The symbol of the serpent and ouroboros you will often find in many sacred teachings such as Gnosticism and Hermeticism. The serpent in ouroboros form represents the eternity of the soul, and with the philosophers, it was a symbol for men of renown who were known as “the masters of wisdom.” There have been many Godlike men who were said to have been born of a serpent or dragon, and human mother who was either a virgin or sterile.
To understand these fabulous stories of divine births, and tales of dragons, we have to first comprehend that the ancients had considered the meaning of the esoteric symbology of the serpent to be both the creator in the form of the sperm, and destroyer in the form of the worm.
This was often symbolized by the serpentine ouroboros who eventually consumes itself by eating his tail. From sperm to man, to the destruction of man through the worm, it is an endless cycle.
Man, thy son, and the worm, thy father.
Ouroboros is a Greek word meaning ‘tail devourer, and it symbolizes self re-creating itself, the eternal return in cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. It symbolizes the primordial unity from the beginning of creation to the human being who has brought forth many saviors, sons and gods from this seed of the father.
These children of the father are sometimes called cambion born, which is a half human and half demon. In mythology they are said to be born from the sexual union of a serpent, dragon or demon, with a human. The parents of the cambions are known as incubi and succubi.
Some examples of these cambions would be the founder and first king of Athens, Cecrops who was known to be half-man and half serpent. The philosopher, mathematician, and secret mystery school founder, Pythagoras was born from the god Apollo who was often depicted as python or serpent of the sun, and his human mother. It was also said that the Greek philosopher, Plato was born of the serpent god Apollo. Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great, declared during her pregnancy that she was pregnant by a dragon.
The birth of Africanus (nickname “the Roman Hannibal”) is accredited to a snake who laid down with his sterile mother. Some of the early Roman Emperors were born of a serpent and human such as the first Roman Pontifex Maximus and Emperor of this 6th Age, Augustus Caesar who was called the Son of God by his people. Augustus was also said to have a miraculous birth where he was born of a serpent father. So divine that after he had conquered Egypt and Greece, he officially changed the time, dates, and calendars of the world by adding the months of July for his father Julius, and August for himself. Officially instituting a new age in which he was the creator, and that we are currently in the 2014 year of this same said age.
According to Herodotus, the primeval mother of the Scyths (Scythians) was a monster, that was half woman and half serpent. In the Abrahamic religions according to the creation of mankind, Adam and Eve are said to be the first man and woman. The name Adam meaning in Hebrew, red man, and the name Eve from the Hebrew word Evia meaning female serpent. The second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah, David had sexual union with the Queen of Demons named Agrat Bat Mahlat who was a female succubus that produced the King of Demons, Asmodeus (Ashmedai).
The ancient Greeks and Cretans knew of the Great Serpent by the name of Ophis who was said to be the Father of Daemons (Demons), and who is the first-born of the daemons and their chief and prince.
As I mentioned in many of my previous articles, demons to the ancients were wise family or race spirits that could be either good or bad based on their own free will. They considered the Great Serpent who reigns as the god of this world as the father of mankind. In Christianity, the Book of Revelation calls the “ancient serpent” or “old serpent”, “the dragon”, who is sometimes referred to as Satan, the Adversary, and the Devil.
Manly P. Hall explain this pagan Madonna and Divine Child, “In the view of the theologian, the Madonna who gives birth to the Man Child signifies the priority of the mother aspect of Divinity … The oval nimbus in which the figure stands, represents the glorification of the Creative Power as exemplified in motherhood. The Christ Child always symbolizes Wisdom, the Virgin Mother, Faith. The figure, therefore, declares that Wisdom, born of Faith, shall redeem the world now encircled by the serpent of evil.”
The symbolism of the serpent and virgin mother has almost always been one of the most iconic ancient descriptions of these divine saviors, messiah’s and gods. These immortal great messengers who were teachers to their fellow mankind were all derived from the same source for they all believed that they spawn from the same father and king of all kings, the serpent.
In my previous article “Virgin Born Gods“, I also list other iconic figures who had similar births such as Horus, Attis, Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist, the Druid God Hu, the Suffi god Huwa, Quetzalcoatl, Zoroaster, Buddha, the ancient Chinese Fo-hi, Hindu Jezeus Christna, the Ptolemies, and even Julius Caesar who were all said by many scholars to have miraculous divine births and “virgin born.”
All of these stories of godlike men who had miraculous births are attributed to the symbology of the serpent, snake or dragon impregnating women who were either virgins, sterile, or who did not have children through having normal sexual relations with another man. I believe that these are esoteric stories of real history that connect all these various men from being born in a specific way that can now be explained by science. Today this sexual science of being be born of a serpent or dragon mating with a human is called parthenogenesis.
In my next article, I will attempt to connect this modern science with these ancient stories in order to explain that these were not mere myths and religious fables, but evidence of divine births backed by real scientific evidence.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I have met this God/Goddess on DMT she is neither alive or dead and she is HUGE!!! she lives with in this planet Earth its Hers
Inki was the keeper of the garden of knowlage &_alchemy he had plants & herbs from the amazon & all over ..the garden of eden serpent there symbolized eating the fruit of wisdom. Surely upsetting enlu ,as now humans had higher states of consicousness.thus the symbol for the Caduceus in the medical community.