(This is Part III, in a follow-up to my last two articles titled, Who are the Amorites? and Crete: The Land of Milk and Honey in Canaan) – In the Ancient Egyptian texts, the Greek island today that is called Crete in the Mediterranean Sea was once called Keftiu (1). Crete was also known under the old biblical name written in Greek, “Kaftor or Caphtor” and the Arabs had called it Kerith.
The Greek historian, Pliny had said that the ancient Cretans were called Curetes, and that their king was Philistides (2). Diodorus Siculus who wrote works of history between 60 and 30 BC had said, “the Cretans have traditions that the Titans came to their island in the time of the Curetes.”(3)
In the Odyssey, Homer calls the natives of Crete, Eteocretans (true Cretans), and the Cretans were also called the Pelasgi (Pelasgians or Pelasgoi). Much later in the early 19th century, a treasure hunter named Arthur Evans had taken it upon himself to rename them yet once again to his own invention; a people he had coined as the Minoans after the island’s mythic “king” Minos.
This is just the beginning of the facts behind the countless epic myths that has shrouded the beautiful island of Crete in a history filled with some of the world’s deepest mysteries that man has ever known. An island, that has filled the pages of some of the best known ancient authors of our time such as Plato, Homer, Pliny and Plutarch, just to name a few. A place, that is coded into the bible as Capthor, in which the Philistines are the Sea Peoples who inhabited the island as Palestine and who then went to battle against their biblical foes, Israel. Eventually the Philistines would join them as one of the Tribes of Israel who are then renamed, the Tribe of Benjamin. An island that was once called the jewel of the ancient Aegean Sea, that was once rocked by a huge volcanic eruption just off its coast which brought massive earthquakes, and just like what had happened to Atlantis, a subsequent giant tsunami would engulf the island in one night approximately 1,200-600 years before the time of Christ.
Here is a current related video on this Atlantis-like disaster that these producers attribute to the Minoans;
I have found more mythological tales, legends and real life events surrounding this mysterious island, than just about anywhere else in the world. Stories that sound much like that of Plato’s Atlantis. A place and people who have yet to be discovered, but has been written about by countless authors since the time of Plato in 360 BC.
Where is Crete?
Crete is a beautiful island located in the country of Greece in the Mediterranean Sea. It is the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean, and was once known as the crown jewel of the Aegean Sea because it is naturally lush and fertile. The island of Crete was also once at the center of the Phoenician civilization and is well-known as the birthplace of the modern arts here in the West because it is the earliest recorded civilization in Europe.
The Greek poet Homer gives us the following description of Crete in his epic poems called the ‘Odyssey;’
Crete awes the circling waves, a fruitful soil
And ninety cities crown the sea-born isle.
Mixed with her genuine sons, adopted names
In various tongues avow their various claims.
Cidonians, dreadful with the bended yew,
And bold Pelasgi, boast a native’s due:
The Dorians plumed amidst the files of war,
Her foodful glebe, with fierce Achaians, share;
Cnossus, her capital of high command,
Where sceptred Minos, with impartial hand,
Divided right; each ninth revolving year
Crete is famous in history for having a hundred cities with many great legends, such as the arrival of Europa on a bull, or in the ship Taurus, from Phoenicia. Crete is known as the birthplace of the greatest of all Greek Gods, Zeus. One of the island’s most ancient cities was on the north-western coast, Cydonia or Kydonia (Greek Κυδωνία, “quince”). In legend Cydonia was founded by King Cydon, a son of Hermes and of Akakallis, the daughter of King Minos. These people were called the Sidonians who inhabited one of the most powerful and wealthy cities of the old world. Today it is simply the Greek city of Chania.
One of the most important Apostles of his time, was Paul who was said to have lived on the beautiful island Crete for two years. Paul the Apostle was also known by his original name, Saul of Tarsus and he would go on to have founded several churches in Asia Minor and Europe. Many of the Roman Emperors had ancestors that had descended from Crete in the beginning of this 6th Age, such as Nerva (Latin: Marcus Cocceius Nerva Caesar Augustus; 8 November, 30 AD – 27 January, 98 AD) who became the thirteenth Roman Emperor from 96 to 98. He was from the Italian branch of this tribe of Israelites; known then as the Umbrians who were the Italian descendants of the Israelites from Crete. Today, this island is one of the thirteen administrative regions of Greece.
