In satirizing the priestly functions of the High Priest of the Ancient Christian Mysteries, the 2nd century Greek Hellene Satirist, Lucian of Samosta had said, “A holy cock, a divine cock, a genius in the form of a cock, in short, a mysterious and supernatural cock, produced a very different effect in such a performance, on such an occasion, from what a mere natural cock could have done!”
Lucian was ignorantly making fun of the “Holy, Sacred or Divine Cock” which was sanctified since the beginning of Civilization by the Priesthood as the Chief (Supreme/Head) Priest to be in charge of the Temple. Today in the Roman Catholic Church, the Holy Cock is styled “Peter” and we Catholics know him as our first Pope. Then it should be no surprise to you that in the English language, the word cock and Peter is slang for penis.
But let it be said once and for all, that not everyone who has a Peter or is named Peter has a Holy Cock!
As I have explained many times before, when reading the words in the Scripture, they often have a dual meaning or what can be called a “hidden or mystical meaning ie: esoteric or allegorical.” The Latin word allegorical comes from the word allegory which means the word has been changed to “a hidden spiritual meaning that transcends the literal sense of a sacred text.”
For example, two words that go hand in hand in the Bible that are often literally misinterpreted are “cockatrice and cock.” In mythology, a Cockatrice was a two-legged dragon or serpent-like creature with a rooster’s head that was supposed to be hatched from the egg of a cock.
The word Cockatrice is mentioned several times in the King James Version and is said to translate the Hebrew word for “serpent.” Other words that are said to be of similar meaning are “viper, dragon, devil, asp, cobra, etc.”
So, when you see the word cockatrice in the Bible, we now know that it was changed and originally had simply read ‘serpent.’ The ancient Greeks had called this type of serpent the Basilisk – βασιλίσκος basilískos, “little king,” which is of a reddish color, and its head is a crown. Isidore of Seville defined the basilisk as the king of snakes. To the Anglo-Saxons, he was the Chief adder.
Most people who read these words automatically assume that these texts refer to mythological creatures or even possibly serpents. However, in reality, the (scribes) were describing actual people that they then occulted into their true histories and allegorized their teachings in the Scripture for Church Security purposes.
After all, since the beginning of time, only the initiated priests and Noble class were in the Know/Gnosis when it came to the Scripture. This is why when the rule of the priesthood changes hands, or should I say “Holy Cocks”, the old priesthood either converts and submits to the new Head Cock. Some have their cocks severed to become eunuchs and some have their heads symbolically cut off and their monasteries plundered, contracts ripped up and souls blotted out of the Book of Life.
This simple truth we can find in more recent times when King Henry VIII had become the self-proclaimed Holy Cock of all of England and instituted his pretender priests who were in reality, half-cocked robber barons. These robbers and murderers killed priests and took over their churches in which the self-proclaimed King Cock had the divine relics of many saints were uncovered, robbed and desecrated.
From 1536 through 1539, Henry ordered that lands be taken away from the Levitical priesthood of St Peter and the Catholic Church, and given to his supporters. This was known as the “Dissolution of the Monasteries” and one of the Fattest kings in all of history was officially made the Head Cock of the English Church and his supporters became the defacto pretender priests of we know today as the Protestant, Lutheran, and Anglican Churches.
The English word cock or rooster in Greek is ἀλέκτωρ, ορος, ὁ or alektór and in Latin is gallus or gallinaceous which refers to a “rooster or cockerel” (male chicken) and the term gallīna is used for a “hen” (female chicken). These words you will find as the surnames for Jesus being a Galilean (Cock/Rooster) from Gallillee and his Apostles like Simon who was surnamed Peter were Galileans as well. (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41)
In the doctored Scripture, our Saviour was said to be surnamed a Galilean, because he was brought up in Nazareth, a city of Galilee. Jesus and the Galileans (or Galilæans) were also known to be part of one of the first fanatical sects of Religious Warriors known in the Scripture as the Zealots.
