A learned Mamzer takes precedence over an ignorant High Priest

A learned Mamzer takes precedence over an ignorant High Priest

In Judaism, a Mamzer is defined as an outcast of the race, a child born of a forbidden relationship, such as adultery or incest, in which marriage of the parents could not lawfully occur.” The Latin Vulgate renders the word Mamzer. Zech. ix. 6. a stranger, or alien; and Deut. xxiii. 2 – the son of a prostitute. They were not permitted to enter into the congregation of his people (Deuteronomy 23:2), and could not marry into most Israelite families (Mishnah, Qiddushin 4:1-2).

King Solomon was most likely a Mamzer given the fact that his mother Bathsheba was of a different bloodline which she indicated when Bathsheba says to David in 1 Kings, i. 21; “I and my son Solomon shall be counted offenders or sinners; she means, my son shall be treated as a Mamzer, and myself as a prostitute.”

The Pharisees were the Christian Gnostics of their day who put knowledge and wisdom of the mysteries above inheritance when it came to the priesthood. The Pharisaic position on the high priesthood is exemplified by the assertion that “A learned mamzer takes precedence over an ignorant High Priest.”

The Scripture tells us that the Pharisees were the teachers of the divine law and as their Master Jesus alluded, “they were the teachers.” The Jewish-Roman historian, Josephus said the Pharisees were considered the most expert and accurate expositors of Jewish law and first mentions them in connection with Jonathan, the successor of Judas Maccabeus (“Ant.” xiii. 5, § 9).

Meaning, a High Priest (Pope or Patriarch) would be chosen by his Gnosis (knowledge) through merit (self-made) as opposed to family succession which often produces lazy and self-righteous children (mini-Yadobaoths). As a Modern Gnostic, it makes me think of how we can witness in real-time the after effects of Trust Fund babies and children of the rich and famous who inherit mass fortunes and then go on to do absolutely nothing meaningful with their lives.

Dying in the gas of their aborted suns of their fathers and ancestors…

This result is most likely because they have not earned their positions in life and wisdom through merit because they have been spoon fed all the false knowledge, money and wealth they foolishly thought they wanted which is the very curse that has wiped out many royal families and priesthoods for millennia.

However, many of the world’s most rich and famous never seem to learn these facts or read this history because it doesn’t fit their current fictional story created to make everyone feel special – the way of the Sadducees.

When St. Paul was writing from Rome to the Philippians to give his argument against the Judaizers who at the time were all about blood and familial succession over true Gnosis and merit. Paul explains that he was a circumcised Israelite from the Tribe of Benjamin — “circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the Law, a Pharisee.”

Meaning that Paul is part of the Race for his blood and DNA are from the Phoenician Hebrews and he is part of the Israelite (Egyptian/Phoenician/Greek/Roman) religion from the tribe of Benjamin and the law of Gnosis in which he earned by merit.

Josephus indicates that the Pharisees received the backing and good-will of the common people, as opposed to the more elite Sadducees who were associated with the ruling classes. In general, whereas the Sadducees were aristocratic monarchists, the Pharisees were eclectic, popular, and more democratic. (Roth 1970: 84)

St. Jerome, in Isai. viii. places the origins of the Pharisees at a late date stating that “the Scribes and Pharisees proceeded from the division of the two famous schools of Hillel and Shammai.”

Also, the Lord Jesus has been called a mamzer for he was said to be born of a virgin.

I will go more into this Gnostic history when this mamzer finds the time…

Apollyon Rising – Revelation 9:11 from the Bottomless Pit

Apollyon Rising – Revelation 9:11 from the Bottomless Pit

In Revelation 9:11, it is said, “the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon ( Abbaton), but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon and in the Vulgate by the Latin Exterminans (Destroyer). We are told he is the king of the deep pit which is is the great gathering place of the dead, more commonly known as Sheol ie: hell or the abyss and the name given to the angel who with Maweth, i.e. ‘death,’ stands over the six angels of destruction, who aid God in the punishment of the wicked.


Apollo’s Cretan Dolphins of Gnosis

Apollo’s Cretan Dolphins of Gnosis

“And whereas I first, in the misty sea, sprung aboard the swift ship in the guise of a dolphin, therefore pray to me as Apollo Delphinus (Apollo the Dolphin).” – Homeric Hymn to Apollo

In ancient times, the dolphin was said to be a messenger of the Gods and a type of oracle for the Sons of God. It is no wonder because they are extremely clever and kind to humans and Pliny calls them the fastest of all animals.

One of the most famous legends of the dolphin is about one of the most favored sons of Zeus was Apollo who in the guise of a delph AKA dolphin led a boat-load of Cretans to what is known in legend as Delphi.

