Here is my latest philosophical walk and talk discussing why when you drink alcohol, you are drinking fungi/molds. The same molds I remove from homes in the course of my day for my business as a mold remediator here in San Diego, California.
Essentially, to put in my own esoteric framework, you are Drinking Demonic Fungi and Communing with the Devil. In this most recent Facebook Live Video video, I explain my theory.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Thank you Moe for the wonderful insights into mold/fungi.Perhaps detoxification of the body ie;good gut health,intestinal health,cleansing of parasites/fungi using plant medicines.I remember when I was a kid I was very sick and on pharma meds for years,nothing worked/until I detoxified the body thru plant tinctures and teas.Since those days I now heal myself only through food and plant medicines and I’ve never looked back because balancing the mold/parasite equation in the body is what it’s all about isn’t it? And what about sugar? another mold/parasite causer…alcohol turns into sugar in the body,and sugar is in a lot of foods,and addiction to sugars….(Well,that’s gotta make another video).
Thanks again Moe.
Hello, You are welcome and thank you for your kind comment.
Please keep in mind that I come from the school that we never cleanse them entirely and they actually make up a large part of our DNA in which we coinhabit our bodies and the world with these same organisms who can be symbiotic with us and also parasitic depending on the food we intake, thoughts, actions, and the environment. In regards to alcohol, it is really just Fungi/Molds juice laced with mycotoxins that we pour into our bowels and these same said molds soak into our blood thus filling our Husks/ 666 carbon bodies with more parasites that we should have which in turn caused us to be imbalanced from our birth states.
I believe food and plant medicine is key as you say but I believe we are just alkalizing our acidic bodies which makes them balanced and kills off the parasitic foes in our blood with geometric shapes in the form of phosphorus.
Peace and blessings be with you always!