Pythagoras of Samos had lived from 570 to 490 BCE. He was an Ionian Greek who eventually became one of the most famous pythagoras cretephilosophers, mathematicians, Gnostics and brothers who has ever lived. He was the founder of a very popular religious movement called Pythagoreanism, and his followers were known as the Pythagoreans. The life and teachings of Pythagoras are still followed to this day. Especially amongst the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, who carry on his teachings to this very day.


Manly P. Hall had written about the importance of Pythagoras in Masonry in his book, “The Secret Teachings of all Ages;”

“Pythagoras’ teachings are of the most transcendental importance to Masons, inasmuch as they are the necessary fruit of his contact with the leading philosophers of the whole civilized world of his own day, and must represent that in which all were agreed, shorn of all weeds of controversy. Thus, the determined stand made by Pythagoras, in defense of pure monotheism, is sufficient evidence that the tradition to the effect that the unity of God was the supreme secret of all the ancient initiations is substantially correct.

The philosophical school of Pythagoras was, in a measure, also a series of initiations, for he caused his pupils to pass through a series of degrees and never permitted them personal contact with himself until they had reached the higher grades. According to his biographers, his degrees were three in number. The first, that of ‘Mathematicus,’ assuring his pupils proficiency in mathematics and geometry, which was then, as it would be now if Masonry were properly inculcated, the basis upon which all other knowledge was erected. Secondly, the degree of ‘Theoreticus,’ which dealt with superficial applications of the exact sciences, and, lastly, the degree of ‘Electus,’ which entitled the candidate to pass forward into the light of the fullest illumination which he was capable of absorbing. The pupils of the Pythagorean school were divided into ‘exoterici,’ or pupils in the outer grades, and ‘esoterici,’ after they had passed the third degree of initiation and were entitled to the secret wisdom. Silence, secrecy and unconditional obedience were cardinal principles of this great order.” (See Ancient Freemasonry.)


Pythagoras was simply the lover of wisdom. He had travelled extensively around the world in seek of the secret knowledge of various cultures, religions and orders, where he would be initiated into the secret mysteries of some of these orders. Not only did he travel into Egypt and Chaldaea, he also had traveled to learn from the Ancient Brotherhood that had resided on the Island now called Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. An island that I like to call, the “land of creation”; since after all, the name Crete means “to create.” A place also known throughout history as the Garden of Eden, Atlantis, Arcadia, the Holy Land, Land of Milk and Honey, and the Sacred Mountain of Zeus (Jove or Jupiter). Crete was where the Rule of Law under the mythical Minos had first began, and where the order for thousands of years had ruled both the land and sea.

In the 20th century book, The Pythagorean Sourcebook by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, he explains the initiation in Crete;

Going to Crete, Pythagoras besought initiation from the priests of Morgos, one of the Idaean Dactyli, by whom he was purified with the meteoritic thunder-stone. In the morning he lay stretched upon his face by the sea-side; at night, he lay beside a river, crowned with a black lamb’s wollen wreath. Descending into the Idaean cave, wrapped in black wool, he stayed there twentyseven days, according to custom; he sacrificed to zeus, and saw the throne which there is yearly made for him. On Zeus’s tomb, Pythagoras inscribed an epigram, “Pythagoras to Zeus,” which begins: “Zeus deceased here lies, whom men call Jove.”

Mount Ida Cave

It was here where Pythagoras had learned the laws of Minos and was initiated by the Ancient Priesthood of Jupiter (Amon) on the Sacred Mountain of Mount Ida (Zion), and in the same cave on Crete that the greatest of all Greek Gods, Zeus was educated and also hidden from his most vengeful father, known in mythology as Cronus and in science as Saturn.  This priesthood is the same one who had also initiated many other very famous people throughout history who had huge impacts on the world. People you may know, such as Alexander the Great who was initiated in the Siwa Oasis in Egypt, and Roman Emperors like Julius Caesar, and Augustus Caesar who would become the first Pontifex Maximus of this 6th Age, in which we are currently, in the year of 2014.

The Priesthood of Jupiter have been known by many names throughout history such as the the Priests of Pan, Luperci, Curetes (Kuretes), Corybantes, Dactyls, Cabiri, Telchines, Sea Peoples, Philistines, Nephilim, Boetians, Levites and Tribe of Benjamin. Strabo had written, that these are the names of the various groups that are often used interchangeably with one another. He also said in his book ‘Geography’, the connection between the Telchines, Curetes and the Corbanytes;

“Some say that, of the nine Telkhines (Telchines) who lived in Rhodes, those who accompanied Rhea to Krete (Crete) and ‘reared’ Zeus ‘in his youth’ were named Kouretes (Curetes); and thatKyrbas (Cyrbas), a comrade of these, who was the founder of Hierapytna, afforded a pretext to the Prasians for saying among the Rhodians that theKorybantes(Corybantes) were certain Daimones, sons of Athena and Helios (the Sun) [i.e. this was regarded as a lie].”

Plutarch had said, “that according to a divine nature and justice, the souls of virtuous men are advanced to the rank of daemons; and that from demons, if they are properly purified, they are exalted into gods, not by any political institution, but according to right reason.”


He [Pythagoras] gathered around him a small group of sincere disciples whom he instructed in the secret wisdom which had been revealed to him, and also in the fundamentals of occult mathematics, music, and astronomy, which he considered to be the triangular foundation of all the arts and sciences. — Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of all Ages


phoenix cap stoneMy research and travels have led me back to the original homeland of the Brotherhood, which is on the island of Crete. This conclusion is based on over three years of extensive work, communication, and science that backs up my research with real-life facts. These articles and my subsequent research on Crete are witness and testament to this truth and light I have brought forward to the Brotherhood at their request.

I believe Pythagoras is an ancient Greek ancestor of mine. The reason I state this, is NOT to claim divine right or to be on the same level as Pythagoras, but to write about truth. This information is not based on allusions of self grander, but on the science and of various physical characteristics.  This would relate to my comprehension of the secret mysteries, and the fact that I easily excel most people in the occult. There is also the science such as the white birthmark on my thigh, which Pythagoras also had, and the science of DNA tests that I had done in the past two years. My birthmarks and DNA all trace back to many of the same locations where Pythagoras had lived and traveled. These same places could also be where the current original government of the Great White Brotherhood via their various secret orders had first originated on the planet earth.

Notwithstanding attempts made to obliterate all records of the teachings of Pythagoras, fragments have survived which give clues to some of the simpler parts of his philosophy. The major secrets were never committed to writing, but were communicated orally to a few chosen disciples. These apparently dated not divulge their secrets to the profane, the result being that when death sealed their lips the arcana died with them. — Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of all Ages

Or so they thought. The Phoenix arises and the arcana never dies……

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