mind that “The Secret Doctrine” teaches that the Lemurian Root Race was born under the influence of Venus and received its “light and life” from the Planetary Spirit of Venus, it all becomes clearer, since Lucifer has been an accepted synonym for Venus – the bright and morning star – since long before the days of Christian theology and millennia before Lucifer was first ignorantly equated with the devil.
In “The Secret Doctrine” we read that “Venus, or Lucifer (also Sukra and Usanas) the planet, is the Light-Bearer of our Earth, in both its physical and mystic sense.” Venus is said to be the “spiritual prototype” of Earth and “the Guardian Spirit of the Earth and Men.” It is “the most occult, powerful, and mysterious of all the planets; the one whose influence upon, and relation to the Earth is most prominent” and every change that takes place on Venus “is felt on, and reflected by, the Earth.”
Since it would take too long and also be out of place here to try to explain all of this to the reader unfamiliar with Theosophy, we can sum up by saying that what H.P. Blavatsky has to say about Lucifer is entirely esoteric, symbolical, and philosophical. Those four excerpts quoted above are virtually the only specific statements and explanations she ever made about Lucifer, although fanatical Christians and half-crazed conspiracy theorists like to give the impression that she spent almost all her time ranting and raving about Lucifer, which is simply not true.
As for the reason her magazine was named “Lucifer,” she wrote in its very first article – titled “What’s in a Name?” – that “the first and most important, if not the sole object of the magazine, is expressed in the line from the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, on its title page. It is to bring light to “the hidden things of darkness,” (iv. 5); to show in their true aspect and their original real meaning things and names, men and their doings and customs; it is finally to fight prejudice, hypocrisy and shams in every nation, in every class of Society, as in every department of life. The task is a laborious one but it is neither impracticable nor useless, if even as an experiment. Thus, for an attempt of such nature, no better title could ever be found than the one chosen. … No fitter symbol exists for the proposed work – that of throwing a ray of truth on everything hidden by the darkness of prejudice, by social or religious misconceptions; especially by that idiotic routine in life, which, once that a certain action, a thing, a name, has been branded by slanderous inventions, however unjust, makes respectable people, so called, turn away shiveringly, refusing to even look at it from any other aspect than the one sanctioned by public opinion. Such an endeavour then, to force the weak-hearted to look truth straight in the face, is helped most efficaciously by a title belonging to the category of branded names.”
But as she was later to remark, the ignorant and erroneous belief that Lucifer = Satan “has struck its roots too deep in the soil of blind faith” to allow many people to bravely, boldly, and unashamedly reveal the true origins and true nature of what the so-called Lucifer actually is. Those who attempt to do so are always bound to be immediately labelled as “satanists” and “devil worshippers” by a certain class of Christian, those whose trademark characteristics invariably tend to be wilful ignorance and mental laziness. It has indeed become a “branded name,” one which still automatically conjures up the image of an anthropomorphic devil even in the minds of the most hardened atheists.
Yet who can deny that even Jesus is portrayed as boldly proclaiming his identity with Venus the Lightbringer in Revelation 22:16, where he says “I, Jesus, am the bright and morning star.” If the translators had chosen to translate this verse using Latin just as they did with Isaiah 14:12, it would read “I, Jesus, am Lucifer.”
Theosophists are not afraid of public opinion or misguided prejudice, nor of the claims and threats of Christianity, that most arrogant, ignorant, and impudent of all the world’s religions. “There is no religion higher than Truth” – and eventually, as always, the Truth will prevail.
Phosphorus? How did the ancients know about, and zero in on this single element? Also, what was the mystery secret that was imparted to Alexander the great by his Greek mentor that enabled him to defeat a million man Persian army with only 35.000 of his men?
Before it was known by the word Phosphorus which is a word given to us by the Greeks, and the Latin Lucifer, it was simply known as the Elixir of Life or the Flower of Life. Often it was called by the plant names they used for the Elixir of Life or the Flower of Life that were high in Phosphorus such as Mandrake, the Lotus and Red Barley of the Gods.
