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The Grand Council consists of the Most Excellent High Priest, King, and Holy Scribe. The High Priest is dressed in a white robe, with a breastplate of cut glass, consisting of twelve pieces, an apron, and a mitre. The king wears a scarlet robe, apron, and crown. The mitre and crown are generally made of pasteboard; sometimes they are made of most splendid materials, gold and silver velvet; but these are kept for public occasions. The mitre has the words, “Holiness to the Lord,” in gold letters, across the forehead. The scribe wears a purple robe, apron, and turban.

A Chapter of Royal Arch Masons consists of nine officers, as follows:

1. High Priest, or Master. (Joshua.)

2. King, or Senior Grand Warden. (Zerubbabel.)

3. Scribe, or Junior Grand Warden. (Haggai.)

4. Captain of the Host (as Marshal, or Master of Ceremonies). or Senior Deacon.

5. Principal Sojourner, who represents the Junior Deacon.

6. Royal Arch Captain, who represents the Master Overseer.

7. Grand Master of the Third Veil, or Senior Overseer.

8. Grand Master of the Second Veil, or Junior Overseer.

9. Grand Master of the First Veil.

In addition to these, three other officers are usually present, viz., Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Tyler, or sentinel.

The officers and companions of the Chapter being stationed as in the engraving (see Fig. 31), the High Priest proceeds to business as follows:

High Priest–Companions,1 I am about to open a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in this place, for the dispatch of business, and will thank you for your attention and assistance. If there is any person present who is not a companion Royal Arch Mason, he is requested to retire from the room.

After waiting for any stranger or brother not of this degree to retire, he gives one rap with the gavel, which brings up the Captain of the Host.

High Priest–Companion Captain, the first care of congregated Masons?

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FIG. 31. ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. 1. Treasurer. 2. Secretary. 3. King. 4. High Priest. 5. Scribe. 6. Captain of the Host. 7. Principal Sojourner. 8. Royal Arch Captain. 9. Grand Master of the Third Veil. 10. Grand Master of the Second Veil, 11. Grand Master of the First Veil. 12. Burning Bush. 13. Altar.

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Captain (placing the palm of his right hand to his forehead, as if to shade his eyes.)–To see the Tabernacle duly guarded, Most Excellent. (For this sign, see Fig. 36.)

High Priest–Attend to that part of your duty, and inform the Guard that we are about to open a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in this place for the dispatch of business; direct him to guard accordingly.

The Captain of the Host stations the Guard at the outside of the door, gives him his orders, closes the door, and makes an alarm of three times three (• • •  • • •  • • •) on the inside, to ascertain that the Guard is on his post; the Guard answers by nine corresponding raps. The Captain of the Host then gives one, and Guard does the same. The Captain then returns to his post.

Captain (to High Priest.)–The Chapter is duly guarded, Most Excellent.

High Priest–How guarded?

Captain–By a companion of this Degree at the outer avenue, with a drawn sword in his hand.

High Priest–His duty there?

Captain–To observe the approach of all cowans and eavesdroppers, and see that none pass or repass but such as are duly qualified.

High Priest–Companions, we will be clothed.

The companions place the furniture of the Chapter in proper order, clothe with their various jewels, robes, and badges of this Degree, and draw aside the veils, which brings the hall into one apartment, and resume their seats. The High Priest then gives two raps with the gavel, which brings all the officers on their feet, while the following lecture is given, or questions asked, by the High Priest, and answered by the Captain of the Host.

High Priest–Companion Captain of the Host, are you a Royal Arch Mason?

Captain–I am, that I am.

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