(By Manly P. Hall) – The lowest of these divisions is the physical nature, and those who dwell therein are of the earth, earthy; they live only for the gratification of their physical natures. Their idea of heaven is a place where there is food, feasting, and little or no work…Their minds are only partly active. Their bodies resemble prisons more than dwelling places…they live to labor, plodding along to a mediocre destiny…Give them opulence and they cannot retain it. Give them luxuries, and they do not appreciate them. They are the dark earthy ones who must ever bow before intelligence. They do not love God, for they cannot know Him.
The second division is made up of the artisans and those who labor both with mind and hand…They buy, sell, and exchange…Having a mind, they control the mindless…Not having the mental organism with which to reason, they fill the places of worship where thinking is done for them. They are the ones who allow their clergy to decide all spiritual problems for them, feeling themselves incapable of assuming the onus of heavy thinking…their credulity is utilized as a commercial asset by certain types of minds who consider it legitimate to capitalize on the ignorance of others.
The third class is made up of the scientists…they attack the boundary lines of the known…Those who wage this war in the cause of science are mostly concrete thinkers who follow as far as their instruments will lead them and then must wait for instruments still more powerful. Most of these minds are atheistic or at least agnostic…The miracles of theology are incapable of chemical analysis and are consequently taken cum grano salis by the scientific world.
The fourth and highest group embraces philosophers, musicians, and artists, all living in an abstract mental world surrounded by dreams and visions wholly unrecognizable by the other types. They have reached beyond the world of academic education to the world of creative idealism, which is at present the highest function of the human mind. This world is the dwelling place of genius, of invention, and of the things which lower mentalities can only accept but never analyze. Religiously, these minds are deistic. Most of them are monotheists – believers in one God. Many of them are mystics or occultists…
SOURCE: Manly P Hall / What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
3 general classes, The pathological-(Narcissism, sociopath and psychopaths), Apathy (lower apathy using the traits of (Pathos) and higher apathy leaning towards altruism and empathy, relative to information and emotional intelligence, and Empathy, finding balance. Spiritual.
My analogy alone: The journey will take you through all 4. The truly inspired mind of genius realizes only ONE Truth and ONE Creation force that is perpetual evolving life and matter. True inner-spection is the ultimate human adventure. Everything else is simply experiences. When you can place yourself before the time of man, forgetting all your indoctrinations and delusions…then you will begin again the true journey of Gnosis. Simply learning what other teach is not the means to the end. The true master hopes his student will exceed him. Human kind has not yet learned how to exceed intellectually. This the reason for 6000 years of perpetual ignorance and fear of mythological stories. If a person believes that Truth is a mythological fantasy…he will never know Truth. Truth is not a fantasy.
Well said Brother! I love these 2 lines by you, “True inner-spection is the ultimate human adventure. Everything else is simply experiences.” Spoken like a true enlightened Gnostic.
I agree but I must wonder if at one time or another people inhabit 2 out of 4 of these characteristics or more. While I think that most people identify with one of them as a basis of their being, at one time or another I think people can be both. For example, let’s look at the highest strata, do musicians, artists and inventors have those in their rankings which are 666 (carnal beasts in nature)? We can see many demonstrations of this behaviour in real life or on the telly. While I think that some people are inherently in the highest strata, most are not but should strive to get there. Are people changeable? With hard work can they reach the highest step on the ladder or are some merely meant to be beasts led by their carnal nature?
My thoughts are yes, one can inhabit multiple characteristics and go from one to the other or back and forth. The reason being is that have not reached true Gnosis or illumination to who they really are or have not become one with their soul. People can only change based on their evolution of the soul for if they have not reached the highest steps of the ladder in previous lives, it will be much harder for them in this current world ruled by the Goddess of the Earth and Sons of Chaos. Only the Adepts and true Sons of Light can rise above the current sea of humanity to recognize these truths.