Our thoughts are words,words are sounds,sounds vibrates,vibration is energy, energy glows and that glowing is LIGHT.Everything is Light.Even our thoughts.>> “It is through our DNA which contains phosphorus, that we become conscious to the world and who we are in order to live in the light.” Wrong. “live in the light” suggests you and I are separate from this universe of light ,that there is a “we” somehow not attached .EVERYTHING IS LIGHT.You and me and everything inbetween all made up of the same light energy . Light is a LIE ,there is nothing there. 99.9999999 EMPTY SPACE (potential).Lucifer =Bringer of LIGHT.
Does our body make more Phosphorus ? or do we just have a set amount? Thank You for helping to spread all this knowledge btw.
It is not correct that Lucifer equals Jesus, as Yourself also quote.
“Lucifer represents the individual intellect and will which rebels against the domination of Nature and attempts to maintain itself contrary to natural impulse. Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world.”
Lucifer from Madam Blavatsky and Freemasonry has highjacked Jesus’ title, for evil, not for good.
The Christian mystic Rudolf Steiner says Lucifer and Satan (The Devil) is two different spiritual entities, but to compare ANY of the two as Jesus is way off target.
“Rudolf Steiner taught that the two great demons, Lucifer and Ahriman, offer mankind gifts — from Lucifer, we receive the gift of intellectual thought; from Ahriman, mastery of the physical realm. These gifts are beneficial and even necessary at our current stage of evolution, but they also entail great risks, temptations that can lead us badly astray. According to Steiner, Christ — the Intelligence of the Sun — needs to interpose between Lucifer and Ahriman, balancing them so that we may receive their influences in the proper, beneficial proportions”.
“We have the physical world, the astral world, the Lower Devachan and the Higher Devachan. If the body is thrust down lower even than the physical world, it comes into the sub-physical world, the lower astral world, the lower or evil Lower Devachan, and the lower or evil Higher Devachan. The evil astral world is the province of Lucifer, the evil Lower Devachan the province of Ahriman, and the evil Higher Devachan the province of the Asuras.” — Rudolf Steiner, THE ETHERISATION OF THE BLOOD (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1971), a lecture, GA 130.
The ‘carnal people’ as the apostle Paul calls them, the worly ones, of the flesh, the non-spiritual, will be servants of Ahriman (Satan), always, because that’s the only realm they about. They are closed out of ‘heaven’.
Jesus is for the illumination of the Heart, not for the Mind and Intellect. Jesus Christ offering people a completely new personality, a new Heart, nothing to do with becoming more intellectual and have higher IQ, only to be kinder, a better person.
“Love Your Enemy as Yourself”.
Love is a character trait of the Heart, not of the Mind and/or Intellect.
Lucifer ca be compared with The Serpent in The Garden of Eden that was decieving that knowledge was the way to salvation. Wrong! It is not. Often on the contrary. But non-spiritual, carnal and wordly people often buying into this lie.
Lucifer has the potential of awaking people, but also have the potential to decieve them of the Way (The Way, was the name the first Christians was calling their movement).
Ahriman on the other hand will always prefer wordly affairs; finances, money, power, greed, land…. , not keep any considerations for the quality of life in any other way than how to grab as much as possible of the same, to be ‘succcessfull’ in life.. not reflecting that other people might prefer to be successfull in spiritual sense, than in a carnal definiton of the word.
Both Ahriman and Lucifer have brought this World to the end of its lifecyclus. Intellect is dangerous, when it is without a Heart.
Thanks for your comment. What I had meant is that both Jesus and Lucifer are sons of the morning star and in a sense, brothers made of the same light substance mentioned by me in this article knowns as Phosphorus. Lucifer is fallen angel for the Latin word for the Greek Phosphorus from the planet Jupiter. Jesus Christ is the same, but also a savior anointed by the priesthood. One is a fallen angel and the other a savior crucified at Golgotha (place of the skull) for his teachings.
adults believing in science fiction and then discussing said science fiction like its not science fiction
Oh, man, know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and the Gods!”
Phrase inscribed in the ancient Temple of Delphi.
Know thyself to know reality. Sk1951
Critical thinking question: Was the bible written to educate and bring truth or to bring ignorance, personal destruction, superstition imaginary reality to mankind as a diabolical stratagem of control and power? Occult means Hidden. Is the Bible a book of Occult?