Herodotus had said that the Curetes had come to Crete with the Phoenician Prince Cadmus, and Sir Isaac Newton had written they settled in Phrygia, where they were called Corybantes, and some settled in Crete, where they were called Ida.(4) In Latin Crete is called, “Cappadocia or Cappadocian” who were known as a large tribe of the Magi and are also called fire-kindlers. Herodotus tells us that the name of the Cappadocians was applied to them by the Persians, while the Greeks had simply called them, “Syrians” or “White Syrians (5).” The Latin name of the Cappadocians were known as “the men of Caphtor”, who we can call today, “the men of Crete.”
The island was said to be originally peopled from Palestine. The name Palestine is derived from Philistine. The Philistines (/ˈfɪlɨstiːnz/, /ˈfɪlɨstaɪnz/, /fɨˈlɪstɨnz/, or /fɨˈlɪstiːnz/; Hebrew: פְּלִשְׁתִּים, Plištim), Pleshet or Peleset, were a well-known seafaring nation of non-Semitic people who were said to have left Crete and arrived in Canaan at the beginning of the 12th century B.C.E. (Wikipedia) Their biblical tribe was part of the Sea Peoples and the mercenary soldiers maintained by the kings after David, Philistines and Cretans are mentioned together. In the bible, they are referred to as the descendants of the Casluchim in Genesis 10:14 and Exodus 13:17.
This biblical connection with the Philistines and Cretans coincides with another biblical tribe; the Amorites that were said to occupy, what we know of from the bible, as the Land of Canaan, and is also called The Land of the Amarru in literature, and the Land of the Phoenicians by the Ancient Greeks. In the Old Testament, we find the Amorites were also to be found in the Land of the Philistines, in both Southern and Central Palestine. Hence, this information places the Amorites and Philistines in the same exact location at just about the same exact time in history. These facts make me intuitively know that they are just one and the same “sea people.”
The 1st century Jewish Historian, Flavius Josephus mentions that one of the Cappadocian tribes is the Moschoi, associated by with the biblical figure Meshech, son of Japheth: “and the Mosocheni were founded by Mosoch; now they are Cappadocians.” Meshech is named with Tubal as a principality of the prince of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1. Russia is said to be founded by Tubal who is one of the grandsons of Noah in Genesis 10:2 and the fifth son of Japheth. A land formerly known as the Soviet Union. Josephus had claimed that modern Moscow was founded by the Mosocheni (Moschoi, Mosoch or Meshech), or the Tabalior (Thobelites).
As you can clearly see from this article on the island and people of Crete, there has been a multitude of name changes over the course of history. Based on the above information, the people of Crete have been known in written history as the Curetes, Cappadocians, Corybantes, Syrians, White Syrians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Minoans, Umbrians, Russians, and the mighty Amorites, Canaanites and Hittites, who were all said to be the notorious foes of Israel, and also the Philistines, in which all of these tribes can be found as major players in the bible. In addition, the people from ancient Crete would also be known as the infamous Sea Peoples who were often spoken about in the hieroglyphic propaganda of the Ancient Egyptians on their monuments. A tribe of people from the sea, whom many historians claim they do not know who these Sea People were, when in reality, the truth is that they were simply the ancient Cretans known by another hundred names like that of their island of 100 cities.
Is this all a coincidence? Could Crete be the true lost island of Atlantis concealed in myth and allegory right before our very eyes this whole time? One thing is for sure, there has been a massive veil placed over the truth that is hidden beneath the abyss right before our very eyes. Facts concealed in allegorical myths and epics that have been here to discover all along. The only reason that I can reasonably think of why this was done, is because ‘they’ wanted these people or tribes to forget about this island. Almost like the Lost Tribes of Israel had to be taught a hard lesson, in which this man-made curse appears to last to this very day. Them being actual descendants of the same people under the Holy Roman Empire of the 6th Age under the banner of the New Jerusalem, whose partial job it would be for over the last 2,000 years to help Christianize these warriors and priesthood from the Ancient Island of Atlantis, that we today call Crete. An event that had originated as PAX RAMONA (Peace Under Rome) under Augustus Caesar, with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone binding the people as one by baptism unto the Universal Church.
In searching for answers to truth of the past, we cannot be in fear of what we might find. With this being the Apocalypse and me a witness to the deluge, I think the time is nigh to lift the veil off the Age of allegory and mythological folk-lore, in order to fully restore the kingdom of truth to its new-found glory in the light of God. We must study the ancient past in order to learn and to simply not repeat the same mistakes, while at the same time, honoring their achievements in the full light of the truth, so help us God.
