Scientists are proving that communities of bacteria that live in most mammals’ guts are mostly passed down from mothers and also ancestors going 10 generations back, according to a new study in mice. Meaning, the same things that were in their stomachs, you may have the very same microbes, AKA microorganisms such as fungi/molds and bacteria which causes disease or fermentation.
This research is part of my ongoing studies into what I’ve coined as “DNA Gnosis,” and the demonic spirits of the air AKA Molds/Fungi. DNA Gnosis is the simple Gnostic science that proves we inherit talents, knowledge, physical traits and behaviors from our genes in which every ancestor who has gone before us plays a part in making our DNA. My belief is that these genes can both affect us positively and or negatively depending on how we decide to live our lives and now we are finding out that what we breathe and eat also plays a huge role in DNA Gnosis.
We can now say that we are or become what we eat and what our ancestors have eaten and that what we breathe and eat today is being transferred through the air and grafted in our guts. Meaning you can also breathe and eat these tiny organisms that surround us, which many are pathogens that have the ability to become part of you.
The big question and I think I know the scary answer is, “If they can graft onto our DNA, can they take us over as in possession of our genes – AKA bodies and brains?” Look around, I see and hear a lot of people who I suspect are weaponized pathogens disguised as humans.
Since I have been researching serial evil killers, Satanism, and people who like to sacrifice people and eat their flesh, it made me immediately wonder, “What if that ancestor ate humans?” Just imagine the implications and DNA damage it may cause somewhere down the line in that person’s descendants?
And guess what I’m discovering? I have found that some modern-day serial killers actually have ancestors who were serial killers and mass murderers unbeknownst to them and law enforcement investigators.
More on that murderous DNA research later. For now, here is the science on how we can inherit the gut microbes of a tenth generation ancestor.
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) or lateral gene transfer (LGT) is the movement of genetic material between unicellular and/or multicellular organisms other than by the (“vertical”) transmission of DNA from parent to offspring (reproduction).
These teachings in which I add modern science further develop what the ancient Gnostics who had called them the lords of darkness and the mischievousness of spirits of the air and the Gnostic Christians ie: Catholics who had considered them to be wicked spirits on high whose habitation was mainly the air which was said to be the mansion of evil spirits, of whom Satan (Great Dragon) is the chief.
The reason I add this history is that this is how they had talked back then and if they lived today, they would be incorporating this science into the outdated teachings. That is what real Gnostics do by the way…
The researchers (Moeller et al.) derived inbred mouse lines from two wild populations of mice with distinct microbiota and monitored the populations’ microbiomes for 3 years while they were kept in the same animal facility. The microbiota of the two mouse lineages remained distinct even after 10 generations.
Most microbiota genera transmitted vertically. Those taxa that transmitted horizontally through the shared environment of the animal facility tended to be those that include pathogens.
What really caught my eye in this research is that they found that oxygen plays a key role in assisting the bacteria to spread horizontally between mice and this bacteria tends to be related to species that cause sickness in humans.
You know, like molds/fungi or what some of our ancestors had called wicked spirits on high and Lords of Darkness?
Again, this is more science which validates my work
The Scientist reports:
“Lateral Gene Transfer is not limited to bacteria. Scientists now recognize that microbes transfer DNA to the plants, fungi, and animals they infect or reside in, and conversely, human long interspersed elements (LINEs) have been found in bacterial genomes. Moreover, researchers have documented LGT from fungi to insects and from algae to sea slugs. There is a reason to believe that any two major groups of organisms—including humans—can share their genetic codes.”
“A new analysis published last year by Alastair Crisp of the University of Cambridge and colleagues found more than 130 traces of possible LGT events in the human genome—including the presence of fungal hyaluronan synthases, a fat mass and obesity associated gene (FTO), and the gene responsible for blood types (ABO).”
Read more @
And if you want to go down the DNA rabbit hole, Read

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Fascinating I have been doing research on my family’s fungal issues, been in the family for generations. This information is extremely helpful and exactly what I have been searching for…the missing piece if you will. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, knowledge, and healing with others. Namaste my friend.