Most people realize that there is reality and fantasy or imagination. Although fantasy is a product of imagination. So in reality there is really only reality or imagination. I call these two minds the mind of logic or intellect and the mind of imagination. We must have both under control to realize Truth.
Our preverbal search for Truth takes people down many paths of both reality and imagination but the problem is in defining which is which? I think that our imaginary mind has been confused for our logical rational intellectual mind.
Two minds of man: The intellectual and the imaginary. Imagination creates allegorical stories of mythology and belief. In the beginning the uneducated cave man mind created gods of nature to create an understanding, this purely an imaginary understanding but very real as a belief which can be very confusing or self-deluding. Later, men of stratagem of power and control created gods of pure fantasy that were not hinged on nature but were more powerful than all gods and the creator of the Universe. See the power and control coming?
The lust for power and control was raging high when the Catholic and Christian Bibles were written. Do you suppose they were written to bring truth and light or power and control? As a business; religion became the most powerful of all private corporate enterprise the Vatican now worth 500 TTTrillion built on a message of charity and love, by creating wealth on the misery of man. Was it built on Truth reality or imaginary reality?
To me there is an endless list of horrible issues in belief. As stated above a person must know themselves before truth and reality will be reviled or an inner consciousness connection to the Universal Mind; this the power of creation and all knowledge can be achieved. And what does the modern day church require of you? To look outside of yourself for Truth, up and away to God. Crucify yourself and become one with God. You must effectively destroy all that you are. This I find the most reprehensible of all doctrine, of which there are many more.
Even from a logical point of view, given God as real…Is this what he would truly want from his creation, the destruction of his self? What would be the point? But of course Genesis dose teach us that God wanted us to remain ignorant and mortal by protecting the “trees of knowledge and mortality” from us. Thank god that Eve and the snake colluded to get us knowledge and wisdom (that seems to be rarely used today). Too bad she did not grab some stuff off the tree of life while she was at it! We were punished for it and didn’t even get eternal life! Please use your intellect that Adam and Eve paid so dearly for.
So really…how much allegory and mythology should we really be viewing and protecting as Truth and reality? When will we begin to truly sort out Truth from imagination?
Great this article. it gives me a clear picture on my methaphysical vieuw on this Lucifer entity or being.
I can totally connect with the gnostic idea of Lucifer. I do have a question: What do the gnostics think about the corruption of Lucifer by the world Governments AKA The New World Order? It seems to me the NWO’s Lucifer is not the same Lucifer we speak of here. Am I correct on that? Thanks
The Chaos Gods, also called the Dark Gods or the Ruinous Powers, are powerful beings of the psychic universe known as the Warp, created and sustained by the emotions and souls of every living being of the material universe. I think so…
Moe,do You think that the Maitreya is comming soon, and we rebilled the Salamon temple?
I’m rather pessimistic about this. If he does come back, he will be killed as most everyone has been martyred the past. I believe Solomon’s Temple is the Temple of Ramesses III, or Medinet Habu.
