The Gnostic Warrior & Illuminatus Podcasts

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Get to Know Moe

Since 2009, Moe has explored and interviewed some of the world’s top experts on esoteric philosophies such as Gnosticism, Mystical Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, to name a few.

This path of knowledge and years of insight have given him a unique vantage point to become one of the world’s top experts on Western Esotericism

Latest Articles

33rd Degree Masters of Enlightenment

The number 33 is directly related to human enlightenment, health and true Gnosis. Our spine which in the occult is sometimes called the serpent has 33 vertebrae. Initiates in ancient times were known as Nagas, a word that means serpent. Top level Freemasons are said...

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NY Post: Donald Trump is all about the gnosis

Here is an interesting Gnostic article that came out this past week from the NY Post titled, "Conspiracy theories aren’t really about politics — but life." In the article, the author, Jonah Goldberg makes several references to Gnosticism and Gnosis in relation to our...

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From Superstition to Fanaticism is Only one Step

By ELIPHAS LEVI - SUPERSTITION, from the Latin word "superstes," surviving, is the sign which survives the idea which it represents; it is the form preferred to the thing, the rite without reason, faith become insensate through isolating itself. It is in consequence...

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The serpent is a Gnostic symbol for the spinal cord

Carl Jung had said, "The serpent is a Gnostic symbol for the spinal cord and the basal ganglia, because a snake is mainly backbone." 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall writes; "Sufficient similarity exists between the Masonic CHiram and the Kundalini of Hindu...

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Meaning of Hallelujah

The meaning of Hallelujah  (hall'lu-Yah) is based on the Hebrew words הָלַל, or Halal (Halel) and Jah. Halal means "to shine or giving off of light by celestial bodies. Jah means "The Lord or quite simply, Jupiter." Hence, the meaning of Hallelujah is "The Shining...

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