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Leaf 7. The verse at the top reads:,” This Stone is so noble and worthy that Nature has hidden it in her recesses. Its soul is all fair, and pure, for it is the true sun. I inform you of this. Keep it removed, apart and separated. Whatever boon you crave, it will come to you bounteously. without sin, with pleasure and delight.” The seated figure on the left holding aloft the hammer is described as breaking hard stone, while the words beside the man with the retort read: “Breaking of stone our replenishment.” Between the standing figures below is the exclamation; “O Sages, seek and ye shall find my Stone!” Under the outstretched hand of the man with a basket appear the words: “Draw out sorerem[?] in the bottom.” Below the pool which the man on the left is stirring appears the simple statement: “Our healing water.” The faces of the four men are extremely well drawn.

Leaf 8. Under the sun, moon, and Mercury are the words Three and One, an inference that the three are one. The words under the flower stems read: “Whiteness forty days after ashes.” Under the blossoms is written: (left) “Minor time of the Stone”; (right) “The selected red.” Between the arms of the central figure appears: “Let one pound of Mercury be placed.” To the left is written: “If you who read shall have known this figure, you will possess the whole science of the Stone”; to the right: “And if you do not acknowledge it, you will be stiff-necked and dull.” Above the sun is the word Father; above the satyr, “Ferment of the work.” Beside the child is the sentence: “The son of the moon would threw the Stone into the fire–his mother.” Above the flaming basket is written: “I am the true Stone.” Under the central figure are the words: “A moderate fire is the master of the work.”

Leaf 9. In the upper left it is written that without the light of the Moon the Sun does not heat the earth and that into the Moon the Sun emits its fruits. In the upper right the true herb of the philosophers is described, and it is declared that whoever believes in and it shall be [spiritually] rich. The panel concludes thus: “Understand thoroughly what it is that the man has in either hand if you wish to be enlightened.” The text to the left above the sun reads: “Entirely without the Sun and Moon, make dye; dissolve, congeal, and like produces for itself like.” The words to the right of the man holding the Philosopher’s herb declare sublimation to be the beginning, the middle and the end of the Great Work. The last sentence reads: “Out of the Sun and Moon make a thing of equal parts, and by their union, God willing, let the Philosopher’s Stone be made.”

Leaf 10. The two short lines of text at upper left read: “Some take a recent stone.” The lines to the right of the symbol of Mars (iron) admonish the student to control his appetites and apply his mind to the accumulation of knowledge. No satisfactory translation can be found for the words under the outstretched arm of the man holding the upper part of the tree. The lower panel reads thus: “After the Stone has been well refined it will appear to penetrate thoroughly. It should be put into its vessel with its water. Close it well with a little fire, and await the wonders of Nature.” The large red oval filling the lower half of the leaf is evidently the egg or vessel of the Sages. The tree is a symbol of the growth of the sacred metals, for the alchemists affirmed that the metals are like plants and grow in the rocks, spreading their branches (veins) through the interstices.

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