The Homeric hymns show that Apollo himself is introduced conducting a band of Cretans, who came from the city of Gnosis – Knossos at his sanctuary at the foot of Parnassus, where he constitutes them his ministers ie: priests.

It is here at the palace of Gnosis at Knossos where you will find the Dolphins of Apollo in what is known as the famous “Dolphin Fresco.”

This is why Apollo’s most important name in the Cretan legends is Delphinius and his hereditary priests and priestesses of Pythia are the true oracles of Delphi.

Traditionally, Apollo and his twin sister, Artemis who is the Roman Diana, were born just 7 miles from the Holy Island of Crete on the isle once known as Delos (Δήλος) and Kos, which today is called Dia.

This island is where the Kohanim Levites had hailed from with their temple of healing called The House of Asklepios (iEsculapius) which we know today was home to the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates  (Greek: Ἱπποκράτης; Hippokrátēs; c. 460 BC – c. 370 BC) and where he had operated his world-famous school of medicine.

A person who comes from the island Kos (Coos) is called a Koan in English, and a Cohen or Kohen (or Kohain; Hebrew: כֹּהֵן, “priest”, pl. כֹּהֲנִים Kohanim) which is simply the Hebrew word for priest. Hence, your last name does not have to be “Kohen or Cohen” to be a member of this biblical family.

From this Dragon shaped island, Apollo went to Pytho (Delphi), where he slew Python, the dragon that guarded the area. He established his oracle by taking on the guise of a dolphin, leaping aboard a Cretan ship, and forcing the crew to serve him. From this point forward, Delos was one of the most sacred places of ancient Greece.

Further connections to Crete can be found in the story of the Labyrinth when Crete when Theseus dedicated to him the statue of Aphrodite which Ariadne had taken from Crete. On his return from Crete he danced about Apollo’s altar at Delos and instituted the cult of Apollo.

The lyre and bow are Apollos main instruments which are also bother credited to the development of the Cretans and also as their national symbols are more evidence of his origins with the Apollo of Crete.

It was said that in classical times, Delos now known as Dia was the center of an island confederation (Atlantis Legends), bound together by the common religion of Apollo, and only broken up by the overwhelming power of Athens.

It is very interesting to note how the Cretan Apollo is also connected with the U.S.A and how actual Cretan influence on the American Masonic Gnostic religion.

Rekhmire: The First Masonic Grand Master of the Deep State

Rekhmire: The First Masonic Grand Master of the Deep State

Many prominent Freemasonic historians such as Cagliostro, Thomas Paine, and Manly P. Hall trace the long history of the Craft back to Ancient Egypt well before the modern version of the History of Masonry was allegedly recreated in England back in the early 1700’s. Like these great historians, I have also found the original Freemasons had their origins in Ancient Egypt.

In studying this lost history, I have discovered what appears to be the first known evidence and physical proof of what we can call “The First Masonic Grand Master of the Deep State.” These Masonic revelations I discovered in the tomb of a very important Egyptian noble and official of the 18th dynasty who served as “Governor of the Town” of Thebes and Vizier for Pharaoh’s Thutmosis III and Amenhotep II.

His name is Rekhmire.

The image above shows us Rekhmire’s Masonic symbols and the way he faces, the position of his feet and also what he holds in his hands are done purposely to indicate his “royal authority” and also the subjects AKA slaves who were all under his magical sway. He advances with his right foot forward as he holds the Shepards cane/crook in his right hand to control the slaves and in his left hand is the scepter to beat any unruly slaves/masons under the Kings sway that runs behind his body. 

In ancient Egypt, Rekhmire held the royal title of Vizier which is the highest-ranking government official, appointed by the pharaoh and acting as his chancellor (chief administrator; Egyptian: taty).

Vizier was a term for the chief administrators of Upper and Lower Egypt during the times when the administration of the country was headed by two officials with the vizier for the North (Lower Egypt, the Nile Delta), and a vizier for the South (Upper Egypt).

As Vizier and Chancellor, Rekhmire directed all the concerns of government with Egypt’s slaves and wealth through what is known as “The White House” and “The Red House.” In Ancient Egypt, their treasury was called the White House (per-hedj) in Upper Egypt and the Red house (per-desher) in Lower Egypt.

The term vizier was carried on by various world ruling factions such as in recent times with the Turks. In the Ottoman Empire, the Grand Vizier (Turkish: Sadrazam) was the prime minister of the Ottoman sultan, with absolute power of attorney and dismissible only by the sultan himself.