Read this article, “Solomon’s Temple Found in Egypt?” – https://www.gnosticwarrior.com/solomons-temple.html
We all have free will to beleave what we we choose , I will break some light on this the morning star ,The mourning star is a riddle in it self ,it shines from the throne of the father and the son and the light of anyone who over comes this world as Christ taught, the shinning light , i was given star when’s was taken up there I saw christ my brother at the door he apeared and called my name , christ entered into me and revealed ,i saw him as a being of light along with the mourning star shinning far behind him . Light like the teaching of Christ and the transformation and moses n elijaih appeared as the transformation on the mount , light celestial ( beings, as one of the angels ect.), get it ? The seen light , garments white as snow . What the text meant about lucifer being the morning star was the same , he was once a high angel of light , if I stand corrected I think highest angel , No one below the father is above falling no matter how high one climbs ! Lucifer lost his inheritance to the light , was cast down into darkness , this teaching a child can understand the tree of knowledge one branch the left ,black meanings,darkness ,death ,wide path , yin , evil ,this tree also has a branch on the right,a white branch ,life ,eternal ,good, yang if happen to speak annother language, all religions have forgotten what was in the beginning, as for told by Christ would become of this world ,for what was in the begging will be in the end the same TRUTH ,. You ,me , everyone was given free will by our father we are here to learn our abc. Children.eat from the left side of tree ,death ! But if a man put forth his right hand and eat from tree of eternal life, Hello ,Tree of knowledge was both death or life we choose , free will , how’s a devil become a devil ,or a God a god Or a elder God, was it not written unto u there are many Gods and lords in heaven n earth , Psalms82-6 I said all of u are Gods ?, did not christ tell all of you in John 10-30-36 who it was written to and it was the word of GOD and could not be broken but men broke it , why do they still strust men when they were so warned not to ,when Christ said he and the father was one how did it get wrongly understood , go back to the beginning free will , choices on the tree , paths , christ claimed he did the will of the father ! Was he thus one whith the the father while many acussed him it was the will of the devil, if a man do the will of the father then is he and the father one ? ,but if a wicked man do the will of the devil then he be one with the devil ! On the tree of which is the tree of death or the tree of eternal life every one will choose who they will serve and become , read it again until u have ears to perceive and eyes that also perceive what they read less my father makes the mind dumb this was written and sent to anyone who has eyes to hear truth i am a elder one of the four and the twenty , fourscore , and if one learns it he may extend is years ,love the father most high and each other do his will listen to the words of the prophets and the saints ,Christ all they did fathers will , did Chrit not ask all of you to do greater then what he came and showed you!.? one last note on the mention of Gods ,that God who claimed to be jealous God ? Why would my father be Jealous ? Of whom ? No ones above him ! ,he owns everything ! Ha ha ” that one he was a ignorant God who did not know any better, those that have ears hear and perceive in your minds what I spoke ,I do my fathers will whom did ask , who would go ?,and I did reply Send me I will go >>>><<<>>><<<<
You fellas are all confused. See John 14:6. There’s no other way.
There are many different lucifers, for one the word isn’t in the Hebrew bible. So thats a whole other discussion. But the lucifer of Albert pike, Eliphas Levi, and the various hermetic orders is basically the hidden element, the life current, the power hidden in the quanta of the atom, the western equivalent of kundalini, the philosophers stone, hence why they inserted the shin into the tetragramatton. A gnostic corruption of the name of god disguised as the name of Jesus. I think we call it the Higgs boson nowadays…CERN on the forefront of occult knowledge.
I’m sorry but I dont believe u
what do you believe in, santa claus or the easter bunny?
Santa Claus, Xmas, pagan festival of light, worship of Apollyon the sun god, introduced to the Christian faith through the papacy – by reason, it must be compulsory for illuminati to believe in this.
Easter bunny, derived from Egyptian fertility rites, also introduced through the papacy – by reason, this must also be compulsory for illuminati to believe in.
