“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” Nikola Tesla
A set of original Nikola Tesla drawings were discovered this past year in a Phoenix Arizona antique shop that are believed to have been created during the last years of Tesla’s Free Energy lab, Wardenclyffe.
The skteches were found in an old dusty small trunk with several other drawings and manuscripts ranging from hand-held technological devices to free-energy systems, many with notes scrawled all over them. The drawings show Tesla’s magnificent Map to Multiplication or the Math Spiral.
The diagram below is based on a spiral with 12 positions. The number 12 has had a significant meaning for many centuries in various cultures throughout the world.
You will see the fact that there is only one true square number, (144) 12 x 12 = 144, which we know as Pure Math Harmony Vertically and Horizontally. This can be easily seen in music, but this also affects our DNA and how we react to these “vibrations.” What is very important in the “magic” of this divine number is that at 12 “symbolic of the creation of the universe” as it represents the division or fractionating of unity into twelve individual distinct sound vibrations or tones.
Hence, this is a magical or a divine number that affects us humans in many more ways than one for it is the perfect numeral to represent how vibrations affect our DNA and souls.
“Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world” (John xi. 9).

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
This means Tesla was an Anunnaki avatar from the Enki or Ea side of the family and then faction after the pyramid wars.
Here’s a bit of understanding for you Mo.
Tesla was an avatar of Hermes, the Greek god of magic and letters. Its fairly well known and accepted that Hermes was an avatar of Thoth. Thoth was the Egyptian god of magic, letters, numbers, astronomy, etc. He created the hieroglyphic system of “writing” Thoth was as big as the big picture gets.
I came to understand a couple of weeks ago the sir Isaac Newton also was an avatar of Hermes. If you compare the understanding of Newton, it runs parallel to Thoth.
Where Thoth offered us “As above, so below” Newton gave us, “what goes up, must come down” which are both about the acme of cosmic law, the law of laws that absolutely everything is bound to, the Yin and Yang.
That Tesla was also an avatar of Hermes/Thoth is evident by the knowledge that he did possess and the nature of that knowledge.
When you consider that there are twelve months and twelve astrological signs, Thoth gave us that knowledge, as well as understanding of geometry. Which Tesla also had a vivid understanding of.
What Tesla did not have a true understanding of is the nature of man. I’m quite sure that thoth, also lacked this understanding as he was annunaki.
Have you ever seen an image of Thoth hanging out at the bar, shooting pool with his buds? He is quite the billiards expert, too.
The vibrational frequencies that Tesla lent us are big picture because they are a key that unlocks the secrets of the cosmos, in the respect they pry open our connection to the “on high”. The pineal gland is the “third eye chairs” and prior to the third flood, the flood of Noah, we had that opened up to have what is basically “cosmic blue tooth” to the Creator.
Where the frequencies will only open the pineal gland for a few moments, there are ways to open it longer, and also permanently.
Marijuana, and DMT will, as well as other psychoactive entheogens are effective. One little known method is by drinking mistletoe tea. That will leave it open permanently.
By having this cosmic communication protocol, the one thing that is possible to those that possess it, is the capability to perform what would be considered a “miracle”. As long as the result of that action benefits the “whole”.
Think about it, things that fall under the heading “miraculous” just don’t happen any more. This is because our brains were different prior to that flood. Back then we had more than the 10% that we are yoked to now, and our hemispheres were not kept out of sight of each other.
When you consider how is it that Tesla had this knowledge among the copius understanding that he did possess, ask yourself, how he know so very much considering he dropped out of vocational school.
Where, if laid next to the understanding of Thoth, you can see parallels that are obvious, between the two, Tesla and Thoth.
Can’t be, since I am the avatar of Hermes. Don’t you dare insulting me like this.
Taking a nap now, so leave me alone for the next few centuries please.
12 months and 12 signs is a construct of man (mostly influenced by the church and various rulers a couple thousand years ago) to distract us away from the perfection of the divine feminine, 13 month moon cycle calendar. The gregorian calendar is a joke, but find majick in it if you must, maybe go to the mayan calendar with trecenas that align with 260 days if you wish to find the secrets of cosmological mechanics.The majick lies within 3, 6 and 9. Nice gloss over though