In the U.S., we carry this Ancient Egyptian tradition with our own White House as the head of political affairs as the official home to the Masonic PONTUS and his Deep State CIA Viziers.

But now we know that the initial concept of the White House was not founded by Anglo-Saxon Freemasons such as our first President, George Washington, but by their extremely powerful predecessors, the Freemasons of yesteryear whom they honor – The Ancient Gnostic Priesthood of Amon.

As I have written before, the City of Thebes was said to be founded by the founder of the Phoenicians, Prince Cadmus who is also credited with bringing letters to Greece and the creation of a special breed of warriors he had sown via dragons teeth into the ground. An extremely savage group of pedophile warriors raised from birth to kill that we know as the Spartans.

Masonic Proof

It is exactly here in the tomb of Rekhmire where we also uncover a veritable treasure trove of Masonic history, symbols, images, and texts that are very specific to his roles regarding his office and nobility.

The first evidence of organized Freemasonry I have found is in the tomb of Rekhmire in what is known as “The Craftsmen of Amun.” It is here where we find the first known representations of the workmen/masons in what appears to be an organized society.

We can call this the Masonic / Gnostic Brotherhood of Amon Ra (Amun Ra) who may very well be the first Gnostics to come from the East. Their city, Theba or Thebes, the City of the Ark in the New Kingdom was their capital in Egypt when they had held power. The God they had worshiped there was Amon (Amun, Amnion, Amen).

As it is said of Amon who we know in Christianity as Amen by one of their Gnostic descendants, Saint John in Revelation 7:12; “Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever Amen.”

We know from these texts that Rekhmire was placed in charge of all Egypt’s foreign lands which included all the slaves, laws, religion, commerce, arts, taxes, collections, courts and judgments. This includes who we call today Masons and they called back then in texts as “craftsmen of the temple of Amun.”

In one of the depictions and texts of Grand Master Rekhmire, it states that he is “Inspecting all craftsmen of the temple of Amun […] and giving every man instructions for his task (to make) all types of products.”

Rekhmire is also described as “one who sets the rules for priests and guides wab-priests in their functions”.

As the power grew for the Ancient Deep State and Rekhmire, they had amassed superior power that was equal to that of some pharaohs which made them the true ‘protectors of the king’ and even ‘kingmakers’ like we see today.

These original protectors of the king, I have traced back to the Ancient Priesthood from Crete known by various names such as the Telchnines,  Curetes, and Corbanytes who in mythology were placed in charge of the infant king Zeus and hid him in a cave in Mount Ida. I will explain these connections in a future article.

It appears that being the Pharaoh’s Grand Master had taken its toll on Rekhmire.

For example, in a special text called the “Duties of the Vizier,” we find that even though Rekhmire is a noble and has one of the most important positions in the Kingdom, his jobs and life is far from being ‘Cush.’ Rekhmire seems overwhelmed with the responsibilities of the Deep State when he says;

“Behold, as for the Vizierate, see, it’s really not a sweet thing, see, it’s a thing bitter as gall.”

A speech delivered by Tuthmosis III to his newly appointed Vizier (Grand Master) shows us just how tough the job must have been for Rekhmire to govern the Deep State of his vast empire.

Introduction: “Instructions communicated to the Vizier Rekhmire Bringing the Council members into the audience hall of the palace, life, integrity, health. Pharaoh presents the newly appointed Vizier Rekhmire.”

The king’s speech: “And His Majesty said to him.. Look now at the edifice of the Vizierate Ensure vigilance about what happens there, See, it is the prop of the whole country. See, as to the Vizierate, see, it is not really a sweet thing, See, it’s a thing bitter as gall.

See, this is copper around the gold of the estate of his Lord. Look, it is someone who does not bow his head before the Magistrates of the Council, and does not create supporters or accept them (as partisans). See, if a man is inside the house of his master (= if it is according to the rule) it is that he must act appropriately (for him) and it is not for another to do as he must do the same.

See, it was after he suffered […] from the office […] that a complainant comes from Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt (in short) the entire country, so you must watch to do all things according to the law, to do everything as it should (literally everything in accordance with its justice) in [? making (sure)] that justice is done for him.

See, for a magistrate who appears in public, that in all he does (openly) is as water and wind can report. See, what he did is known. Indeed (literally: it is in truth), If it is something he does in his conduct and that it is not revealed from the mouth of the head of current affairs, then we (the Pharaoh) will know from the mouth of one he has given judgment to, when he says that to the person being responsible for the business, stating, “This is not my decision to support the case (literally: my voice).

The complainant will send […] or to the (higher) magistrate. All the more one cannot ignore what he did. See, this is a protection for the magistrate to have acted according to the rule, doing what was laid down. (When) The complainant and the one judged […] “I have not been done justice.”

