Filial Correction: 62 Catholics Write Formal Letter Calling Pope Francis a Heretic

Pope Francis leads a mass during a visit to the Roman Parish of San Pier Damiani, on May 21, 2017 in Rome. / AFP PHOTO / Andreas SOLARO

One of the reasons why I report on a Gnostic website about Catholic news and the Pope is because I grew up Catholic. Another important reason is to document the ancient history and Age old battle between the Catholics and the most famous heretics in the history of the world known simply as the “Gnostics.”

This religious war of knowledge (Greek: Gnosis) has been fought for thousands of years ever since the days of Church Father Irenaeus who had released the first piece of Anti-Gnostic propaganda called “Against Heresies“, or more appropriately, “On the Detection and Overthrow of the So-Called Gnosis.” (more…)

Catholic priests use the Aspergillum (from Aspergillus) to sprinkle holy water (antifungal) on the faithful

By this Holy water and by your Precious Blood, wash away all my sins O Lord

As I have mentioned in some of my latest walk and talk videos I have been doing live of Facebook is that the rituals and rites in our world’s most popular Abrahamic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam deal with protecting against and cleaning yourself of parasitic fungi that they had called “impure or evil spirits.”

An example I would like to point out to you is the relationship between that toxic mold (fungus) that we know of today as Aspergillus and how it is mysteriously connected to the hand held device used by Catholic priests at mass to sprinkle holy water on the faithful called the by the Latin aspergillum name of (asperges). (more…)

Ariadne: The Goddess of Gnosis

The Gnostic Goddess Ariadne was the daughter of the famous Law Giver and King of Crete, Minos and her Grandfather was the God Zeus. She was also known by the names of Gnosis, Gnosias, and CreUSA (U.S.A.) which all signify her hometown of Knossos, AKA the City of Gnosis on the ancient Holy Island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea.

Ariadne was immortalized in the halls of Gnosis and Freemasonry for helping her lover, Theseus who was the mythical founder-king of Athens to conquer the Minotaur and deliver him out of the Labyrinth by the means of a Thread. For doing so, she was also known as the “Mistress of the Labyrinth“,  As noted on the Linear B inscription from Knossos, “to all the gods, honey… to the mistress of the labyrinth honey.”   (more…)

The Red Cap of Liberty

The Red Cap of Liberty is also known as the Phrygian Cap, Mithraic Cap, sacrificial Cap, mitre and in French as the bonnet de laLiberté or bonnet rouge. It symbolizes the sacred acts of Initiation, Sacrifice, Liberty, Revolution, Enlightenment, and Brotherhood.

It has been worn by various Abrahamic priesthoods over the last few thousand years and also newly emancipated slaves since the time of Ancient Rome. The red cap not only an ancient symbol, it is one of the oldest magical talismans that is still in use to this very day by various religions, secret societies, and governments all around the world. (more…)

Saint John Himself Was the Father of the Gnostics

33rd Degree Sovereign Master of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike had written in Morals and Dogma,“The trowel of the Templars is quadruple, and the triangular plates of it are arranged in the form of a cross, making the Kabalistic pantacle known by the name of the Cross of the East. The Knight of the East, and the Knight of the East and West, have in their titles secret allusions to the Templars of whom they were at first the successors. (more…)

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