Conspiracies are often concocted events that cannot be proven without a shadow of a doubt unless you are actually the leader of the conspiracy and have physical proof of how the conspiracy had occurred.
Examples of these types of conspiracies would be the life of Jesus Christ, UFO’s, the Illuminati, the Kennedy murders, and 9/11 to name a few. All these subject and or events are favorites topics for theorists that can never be proven without a shadow of a doubt, but they are still investigated and talked about years and decades after.
The theorists and researchers could be right about their theories, but they will never know without a doubt. Hence, the nature of a conspiracy is to keep people on a wild goose chase so that they waste their time on events and or circumstances that will most likely never ever be solved.
As I had written in a previous article, the Meaning of Conspiracy, the word conspiracy is a compound name composed of the three words; con, spirit and cy. The meaning of con; “An instance of deceiving or tricking someone.” The meaning of spirit; “The nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.” The meaning of cy; “Master, lord.”
The goal of any conspiracy is to simply trick your soul.
Such as in life and in business and even in the military, there are many layers to a conspiracy in which the creators who designed the con and the agent provocateurs each play their specific roles with various degrees of separation between the role players.
One thing is for certain in these conspiracies, the actual players are normally simple stage actors and or military agent provocateurs who usually never know one another and they certainly never have first hand knowledge of who is calling the shots at the top. All these people normally care about is a paycheck and getting paid for the work they perform so they can take care of themselves and their families.
This method of separation is nothing new. You will find in almost all governments, businesses, military and or secret societies. It is how you get things done is secrecy from the top down with the people never really knowing what the actual game plan is.
These game plans and conspiracies operate on the simple premises of human selfishness, emotional triggers and lack of human reason in which people use others to get what they want and in turn they are used as pawns by The Powers That Be (TPTB).
People who WASTE most of their time on conspiracies more often than not do not spend time on what truly matters in life. Things like perfecting themselves, spending time with family and leaving the world a better place than they found it.
They can’t because they are stuck on their computers researching for hours upon hours as their lives pass them by and their children grow up in another room of the house without a true father or mother. It reminds be of people who do drugs such as crack heads and heroin addicts who are too busy getting high to have a real meaningful life in which they make themselves, their families and the world a better place.
Conspiracies, drugs, and toxic food all take away from our lives and sometimes they can leave us soulless.
In the end, it all comes down to population and soul control.
Control and cons in which we entrap ourselves and fool our souls by our own accord.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.