See, this is the proverb that is in the Book of Memphis, namely: ‘To the lord, merciful and, renowned Vizier!’ Beware of what was said of the vizier Khety. That is for the benefit of other people he impoverished people around him for fear of what might be said against him […]

That one of them might complain that a judgment exists that he thought applied to his case, he persevered to the impoverishment, but it was an excess of justice […] It is an abomination to the god to be biased (literally ‘overlook one side’). It is a Precept that you shall do the same, so that you shall consider (equally) that (person) which you know to whom you do not know, who is close to you (equally) as one who is away from you.

As for the magistrate who does similar things to these, he will become successful here in his Office. Do not treat the complainant with negligence before you pay attention to his words. If there is a complainant who come to complain to you (in person), do not dismisses what he says as a thing already declared. You may dismiss him only after you have made sure that he understands why you rejected his (complaint).

See, it is said, ‘a complainant would rather that one pays attention to his speech than to hear that (judgment) for which he had come. ” Do not show your anger towards a man unjustly. Show your anger about that for which one ought to show wrath. Make yourself dreaded that we have to fear you (because) you are a magistrate, it is the magistrate who is feared.

See, this is the prestige of the magistrate, to dispense justice. (But) behold, if a man is feared a million times, there is something wrong with him in people’s opinions. They will not say of him: ‘He is a man’. See […] a judge who tells a falsehood, but it is on his own merit that he should get on. See, you will succeed because you’ll take care to do justice in this office. See, It is by the decisions of the Vizier we desire to accomplish justice. So, see, that’s been his rigorous goal since (the time of) God.

See, this is said about the great scribe of the Vizier that ‘A Scribe of Ma’at’, is said of him. And as for the building in which you heard cases, there is a lobby within under […] judgment […] “As for the one who provides (?) Justice to all people it is the Vizier. See, a man remains in his office when he does things according to the rules given to it. Good fortune belongs to a man, when he does as it is laid out for him. Do not let a case drag out in which the law concerned is known.

And, see, as regards the bold (man), it is that the master loves the fearful more than the daring. Thus you will act according to the directions that were given to you. Behold, it is given to […] and pay attention to these regions in proceeding to their certification. If you’re planning to inspect (them), you will send, as inspectors, district supervisors, the chief of the police and their officers. If there is someone who can inspect on your behalf, you delegate it to him, so you will act like what is ordained for you.”

Nergal: The Lion Headed Cock God of Babylonian Hell (Earth)

Nergal: The Lion Headed Cock God of Babylonian Hell (Earth)

Nergal is the Hero God of War and the Underworld – ie: Babylonia, Earth, Hell, Land of the Dead and what we can just call today – Modernity.

Nergal had presided over the affairs of humans as one of the agents of punishment with his main instruments being that of magick, war, and pestilence. He was also King of the Spirits of the Air who was almost always accompanied by his female consort Ereskigal and many warrior demons as his legions.

The God Nergal was said to be an Idol of the Samaritan Hebrews who we also know under the names of the Kush, Cuthah, Cuthites, Cushite, and Cutheans. Nergal is mentioned in 2 Kings xvii, and the Babylonian Talmudic treatise Sanhedrin (fol. 63, p. 2) which states that the men of Kuth made Nergal their god.

“And what was it? A cock.”

Based on these historical descriptions, we know that Nergal was said to be worshipped in the form of a Cock (Rooster), or a man with the head of a Cock. But he is also found depicted as a “Man-Lion” with the body of a man and head of a lion.

In one of the oldest depictions of Nergal, we also see the symbols like the horns on his head, scorpion, battle ax, Great Mother and the Hellhound Cerberus – the three-headed ‘Demon-Dog’.

The rites of the Scorpion are the Mysteries of the Apocalypse.

Here is an ancient relief carving of Nergal dating to approximately the first or second century AD.

The immortal Idols used to represent Nergal, the Cock (Rooster) and a man with a Lion’s Head are actually two of the most important symbols that you will find in all of history.

These same said symbols are also prominently symbolized in the Abrahamic religions of the exoteric world and also the esoteric being that of Ancient Gnosticism which gave rise to modern Freemasonry. For example, we have Yaldabaoth who in Nag Hammadi is described as the Chief Archon created by the Goddess Sophia in the “form of a lion-faced serpent, with its eyes were like lightning fires which flash.

Let me remind some of you Christians that our Lord was also symbolized as a  Cock in the Scripture or I should say the “Holy Cock.”  As I had written before, the English word cock or rooster in Latin is gallus or gallinaceous which refers to a “rooster or cockerel” (male chicken) and the term gallīna is used for a “hen” (female chicken).

