Amon – King of Gods and Lord of Thrones

Amun“The Amen, the true and faithful witness,” Rev. i. 14.

Amon (Ammon, Amun or Amen) is “The Hidden One” who is “King of the Gods,” and the “Lord of the Thrones” of the visible and the invisible worlds. The “Creator God” who was the mysterious soul of the universe which reveals itself in light. Amon is the light, creator, builder and grand architect of the house and temple. Amon is the Hi-Ram, and those of you that are familiar with Freemasonic allegories and history, can relate Amon to the Hiram Abiff of Solomon’s Temple.

“The Hidden One” who is “King of the Gods” and the “Lord of the Thrones” is not some God you will find outside of yourself in the heavens or carved onto an idolatrous stone by the grand architect of the Universe. Nor will you find this Grand Master inside of a Freemasonic lodge. Au contraire Solomon! This God is hidden deep within you and you must Know Thyself in order to find the mysterious Creator God who is the hidden one, King of Gods and the Lord of “Your” Throne.

The throne where King Amon is located is in Ammon’s Horn or the hippocampus situated in your house, or what is more commonly called the head.

Isaiah 65:16  – Whoever invokes a blessing in the land will do so by the God of truth; he who takes an oath in the land will swear by the God of truth. For the past troubles will be forgotten and hidden from my eyes. (more…)

Boaz and Jachin – Part 1

He erected the pillars at the portico of the temple. The pillar to the south he named Jakin and the one to the north Boaz. – 1 Kings 7:21

One of the most prolific symbols and allegorical key figures that you will find in freemasonry are the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin. The reason that you will always find these pillars in association with freemasonry is because they are the custodians of the Temple of Solomon.

It is both Boaz and Jachin whom are represented as masons that were employed in the building the world-wide temple of the Universal Church under their great master, Hiram Abiff. To honor this occasion, an immortal symbol of their work was created and these two pillars were respectively consecrated.

It is pretty easy to understand this allegory based just on the paragraph above. These two pillars are simply symbolic of the Freemasons whom are the builders of the Temple of Solomon in which they complete the work in building this temple under their Grand Master, HiRam Abiff.

Please keep in mind that when I refer to the Temple of Solomon, I’m not speaking about an actual physical building, but a spiritual world wide structure of human souls who are the living stones, AKA Masons in building the Temple. This is key to understanding the mystery.

It is said that in the degree of perfect master that the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin are fixed crossways and the candidate is asked ” Are you a perfect master ? Where the candidate answers “I have seen the circle and the square enclosing the two columns. (more…)

King Solomon, Charlemagne and St John the Scot

“What shall I say of Ireland,” cries Heiric, ” which, despising the dangers of the ocean, emigrates entirely with her troops of philosophers, and descends on our shores ? Her most learned masters become exiles, to place themselves under the obedience of our wise Solomon.” Charles the Bald, this Solomon, this Charlemagne,—for contemporaries give him, too, that glorious name, — had at least the merit of protecting letters, and the Irish especially. They were welcomed at their arrival, and when they could not be detained, their departure was witnessed with regret. ” This did Chromnal charge me to tell when he left, for you Irishmen are always leaving,” says Walafrid to Probus

Not many Freemasons or Templars are aware of the fact that the “Father of Europe” (pater Europae), and the first “Roman Emperor” in Western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire was named King Solomon. I know this may come as surprise to many of you that King Solomon was actually the Father of Europe and the first “Roman Emperor” in Western Europe, but it is true. However, with that said, let me state that this Western King would not be the first Solomon, but he definitely would forever be known as one of the most influential of this 6th Age.

The true birth name for the allegorical name of King Solomon would be no other than the founder of the Carolingian Empire and  King of the Franks, who we know in Latin as Carolus Magnus, in English as Charles the Great, or simply King Charlemagne.

The illuminated revelations that I AM spreading here has to be one of the greatest Templar mysteries ever. The mystery of King Solomon and HiRam Abiff that no other author has been Able to uncover until now. I understand that there will be many of you who read my research that will discount it not as factual, but the facts are that these findings are well documented if you know where to search intuitively and also how to intelligently piece information together. My hopes are to connect the dots for you in the most simple and logical fashion that I know how. (more…)

Hi-Ram Abiff: The Conspiracy of St John the Scot Divine

Johannes Scotus Eriugena was among the first t...

Johannes Scotus Eriugena was among the first to propose that God became the Universe, and did so to learn something about itself. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 (NOTE: This article will be Part II of an series of articles I AM creating on my ancestor Saint Bede who I had written Part I titled, Saint Bede’s Real Name Part 1 – Introduction to the Facts.)

