The Gnostic Warrior & Illuminatus Podcasts

Listen to the Gnostic Warrior and Illuminatus Podcasts where we take you on a  journey from the depths of darkness to the illuminating realms of secret knowledge and enlightenment.


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Get to Know Moe

Since 2009, Moe has explored and interviewed some of the world’s top experts on esoteric philosophies such as Gnosticism, Mystical Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, to name a few.

This path of knowledge and years of insight have given him a unique vantage point to become one of the world’s top experts on Western Esotericism

Latest Articles

Amen/ Am-On the Spiritual Energy of Our Souls

By Pat Beaumier - Amen/ Am-On and the encoding of two separate energies. This word predates all three Abrahamic religions yet all three uniquely respect Amen, or "Aummmm-onnnnn" for reasons that have not necessatily been made clear to those who use this word. Amen is...

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Quotes on Alchemy

"I had discovered, early in my researches, that their doctrine was no mere chemical fantasy, but a philosophy they applied to the world, to the elements, and to man himself." - William Butler Yeats "Medicine rests upon four pillars - philosophy, astronomy, alchemy,...

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The terrified mind fights itself

"The terrified mind fights itself...eventually it attacks in desperation...that is the most dangerous moment...the terrified mind can usually be trusted to make a fatal mistake." ~ Frank Herbert

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Enoch Priesthood: The Priests With No Penis

There was a time in ancient history when the priesthood in various cultures were required to sever their penis', or what is more commonly known as castration. These priests were first known as eunuchs (/ˈjuːnək/; Greek: εὐνοῦχος) and the Galli, who according to...

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