Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good. – King Solomon
The world we see today is governed with the help of a method of communication and mind control that is called, ‘Propaganda’. Propaganda is a form of misleading communication that is artificially created by an organization or government to influence people, a community, or a whole nation. These statements may be partly false and partly true and are meant as “an appeal to emotion, not intellect.”
Most people today do not think for themselves. They let their teachers, media and government think for them. It is only when they are emotionally triggered, do they speak up or voice their opinions, which in reality are not their opinions, but ingrained propaganda that is based on half truths, lies and poisonous thoughts from others.
Very few people actually operate from the seat of intellect when analyzing such things as alleged facts, news or their education. This is why propaganda works so perfectly on the world’s citizens and why it is the preferred method of mental warfare employed by almost all the governments of the world. Hence, welcome to the magic of propaganda and mind control which go hand in hand.
An example of this is the method of “Us vs. Them” that we see in times of war or in American media, such as the recent story of an African-American named Trayvon Martin and the person charged with his murder, George Zimmerman. A story, where the media created racial propaganda based on half-truths and partial lies to help cause the largest racial divide in U.S. history since before the time of Martin Luther King Jr. The facts are that most of the American people, whether they were white or black had fallen for the propaganda bait by easily swallowing the media induced racial hooks that were tethered to ignorant fishing lines, and the soul sinkers just like our government knew this would happen. Maybe this race propaganda was just a drill to see how gullible the people have become and it may have proved to them and those who use their intellects, just how mind controlled the American people truly are.
A famous American psychologist, Elliot Aronson and the Professor of Psychology at the University of California in Santa Cruz, California, Anthony Pratkanis had said this about propaganda; “every day we are bombarded with one persuasive communication after another. These appeals persuade not through the give-and-take of argument and debate, but through the manipulation of symbols and of our most basic human emotions. For better or worse, ours is an age of propaganda.” (Pratkanis and Aronson, 1991)
Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes. A number of techniques based in social psychological research are used to generate propaganda. Many of these same techniques can be found under logical fallacies, since propagandists use arguments that, while sometimes convincing, are not necessarily valid.(Wikipedia)
Propagandist use methods that cause emotional triggers or irrational beliefs in their targets. This is the main reason why it works so perfectly on these unknowing people, who ignorantly think that their governments or media tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them Satan. When you have 99% of the sheople drinking from the same poisoned information wells and flouridated waters, half-truths and lies then become our actual waking realities. Hence, welcome to our own self-created illusions built on propaganda and human ignorance.
Author and 33rd Degree Freemason, Many P. Hall had said this about propaganda; “The public as a mass does not think, will not defend what it believes, and will not analyze the propaganda which is constantly in circulation against any public man who refuses to play with the gang.”

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Archonic matrix comes to mind.