The Gnostic Warrior & Illuminatus Podcasts

Listen to the Gnostic Warrior and Illuminatus Podcasts where we take you on a  journey from the depths of darkness to the illuminating realms of secret knowledge and enlightenment.


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Get to Know Moe

Since 2009, Moe has explored and interviewed some of the world’s top experts on esoteric philosophies such as Gnosticism, Mystical Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, to name a few.

This path of knowledge and years of insight have given him a unique vantage point to become one of the world’s top experts on Western Esotericism

Latest Articles

Satanic Panic in Chicago

A newly released 1989 document from Chicago Police Department called "Identification, Investigation, and Understanding of Ritualistic Criminal Activity," de by a Detective "Robert Semandl" shows how to identify teens involved in ritualistic Satanic abuse. The...

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I’m the Man of Sin

I'm a man of sin. In the religious sense, a sin is described as an immoral act considered to be a transgression against the divine laws which are contained in sacred religious texts such as the Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran. You are most likely a sinner as well...

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All Americans Are Liars

The original Gnostic quote comes from the Cretan philosopher Epimenides Gnosis who said, " All Cretans are liars." Today, we find the lying Cretans in America. Paid Liars in fake American media. Paid Liars in politics. Lies from our Satanic cult down from...

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Parasitus: The Social Media Climber

Today, in our modern world, being so-called digitally social and social media is the latest fad. From Facebook to Instagram, your favorite no-name F league celebrity and self-proclaimed esoteric online master has a page with 100,000 followers. These people are what...

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Jesus: The Tribe of Idea (Judah)

In my previous articles, The Meaning of Idea and Gnosis in the Bible, I explain that the Greek words found in the New Testament that are often translated in English as "to know, to see - to observe or to come to know through observation - to perceive and understand,"...

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Gnosis in the Bible

There is a long-standing misconception that the religion we call "Christianity" is devoid of the teachings of Gnosis.  An ancient Greek word that simply means "to know or knowledge." The facts are that if we were to take a serious look with an open mind (without dogma...

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The Meaning of Idea

The English word idea means, "to conceive anything in the mind; also a model, a copy to be imitated." Not many people know that the words idol, doll, ideal, and idyll are all derived from the word "idea." In Norse mythology, Ideas' name is Idun (Iðunn) and is a...

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