Wherever there is a conspiracy, you’ll always seem to find a mysterious group of men who meet in secret and have been Abraham-Lincolninvolved in some of the most powerful positions in government all over the world. They put the word “secret” in the term “secret society,” and we know them today as the Freemasons.

It is no big mystery that our country of the United States was founded by powerful masons like Bro.’ George Washington who was our first president and his Masonic Bro.’ Thomas Jefferson. There have been many more presidents who are known to be high level masons and some who are alleged members of the fraternity such as Abraham Lincoln.

I found a cool old book that delves into the conspiracy if in fact Abraham Lincoln was a Freemason or not. Below is a copy of the PDF version of the book written by Freemason and author, Dr. L. D. Carman in 1914.

It was delivered before the Harmony Lodge No. 17, F.A.A.M. in Washington, D. C, January 28, 1914 – With an Appendix Containing the Actions taken by the Masonic Grand Lodges of the United States on Lincoln’s Death.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.gnosticwarrior.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Abraham-Lincoln-Freemason-An-Address-1914.pdf”]


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