Dude, Lucifer and the rest of other so called deities are Gods of ancient times, Religions, especially Sami religions that have their roots in the middle east and better to say Abrahamic religions started to throw stone at those previously worshipped names or beings (reality may also fit for them) as they were afraid of them as a rival. Many other names like Abraxsas, Marduk, Sorath, Lilith and so on, had been worshipped by the people of their own ages and even new religions kept some of the rules and rituals that had been performed in those pre-sami religions. Look at a magic squre of 6×6, what is the sum of 6 lines together ? ofcourse 666 that is the number of Sorath spirt of the sun, religions named him black sun to convince people not to return to that one again. “Elohim” what does it mean? the newcomer wanted to be a replacement for the rest of the crew, new one wanted to be an equal for all of those Gods who had different characteristics.what is the sign of a messenger of God? Miracle, right? Then here comes logic: Imagine a person who can lift above his head 400000 pounds ok? His action is miraculous, isn’t it? as no one else can do it, now from such an action conclude that he is a fine surgeon because he lifted such a heavy weight! see you are laughing at it. Concluding that resurrection of dead and doing strange things is the sign of messengers of god is as funny as the last one! how could they reach to such a silly conclusion is the miracle itslef. I personally believe that there is a unique creator, all-wise all-knowing whose creation is still going on and will never stop. The one who is not limited with and marked by the charecteristics of his own creation, the one who is beyond time and space(charecteristics of created world which is doomed to end) and also without any location because of the same reason mentione. Has never sent any messenger to the human beings as he gave or better to say equipped us with logical reasoning and destined our evolution to bearing a brain, capable of thinking and power of reasoning and judgmen,realization between good or bad (the real meaning of bad and good the logical one not the one that religions offer to their followers to spill blood of innocent people in the name of creator). There may be punishment for those who ignored their capabilities durring their lives who ignored gifts of their creator but whatever that punishment is, it can only be spiritual if you believe in it and furthermore, don’t miss the fact that brainless people bring hell on earth while they are still alive and good plus bad will burn with their fire. Maybe there had been also some other creatures who used to show themselves to the early human beings and were named as Gods Djin Demon Angel and so on whatever they were, they are not here again, showing themselves to the modern man. nor they can be connected to the originator as there can’t be any connection, as we know and can define,”connections'” meaning, because as I said such an acceptable creator has measured every little bit of his creation and he is not in this universe or other ones if there are any,he is not there resting on his bed flashing for intelligent ones to go and get him. Dude everything that is in the realm of existence which I take it equal to creation is doomed to end there is no escape from such an end, we can only delay it a little bit, it won’t stop for us and no one else. Stars die, Galaxies die, even black holes will evaporate and everyone who claimes he is connected to god,creator or whatever you call it even you can call it Lucifer, or s/he is the messenger of god or his son or daughter is a one who is trying to take creator within the realm of death which is the realm of creation and end. Even If you refer to an atom and call it a part of god that god will be doomed to end even after a billion years and is not worthy of worshipping. You are here to evolve, to think well make world a better place to live to find new things and go on this is natural to us, not running in place trying to connect to the creator by reading scripts million times in front of a wall or summon spirits of demons and other creatures who are reluctant to show themselves to the human beings and ask them for a usless knowledge of enslaving others for example or finding treasures or choking enemies or nailing them in their ass! Even those who can perform such rituals are only 4 or 5 all around the globe and those people also have ruined their life by torturing themselves with fasting and other stupid prolonged tortures to gain such powers and even if you and I without the help and allowance of one of those 4 people do all the tortures they did to themselves to ourselves it won’t work. So one way is ahead of seekers of such knowledges and that is to find one of these 4 people and ask them for help and ofcourse they will reject you. why should they pick you a a learner while they can make you a slave for the rest of your life. They also have to pass through some unbearable difficulties and fasting and other shits durring the time they want to pass their knowledge to a new learner. Last thing is that those people are not dirty, teethless and poor stupids in a dark hole, they are among most successful men and women in this feaky world as those spirits they enslaved will help them in whatever that they do.
I thought phosphorus was named that because the substance glows in the dark (hence brings light) and that white/yellow phosphorus is highly reactive and will set itself on fire if kept out of water (once again, literally brings light).
Lucifer came to the world to wake man up, to help him remember his divine origin, the divine
origin of his Spirit, and to help him free himself from the body-soul in which he is trapped, and from created time and matter. How despicable that ‘orthodox’ Xtianity has linked Lucifer with Satan!
So if the body-soul is a trap for the spirit, then ‘saving’ one’s soul would mean continuing again in the matrix. When the church says “Lucifer wants to take your soul”, it would mean in this sense that he wants to free us from the matrix, but we are told by religion the opposite of what is true. They demonize the good and glorify the evil. We’re supposed to think that’s a bad thing so that we resist, and continue to cling to it.
Yes, bad is good, good is bad and we live in a topsy turvy world that is on green-witch time 😉 to evolve the soul, we must know our soul, its weaknesses and faults that we work on in each life. This world is set up to make it so we are born on a chessboard now controlled by real kings and queens. A humane way to mange us citizens.
Does that mean you “don’t” think the soul and body are traps for the spirit?
The spirit is the Godhead and God. It is what our souls tap to evolve, learn and grow. The body is just a vehicle and instrument to express our soul or animal selves.