1. Keftiu and the peoples of the sea – Page 166 by Harry Reginald Hall
2. The History of Etruria By Elizabeth Caroline Johnstone Gray – 1843 – Etruria
3. Reflections on names and places in Devonshire By Cornish – 1845
4. Ancient history – Page 534 by Gustaf Clemens Hebbe – 1848
5. Herodotus, tr. by W. Beloe – Page 7 – Google Books Result By Herodotus – 1830
6. My other source are linked in yellow all throughout the article.

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
You seem to have done a great job of white washing history. If you had spent as much time being an honest broker , you might have been believable. You could’t even get Pliny the Elder, a Roman Naturalist right . You made him a Greek . Are you so Euro centrist that you would go to any length to make it seem that Europe was the mother of civilization, even as the Greek historians and philosophers are clearly saying different. The story of Atlantis was told to Plato by an Egyptian, who claimed that Egypt was a colony of Atlantis. Wouldn’t it stand to reason that the Atlanteans looked more like the Egyptians rather than the Greeks . Seek the truth , no matter what it looks like . Then you will be believable .
Please do not come at me as if you are the all-knowing man who knows both this hidden and also revealed history with your weak ad-hominem attacks and your lack of research abilities and or proof to substantiate your claim that what I write is a lie and or unbelievable. If you truly knew this history and what happened in Rome prior to the advent of the Holy Roman Empire, you would clearly understand that Italy was colonized by both the Phoenicians and their cousins the Greco-Egyptians long before Italy was under Latin domination and the Roman government.
Therefore, I contend that Pliny the Elder was a “Roman Citizen” whose family immigrated to Italy from either Athens or Crete and settled in Lake Como which was a favorite resort of the Greeks, and its first city. It was then changed to a Roman ruled colony and called Novum Comum founded in 59 BCE by Julius Caesar, the father of the Roman Empire after he had imported 6000 colonists, among whom were 500 illustrious Greek or possibly Phoenician/Cretan families by which the population was formed.
“Umbrian” means “of the Umbri” like for example the Umbrian language. The population was called Umbri. From Roman writings the origin of the Umbri was the north-europe/Gaul region (see Cornelius Bocchus and Cato the Elder) While Pliny the Elder mentioned that the Umbri (Ombrii) were named like that because they survived the deluge (the name would mean people of the thunderstorms in Greek) they seemed to all agree that the group came from north-europe.
And it would make sense that if the deluge was actually a worldwide event (its a story common to populations all over after all) there could be more than one Group that survived it so the Greek translation of the name alone wouldnt be reason to place their origin in the Mediterranean.
In Italy we dont associate the Umbri with the Philistines.
Rather, traces of connection with the Philistines (which are connected to Crete) can be found in southern Italy and Sardegna (bronze sculptures that were found in Sardegna are very similar to other depictions of Philistine warriors). This connection suggests that the Philistines had a large area of influence in the Mediterranean around the later bronze age.
Pliny the Elder (d. 79 AD) was a Naturalist and a Roman, and Pliny the Younger was a Roman governor under the Emperor Trajan in the 2nd century AD. So you are incorrectly identifying the source of your information.
J.E.Harris, Ph.D.
A lot of great stuff here, I store it in my Gnostic folder for future reference. Priceless material IMHO 😉
I appreciate the kind words and glad to be a service.
I cannot find where Josephus ever said that Moscow, Russia is the Mosocheni. Can you be specific, as to where in Josephus this can be found?
This ancient tribal name of the Mosocheni (AKA depending on the source; Muški Mushki, Moschoi, Mosoch, Meshech or the Muscovites), is said to be where the modern name of Moscow is derived. Josephus had simply called them the Mosocheni. Meshech is named with Tubal (and Rosh, in certain translations) as principalities of “Gog, prince of Magog” in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1, and is considered a Japhetite tribe. They were also known by the names of the Cappadocians and later as the Iberes of what was then Romans Iberia. A land formerly known as the Soviet Union.
In Latin Crete is called, “Cappadocia or Cappadocian” who were known as a large tribe of the Magi and are also called fire-kindlers. Herodotus tells us that the name of the Cappadocians was applied to them by the Persians, while the Greeks had simply called them, “Syrians” or “White Syrians (5).” The Latin name of the Cappadocians were known as “the men of Caphtor” who we can call today, “the men of Crete.”
The Sons of Tubal Cain, and his descendants are first recorded in the inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser I, by the King of Assyria in approximately the year 1100 BC. Later they are also reported by Tukulti-ninurta II, Ashurnasipal II, Sargon and Shalmaneserr III, and are mentioned as the Mushki.
Hence, Joseph didn’t literally say that “Moscow (AKA St Petersburg) was founded by the Mosocheni,” I did based on research and connecting the history together.