Perfect love means perfect harmony. Various are the strings on a harp yet they constitute one harp. “Love is a tie or bond through which all things are united in ineffable friendship and insoluble unity,”Saint John Scotus Erigena.

Life of Johannes Scotus Eriugena:

Regarded as Europe’s greatest philosopher of the early Middle Ages, Johannes Scottus Eriugena, was an Irishman. Eriugena was highly proficient in Greek, which, though rare at that time in West Europe, was used in the learning tradition of Early and Medieval Ireland, as evidenced by the use of Greek script in medieval Irish manuscripts. Thus, with an Irish education, he was well equipped for Western society, and his linguistic competences allowed for intellectual exchanges. He moved to France (about 845) and took over the Palatine Academy at the invitation of Carolingian King Charles the Bald.

For being such a famous Scottish theologian, philosopher and poet who was also the Grand Preceptor to one of the greatest French Kings ever, it is quite a surprise that little to nothing is known about the true history of a man named Johannes Scotus Eriugena or John Scotus. It reminds me of my ancestor Saint Bede whose conspiracy I had also written about a few months ago whose teachings, books authored and life story appear to exactly match the story of this most famous Scottish philosopher named John Scotus who like Bede, was also the Grand Preceptor to the King of the Franks, Charlemagne. (more…)

Third, or Master Mason’s Degree | Chapter 10

The traditional account of the death and several burials, and resurrection of Hiram Abiff, the widow’s son [as hereafter narrated], admitted as facts, this degree is certainly very interesting. The Bible informs us that there was a person of that name employed at the building of King Solomon’s Temple; but neither the Bible, the writings of Josephus, nor any other writings, however ancient, of which I have any knowledge, furnish any information respecting his death. It certainly is very singular, that a man so celebrated as Hiram Abiff, was an arbiter between Solomon, king of Israel, and Hiram, king of Tyre, universally

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acknowledged as the third most distinguished man then living, and in many respects the greatest man in the world, should pass off the stage of action in the presence of King Solomon, three thousand three hundred grand overseers, and one hundred and fifty thousand workmen, with whom he had spent a number of years, and neither King Solomon, his bosom friend, nor any other among his numerous friends even recorded his death or anything about him. I make these remarks now, hoping that it may induce some person who has time and capacity to investigate the subject, and promulgate the result of his investigation. I shall let the subject rest where it is, at present; it is not intended that it should form any part of this little volume. The principal object of this work is to lay before the world a true history of Freemasonry, without saying anything for or against it.

A person who has received the two preceding degrees, and wishes to be raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, is [the lodge being opened as in the preceding degrees] conducted from the preparation room to the door,

[the manner of preparing him is particularly explained in the lecture] where he gives three distinct knocks, when the Senior Warden rises and says, “Worshipful, while we are peaceably at work on the third degree of Masonry, under the influence of humanity, brotherly love, and affection, the door of our lodge appears to be alarmed.”

The Master to the Senior Deacon, “Brother Senior, enquire the cause of that alarm.”

The Senior Deacon then steps to the door and answers the three knocks that have been given by three more: [these knocks are much louder than those given on any occasion, other than that of the admission of candidates in the several degrees] one knock is then given without and

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answered by one within, when the door is partly opened and the Junior Deacon asks, “Who comes there? Who comes there? Who comes there?”

The Senior Deacon answers, “A worthy brother who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice Mason, passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft, and now wishes for further light in Masonry by being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.”

Junior Deacon to Senior Deacon, “Is it of his own free will and accord he makes this request?”

Ans. “It is.”

Junior Deacon to Senior Deacon, “Is he duly and truly prepared.”

Ans. “He is.”

Junior Deacon to Senior Deacon, “Is he worthy and well qualified?”

Ans. “He is.”

Junior Deacon to Senior Deacon, “Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding degrees?”

Ans. “He has.”

Junior Deacon to Senior Deacon, “By what further rights does he expect to obtain this benefit?”

Ans. “By the benefit of a pass-word.”

Junior Deacon to Senior Deacon, “Has he a pass-word?”

Ans. “He has not, but I have got it for him.”

The Junior Deacon to the Senior Deacon, “Will you give it to me.?”

The Senior Deacon then whispers in the ear of the Junior Deacon, “Tubal Cain.”

Junior Deacon says, “The pass is right. Since this is the case, you will wait till the Worshipful Master be made acquainted with his request and his answer returned.”

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