This was also a well-known as a political secret society who were called the Sicarii who practiced assassination to punish law-breakers.
Some of these Zealots – AKA Sicarri AKA Galileans AKA The Lords 12 Apostles were some of the most famous men in the Bible such as one of the most famous Zealots ie: The Lord’s Terrorists was known as Simon.
St. Luke gives him the surname of Zelotes, the zealot, (Luke vi. 15; Acts i. 13.) Simon the Zealot (Simon the Canaanite/Simon Peter/Simon Magus) who was said to be the son of Judas the Zealot (Judas Iscariot). The name Simon the Canaanite refers to the town of Cana said to be in Galilee. The surname of Canaanite was given to him by the other evangelists, Matt. 10; 4. Mark 3: 18. Some Church Fathers state that Simon was of Cana, of the tribe of Zebulon, or of Naphtali.
Simon was also one of the 12 Apostles (Luke vi. 15; Acts i. 13); One of the Lord’s brethren (Mathew. xiii. 55; Mark vi. 3) and a Pharisee, at whose house our Lord once ate, on which occasion a woman, who was a sinner, anointed his feet (Luke vii. 36-50).
Other references to the Zealots are the Pharisee (Luke vii. 36), the leper (Matt xxvi. 6), the father of Judas Iscariot (John vi. 71), and the tanner at Joppa with whom Peter lodged (Acts ix. 43).. We find them in Jerusalem, as the main players/Actors in the Grand Scheme of the 6th Age which we are witnessing the closing Acts.
The Zealots (AKA The Roosters/Cocks AKA The 12 Apostles) “play the role” of what we may call today “religious and patriotic terrorists” in the Scripture who were hell-bent on resisting the governance and taxation of the invading aliens ie: The Romans (Thier New Masters).
Has planned, the Zealots resistance of the foreign invaders eventually led to induce the Romans to adopt the “Scorch the Earth” policy with the resistors. This resulted in the complete destruction of Judea, the Temple and the Roman law that was made for the banishment and exile of the 12 Tribes and their representatives from Crete.
This is allegedly why the Jew and General in the Roman Empire, Tiberius Alexander, deemed it necessary to crucify the Zealot leaders, Jacob and Simon, sons of Judas who were the causes of “Under Ventidius Cumanus” (A.D. 48–52) – leading the people were in a constant state of insurrection.”
These Cocks – AKA Galileans would give rise to the people of Ancient France who were known by the Latins as the Gauls (Gaoil or Gael) AKA Cocks of France and who called themselves the Kelts or Celts. There are also the Cockneys of England and London which became a pejorative term applied to all city-dwellers, it was gradually restricted to Londoners who would be akin to the Canaanites of the Bible.
We find some Gnostic revelations of the true origins of the Holy Cock encoded into the Scripture of the God Abraxas who we know from ancient Talismans or Gems was normally depicted with a man’s body with the head of a cock, one arm with a shield, and the other with a whip.
It is well known that Jesus was a healer and what some call a Great Physician and we also know that he is symbolically referred to as a Cock being called by the Latin Galilean. An interesting note is that one of the symbols for the Greek god of healing, Asclepius (Aesculapius) is a cock.
Some of these priest cocks of the Lord Jesus from Galilee were known as the “Priests With No Penis (Cock)” – AKA the the the Galli, or eunuch (Enoch – No Cocks) priests of Cybele/Mount Mater. According to Herodian were named after a river called Gallus (Cock River) in Phrygia which is another name for the Mediterranean island of Crete.
More on the Cocks with no cocks near cock river in a future article…
These words The cock is the Lord, so I think, or a saint: in Solomon: and the cock is glad as it walks among the hens. And in Job: who gave the cock knowledge (Gnosis)?[Prov.30:31; Job 38:36; Is.22:17 Vulgate]
We can find this hidden or esoteric meaning in the allegorical passage of Isaiah 11:8-9 when it says, “And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain (Mount Ida/Zion – Crete): for the earth shall be full of the knowledge (Gnosis) of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.