In order to keep with the fantastic plastic world, you have to act, dress and look the part in order to fit in with the crowd, or should I say, “hipster crowd.” While most of us know that Christmas is supposed to be a time of love, family, and sharing, in reality, here in America, it is mostly about commercialism with the plastic things you buy at the store.
So it is no wonder that it was time to throw out that old nativity set with Jesus, his apostles and the three wise men and replace it with modern figurines who represent our current fake world.
It is called the “Hipster Nativity Set,” and you can get your grubby little trendy hands on it for a paltry sum of only $129. Hell, when you compare that price to that latest $700 oversized iPhone that is bulging out of your tight jean pockets, or your over priced beard care products, it’s a fricken steal!
“Just imagine the nativity in 2016,” the website says. “A lot has changed in the last 2,000 years. For starters, I don’t even think they had iPhones back then, which explains why Joseph didn’t add the birth of Jesus to his Snapchat story. If you love Amazon Prime, and have no idea what frankincense and myrrh (sp?) are, this is the Nativity set for you.”
If you’ve ever wondered what the very first family Christmas photo looked like, wonder no longer. Fresh off a Whole Foods shopping spree, Joseph is rocking his man bun and finest denim shirt, while Mary shows off her high cheek bones with her best duck face.
It’s crazy to think that the Wisemen followed a star in the sky to find Jesus, rather than using Google Maps, but who are we to judge? These Wisemen arrive to the birth of Jesus in style, rocking their favorite hipster outfits, and tricked out segways.
It wouldn’t be a modern day birth if at least one person wasn’t putting it on Instagram, and luckily, our teenage shepherd has it covered #babyjesus #nofilter. Next to him are some well taken care of animals.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.