Did you know dogs have human DNA?

Dogs human DNARecent findings by DNA scientists prove that dogs have human DNA. The science is out that we humans and dogs have exchanged bodily fluids or DNA, thus causing our genetic makeup over the millennia to become very similar to one another. As a matter of fact, the top ten diseases that affect us humans, also are the top ten diseases amongst purebred dogs including cancer, epilepsy, heart disease, allergy, retinal disease and cataracts.

Here is an excerpt from National Geographic that helps explain this for you:

Scientists have completed a rough sketch of the canine genome. The results may explain why dogs are humans’ best friend: Their genes are similar.

“Dogs suffer from more than 350 genetic disorders, many of which resemble human conditions,” said Ewen Kirkness, a molecular biologist at the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland who led the research. “The genes responsible for these are probably constant to humans and dogs.”

The sequencing indicates that dog and human genomes are more similar to each other than either is to the mouse, though it appears the dog lineage diverged first from the common ancestor. (more…)

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