Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
A balanced mind of imagination and intellect is needed to see with peace and clarity. Intellect is not intelligence. Intellect is a new thing for man kind. The brain has evolved from 400cc to 1200cc. We first lived in a mind of imagination…this the cave man mind or that of a child. The imagination protects itself from intellect…this being the war within man. Imagination fears intellect and knowledge this the reason “god” warned us against it. What is the difference between a vision and an inspiration? One is imaginary brain invented and the other is a contact with the Universal mind through inner consciousness. Possibility or Probability. Possibility is imaginary. Probability has at least a shred of reality in it. 95% of the world population believes in a fantasy reality and cannot distinguishes between possibility and probability. I try and explain this dilemma here.
I have often said there is a war in your mind and for your soul. This battle is being fought within as you so eloquently stated. An innerstanding through our inner consciousness of the AS ABOVE SO BELOW and the AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT = GNOsis
A balanced mind of imagination and intellect is needed to see with peace and clarity. Intellect is not intelligence. Intellect is a new thing for man kind. The brain has evolved from 400cc to 1200cc. We first lived in a mind of imagination…this the cave man mind or that of a child. The imagination protects itself from intellect…this being the war within man. Imagination fears intellect and knowledge this the reason “god” warned us against it. What is the difference between a vision and an inspiration? One is imaginary brain invented and the other is a contact with the Universal mind through inner consciousness. Possibility or Probability. Possibility is imaginary. Probability has at least a shred of reality in it. 95% of the world population believes in a fantasy reality and cannot distinguishes between possibility and probability. I try and explain this dilemma here.
I have often said there is a war in your mind and for your soul. This battle is being fought within as you so eloquently stated. An innerstanding through our inner consciousness of the AS ABOVE SO BELOW and the AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT = GNOsis