The Georgia Guidestones are a set of six tall granite monuments that contain the new ten “new commandments” for humanity and the world. They are also known as “America’s Stonehenge or “America’s Jerusalem.”
The massive stones are located at the top of a hill on the north-western brow of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company, about 5 miles (8.0 km) northeast of Elberton, Georgia, United States. It sits on private property, but they still allow visitors.
They were erected in March 1980 and inscribed with ten guidelines for an “Age of Reason” or “New Age” that would be ushered in at the end of the current “Age of Pisces”. The monument is about 20 feet tall, and was built to give people instructions on how to rebuild civilization from scratch if it were destroyed in the future.
The commandments inscribed on the structure are in eight modern languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.
The first of the 10 guidelines reads: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”
Some people think that’s too high; others think it’s too low. While others think it is part of a sinister conspiracy written in stone by a secret global elite cabal who are planning openly to exterminate billions of people to bring about a New World Order.
Today, over 40 years since it was built, it still attracts the attention of the media and curious researchers, who are often labeled conspiracy theorists.
One of the monuments leading underground experts, Van Smith says that they people behind it are for establishing the beginnings of a totalitarian tribal government. Alex Jones of says that the stones call for the mass culling of humans.
The Geogia Guidestone 10 Guidelines Read:
1) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2) Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3) Unite humanity with a living new language.
4) Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5) Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6) Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7) Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8) Balance personal rights with social duties.
9) Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10) Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature
The Georgia Guidestones were created by a man and group who remains shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
The only name we know for the author is R.C. Christian, which is said to be a pseudonym. The group who commissioned the monument called themselves, “A small group of Americans who seek the Age of Reason” and a banker who made the deal named Wyatt Martin.
R.C. Christian has never been identified publicly, but some people claim that he is associated with various organizations that promote population control and eugenics (the practice of selective breeding to improve the genetic quality of the human population).
Since the monument was built, several articles and books have mentioned or have been written about the Georgia Guidestones.
In 2010, a CNN article claimed;
“The identity of the man who called himself “R.C. Christian” is a secret that Wyatt Martin, the banker who acted as his agent in Elberton, vows to take to his grave.
“He told me, ‘If you were to tell who put the money up for this, it wouldn’t be a mystery any more, and no one would come and read it.’ That had to be part of the attraction, to get people to come and read his 10 rules that he came up with,” Martin said.
Discover Magazine reported in 2013;
“According to the also deceased Joe Fendley, then president of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company, Mr. Christian was a tall, well-dressed stranger who showed up in his office on a Friday afternoon and offered to pay a substantial sum of money for the construction of the monument. Fendley sent him over to Wyatt C. Martin, then president of the Granite City Bank.
Within a few weeks, Christian had wired money to the bank and brought in a wooden model of the monument, and the quarrying and construction had begun. Over 4,000 letters were ultimately etched into the surface of the stones. A year later, on March 22, 1980, the Guidestones were unveiled — on a former cow pasture on U.S. Highway 77.”
The structure is composed of six granite slabs, ranging from 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3.0 m) tall and weighing up to 80 tons, each, set on end and leaning slightly inward toward the center.
They were installed with their southern faces inscribed with text arranged in an approximate circle 20 feet (6 m) in diameter.
The four outer stones each have one smooth face and one inscribed face; they are aligned so that the smooth faces form an equilateral cross when viewed from above by plane or satellite photography; this alignment has been noted by many observers over the years since construction was completed in 1980.
The inner two stones have only inscribed faces; they are set at an angle such that when viewed from above by plane or satellite.
In 2008, graffiti was painted on the stones with slogans such as “Death to the new world order”.
Again in September 2014, the stones were vandalized with paint stating, “I Am Isis, goddess of love”.
The motivation and meaning behind the Georgia Guidestones is somewhat difficult to discern as it was left intentionally mysterious by the person or group that commissioned it.
The messages are not cryptic or hidden, but in your face and apocalyptic, to say the least.
Their end goal is to change the way that we live our lives and treat this planet or home, Earth.
The only way that is going to happen, according to the people hiding behind its construction, is with 7.5 billion less of us.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Also Also: Bill Cooper. Though flawed… he was /brilliant/ in a way few other individuals I’ve encountered were. He essentially ‘revealed the method’ to me. Though sadly i never met him in person, he was assasinated shortly after 9/11… which he predicted. He also warned repeatedly NOT to trust Alex Jones. I nearned this all years after his death. Someone had uploaded most of his broadcasts to youtube, and I found them.
Also, look up John Hankey, and Stanton Friedman.
Also, if i can be permitted to take a bold, educated guess:
I’m guessing Howard Huges is the funder of these.
He’s… not gone from this realm. He’s just…
Well, currently, I /think/ he is my grandfather, and he is basically the local deity of ‘having a poker face’ or something like that.
But I have not been able to /prove/ that yet.
While we’re doing Revelations:
I hope ya’ll are aware of the ‘Apocalypse of Moses’. It’s out there.
The 900ish year dates for early humans in the old testament are a numerical mistranslation resulting from literally some scribe somewhere and somewhen not noticing a very subtle accent mark, compounded further in time when a misunderstanding of a sexigesimal number system was attempted to be represented in decimal/arabic numerals.
I learned that from AronRa, btw. The famous youtube ex-satanist turned Atheist.
to get the actual ages, basically, divide them by 12.
If ya’ll haven’t, ya’ll need to play the original Deus Ex. At this point I’m convinced it is somehow, through a historical vine I have not yet figured out, essentially a gnostic prediction of a possible future…
…which, inspired me as a young child… to dive into the esoteric and arcane.
I am currently working to undo Y’al Da Bawth’s greatest sin:
The confusion of tongues at Babel.
Turns out other individuals have already made all that is needed for the construction of an open source, non ownable, public software, universal translator.7
All that has to be done is make these seperate pieces of software speak to each other.
Waveforms. Everything is waveforms. The Fourier Transform. Cryptography. These are the keys.
Also if someone could tell me what the ‘heck’ is the background story with Lilith, I’d appreciate it. I have not been able to unfurl that knot on my own.
i am in agreement that we are entering the “Age of Reason.” However, my immediate objection to limiting the population as apparently written on the Georgia Guide Stone is that it defeats the primary reason we are on this planet in the first place. The philosophy of this “New Age” should include both science and spirituality without confining dogmas of any kind. It should hypothesize the spiritual existence and interacton of a mystical world that is available to guide all humankind through the currents of “good and evil” while on their respective journeys. The divine purpose of humanity can only be achieved through progressive improvement that is supported by the collective choices of “good” separated (unmerited favor) from “evil.” It is the one path that allows all souls to evolve toward a heavenly matrix of fruition attaing a plane of unconditional love, with peace and joy, where all are “One.”
In a perfect world, there would be no secret elite controlling and directing humanity and the need for dogmas to help guide them. But that perfect world is not the one we live in as we both can witness with the current events of Modernity.
I look at our modern government, societies and cultures all across the world, including the U.S.A. as massive science and philosophical experiments that are used by The Powers That Be to identify the best method to rule the people – both good and bad, so they can manage the earth as they maintain power.
You may look at maintaining or managing the divine purpose of humanity, while they follow the Divine Right of Kings Given by God, which gives them the God given right to do so.