This is why one of the surnames for Jesus was “Jesus the Galilean from Gallillee” and his Apostles like Simon was also surnamed “Peter the Galilean.”

Also, let us not forget the chief symbol for the Tribe of the Lord – Judah is the lion.

This is may be why Jesus is surnamed the Galilean (Cock/Rooster) from Gallillee (River Galli) and the Prince of the Apostles like Simon the Samaritan who was surnamed Peter was a Galilean as well. (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41)


As I have mentioned many times before on the Gnostic Warrior, mythology and theology go hand and hand and wherever this priesthood of the Holy Cock had traveled, they often left their immortal marks for their descendants to break the Seal in order to follow the path to their true origins.

This may be why we find the God Nergal (Ner-gal, Nirgal, or Nirgali) in the Bible as the deity of the city of Cuth (Cuthah):

“And the men of Babylon made Succothbenoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima”(2 Kings 17:30); is said to be the father of Kush (Kish) (1 Chronicles 8:33). 1 Samuel 14:51 should be read, “Kish, the father of Saul, and Ner, the father of Abner, were the sons of Abiel.” And hence this Kish and Ner were brothers, and Saul and Abner were first cousins (Comp. 1 Chronicles 9:36)

The chief seats of Nergal’s worship were said to be in the ancient cities of Cutha and Tarbissa. Cutha was the sacred city where he was said to “live,” and where in ancient times you could find his famous shrine. The “men of Cuth,” when transported as colonists to Samaria then became known Biblically by names such as the Babylonians, Samaritans and Levites.

In some historical Babylonian accounts, their main temple was said to be Mount Gerizim, opposite the Temple in Jerusalem, where they were said to worship a God called ‘Nergal.’ The Father of English History and Doctor of the Church, Saint Bede says that in the Book of Places we read that “Benoth and Nergal were cities built in the region of Judea by Samaritans” who had migrated from Babylon.

It interesting that Bede says that Nergal was a city built near the region of Judea because, in my own research and as I have mentioned many, many times in the past, I have discovered that the city for the Old Judea was on the ancient Holy Island of Crete at the foot of Mount Ida.

This is the same location where the ancient myths of the Great Cretan Mother who we know by names such as Cybele, Magna Mater and Rhea had entrusted a “special priesthood” with the care of the infant God – Zeus who was hidden in a cave on Mount Ida from his vengeful father Cronus. It was at Mount Ida -AKA Judah where she had placed him in the care of a priesthood known under various names such as the Curetes, Telchnines, Corybantes, Dactyls, and Cabiri.

The first-century Roman-Jewish historian, Josephus verifies this fact when he says the tribe of the Jud or the Judeans (Idumean) of Mount Ida. Today they would be known as the Judeans or the Tribe of Judah – The Tribe of Our Lord.

This is why we find the Samaritan Levites at Mount Ida which would also most likely be the same place where the famous Levite priest lawgiver – Moses received the books of the Law from God on Mount Sinai. After all, it was on Crete where some of the most famous lawgivers in all history such as Epimenides Gnosis and King Minos had spawned so naturally, Moses would have also received the “New Laws” at Mount Ida on Crete.

We could safely say that the Samaritan Levites would be the defacto legal protectors placed in charge of our Lord in this 6th Age.

An age that may end when the last legal priesthoods for our Lord are instituted and ALL the pretenders are abolished and or destroyed.

All these ancient stories come down to us from the same Mount Ida priesthood whom I believe were the seeds for the Tribe we know as the “Samaritan Levites.” Like the Curetes, Telchnines, Corybantes, Dactyls, and Cabiri, this Ancient Priesthood for the Lord were assigned to guard and watch over the Ark of the Covenant.

Nergal (Nirgal, or Nirgali) and who is known as a Ner in the Scripture was the Ancient Patriarch and Father to this Tribe.

In the etymology of Nergal, we find that it is a compound word composed of the two words Ner and Gal. The meaning of Ner is a candle, lamp, and or light. Gal, as I mentioned before comes from the Latin gallus or gallinaceous which refers to a “rooster or cockerel” (male chicken) and the term gallīna is used for a “hen” (female chicken).

Ner-Gal was also the progeny (pro-geni) of who we know as our Lord in the West – Jesus the Galilean from the River Galilee and his 12 Apostlistic Galileans including Simon the Samaritan who we also know under the additional Biblical surnames as St. Peter – AKA The First Gnostic and when he became an Apostate of the Faith from which he was Christened, he then became Satan – The Lord’s Left Hand Man and Protector.

The God of this 6th Age……

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