There have been quite a few famous people over the years who have said they were Satanists. The Church of Satan does not publicly release a list of its members. So this is just a small list of some of these people who have went public with their memberships.
Marilyn Manson

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I don’t know anything about Satanism. Would you say they worship Lucifer, the Light Bearer from the true God, or do they worship the demiurge? Big difference and it’s important for me to know – thanks Moe
My pleasure David. No, they do not worship Lucifer. They worship self. Here is my new podcast with Mark Passio, a former member of the Church of Satan,
Worship of Satan is the worship of Samael. Lucifer the light bringer was yeshua. Jesus was the morning star, and most people didn’t realize it at all. The way heaven and hell work in my mind is that Samael tempts people with his lies and seduction and slowly drags them down the hole until they hit the very bottom, where Lucifer is waiting with an open hand ready to drag them back up again.
My pleasure and thank for the comment David. I apologize for the late reply. They worship the self and darkness as opposed to the light. Hence, they can sow darkness, lies or deceit for personal gain. No, they are not Luciferians because Luciferians are akin to Christians because they worship the Christ or Lucifer within.