Christmas: The Festival of Jupiter

From time immemorial, the ancient festival that we know of today as Christmas was celebrated by many different cultures all around the world. As time moved forward and as we see in our modern era, the celebration and exchanging of gifts have become the focal point of these yearly festivities for most people, but the original meaning at the true heart of this holy-day has been lost.


The Symbol of the Nephilim is the Caduceus of Hermes

The God of commerce, the arts, magic, and modern commercial medicine was named Hermes. His symbol was the Caduceus Staff or Rod of Hermes and the fallen onesHermes which is a pole (rod or staff) with two serpents, or more appropriately, worms intertwined, and that reunite forming an arch at the top.

In the etymology of the Latin word caduceus, we find the secret meaning of the symbol of Hermes. The compound word caduceus is made of the words “cad and ceus.” The meaning of the Latin word cad is “to fall.” It is derived from the Greek kad and in Sanskrit cad, both meaning to fall, and also sometimes to die.  (more…)

Ancient Tattoos & Tribal Identity

Many millions of people today such as myself are mysteriously drawn to the painful art form known of as tattooing, and some of us do not ancient tattoo womanknow why. I believe the reason to be a common thread that some of us share to the past. A past that deals with thousands of years of ink, blood, honor and tribal identity.

An art form, that would actually become a threat to the church in the 4th century when the first Christian emperor of Rome had banned facial tattooing of slaves and prisoners, and later Pope Hadrian in the year 787 who had prohibited all forms of tattooing. More measure would be employed, and in fact, a passage in the bible would be created that would make this age old custom of tattooing now considered a sin; as seen in  Leviticus 19:28 –

“Ye shall not make cuttings on your flesh (body) on account of a soul, i.e., a dead person (נפשׁ equals מת נפשׁ, Leviticus 21:11; Numbers 6:6, or מת, Deuteronomy 14:1; so again in Leviticus 22:4; Numbers 5:2; Numbers 9:6-7, Numbers 9:10), nor make engraven (or branded) writing upon yourselves.” (more…)

In Masonry the sun has many symbols

In Masonry the sun has many symbols. One expression of the solar energy is Solomon, whose name SOL-OM-ON is the name for the sun symbol masonrySupreme Light in three different languages.

Hiram Abiff, the CHiram (Hiram) of the Chaldees, is also a solar deity, and the story of his attack and murder by the Ruffians, with its solar interpretation, will be found in the chapter The Hiramic Legend. A striking example of the important part which the sun plays in the symbols and rituals of Freemasonry is given by George Oliver, D.D., in his Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry, as follows: (more…)

The Meaning of Pyramid

“The word pyramid is popularly supposed to be derived from πῦρ, fire, thus signifying that it is the symbolic representation of As above, so belowthe One Divine Flame, the life of every creature.” – Manly P. Hall

The word pyramid is composed of the three words, Pyr, am (om), and id.

Pyr – The meaning of pyr or pyre is from Latin which is derived from the Greek pura, from pur, ‘fire.’ (more…)

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