This story touched my heart like no other in the media right now. Tears are rolling down my cheeks as I write this article about a wonderful woman who lived such a short, but beautiful life.
A modern angel named Brittany Maynard with terminal brain cancer, took medication to end her life this weekend under Oregon’s “Death with Dignity Act.” She “died as she intended — peacefully in her bedroom, in the arms of her loved ones.”
The advocacy group Compassion & Choices said Sunday on their website: “Brittany chose to make a well thought out and informed choice to Die With Dignity in the face of such a terrible, painful, and incurable illness,” a post on her website said. “She moved to Oregon to pass away in a little yellow house she picked out in the beautiful city of Portland.”
In the spring of 2014, 29-year-old Brittany Maynard learned that she had terminal brain cancer. After careful assessment of her prognosis and end-of-life options, she and her family reluctantly decided to move from their San Francisco Bay Area home to Oregon, one of five states (including Washington, Montana, Vermont and New Mexico) that authorize death with dignity.
Death with dignity is an option every person deserves to reduce suffering at the end of life and die in comfort and control, with dignity. It has been ruled a constitutionally protected right in state and federal courts. Also known as aid in dying, it is a medical practice in which a terminally ill and mentally competent adult requests, and a doctor prescribes, a life-ending medication the person self-administers when and if they choose. Recent national polling puts public support for aid in dying at 70 percent.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.