What is the Meaning of a Gnostic and Gnosis?

Gnosis is the oldest religious experience known to mankind. The original Gnostics were the world’s moe-quotefirst priests, and the practice of Gnosticism is simply the earth’s most ancient religion that precedes all other faiths. Every country and culture had their own secret Gnostic sects and mystery schools, and still do to this very day.

The word Gnosis is a Greek word for knowledge which usually refers to any type of direct communion with the divine. Philo refers to this as secret “knowledge” (gnosis) and “wisdom” (sophia) of God. It is not only knowledge of the divine, but also of thyself, the world, nature and the Great Work (Great Arcanum or magnum opus). The Hebrews describe Gnosis with the Da’at. A Hebrew word for knowledge, that in the Kabbalah describes a mystical state one has as they ascend up the tree of life to then reach the self-giving Divine Light. The ancient Egyptians had described the Gnostic experience in many texts of their proverbs such as; “The body is the house of God,” and “Man, know thyself … and thou shalt know the gods.”

Gnosis comes from within each one of us through the secret knowledge of all things hidden. But this knowledge is not something that you will just find outside of yourself. Gnosis in its purest form is the intuitive spiritual knowledge that comes with knowing thyself and thyspirit. Plato describes this process when he says “all learning is remembering.” He calls this a recollection and restoration of the views a person once had, and original knowledge that was once lost. Today science describes part of this Gnostic experience that Plato had described as intuition.

The Valentinians (Valentinus) taught that gnosis was the privileged Gnosis kardias, “knowledge of the heart” or “insight” about the spiritual nature of the cosmos that brought about salvation to the pneumatics— the name given to those believed to have reached the final goal of sanctity. The Sethians understood themselves to be children of Adam and Eve, through Seth who had walked the Right Hand Path (RHP) which is the path of the heart. The path of water. All desire, learning and the Great Work is done through our hearts, rather than just the mind. (more…)

Manly P. Hall on the Gnostics

Even today there are evidences of Gnostic philosophy in the modern world, but they bear other Demon and Jesusnames and their true origin is not suspected. Many of the Gnostic concepts have actually been incorporated into the dogmas of the Christian Church, and our newer interpretations of Christianity are often along the lines of Gnostic emanationism – Manly P. Hall The Secret Teachings of All Ages (more…)

The Letter “G” in Freemasonry Signifies Gnosis

The Letter “G” in Freemasonry Signifies Gnosis

On this page, you will find an audio podcast above, and also a video and the article below.

Symbols G In FreemasonryOne of the most debatable Freemason symbols that you will find is the square and compass that is often depicted with the letter “G” in the center. It is this letter “G” that has garnished the most speculation from outsiders, and even initiated members of this Secret Brotherhood. In this article I would like to focus on what this letter actually symbolizes to help dispel the myths, and let you, the reader decide, if what I write is truth.

The most common explanations that you will find for what the letter “G” represents run the gambit from God, who would also be the Great Architect of the Universe or Geometry since as Pythagoras had said, all is number. In both operative and speculative Masonry the use of math and mathematical symbols has always been at the forefront in the teachings of the craft. Therefore, it would only be natural for people to assume that the G could possibly represent Geometry since it is one of the “most ancient and noblest of sciences.” (more…)

The Third Eye

The Ammon is the Abraxas, and place of Sophia (wisdom); to the Gnostics, Christos (or Gnosis), and the Third Eye to many people today hippocampus 3d2who may be considered New Age. The Ammon’s Horn is also known in science as our hippocampus located in a section of our brains that we access the hidden supreme power deep within the DNA of each one of us to obtain gnosis, intuition, wisdom, and to relearn from our past lives.

Third eye activation to enlightenment and gnosis here we come…

The subject of the third eye is a favorite topic amongst many modern researchers, and authors like myself. When studying the history of any topic, my path is one in which I try to utilize science and real world descriptions in order to attempt to make actual connections between the subject I’m researching and with scientific research. The many times I have employed this method, I have been able to make sense of some of these terms like the third eye, ancient myths, and/or religious allegories. (more…)

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