Dark Matter: Surfing the light of cosmic filaments into space and beyond

Dark Matter: Surfing the light of cosmic filaments into space and beyond

Recently, I have been reporting on what I like to call a “mycelium network or internet” that I theorize connects us humans to one another via specific fungal organisms that can be either beneficial (symbiotic) or detrimental (parasitical).

It is through this connection that I contend we can not only hack this network to bring knowledge and wisdom to humankind but also when used foolishly, evilness and destruction to whoever plays with the immortal dark fire that runs through its universal web and to the world wide root of our souls.

In many ancient cultures, this phenomenon was known as the “cosmic electric fire, universal life force or astral fire” to name a few. There were several Native American Tribes who described this unseen force as a type of spider web or cosmic web in which Spider Gods whose beliefs connected “the realms of light with those of darkness” through the use of webs.

33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall, had explained these ancient beliefs and in doing so, he also mentions “various parasitic growths” on plants and in certain minerals that are susceptible to this cosmic fire. Hall had written;

In like manner, animals, plants and even minerals are considered sacred, primarily because of their sensitivity to that “mysterious agency in Nature” known as “astral fire,” which we know today as electricity or even magnetism.

In fact, “various parasitic growths” in plants, and certain minerals, radium, and Lodgestone in particular, are “susceptible to this cosmic electric fire, or universal life force.”

Hall had said, “Most interestingly, during the Middle Ages, history records that magicians often surrounded themselves with “bats, spiders, snakes” and even monkeys, only because they were able to tap into their life forces. Moreover, it was believed in many “ancient schools of wisdom” that insects and reptiles “germinated out of the evil nature of man.”

Human beings, on the other hand, could gain intelligence, so hate would no longer taint the soul’s development.

Several American Indian tribes held the legend of ‘Spider Man,’ which connected the earth to the heavenly realms above through the use of its web. This idea is further supported by the “secret schools of India,” whose beliefs connected “the realms of light with those of darkness” through the use of webs.

These deities were known as “Spider Gods,” who were ruled by the “Great Spider.”

Hall concludes, “As such, the builders of this “cosmic system” were held together by threads of a web, known as the “invisible force.” (Hall, p. 87).

To further expand upon these ancient teachings of the universal life force and the spider web of the Native Americans, I would like to put forth modern research showing the modern science that further explains these teachings along with my modern fungi mycelium network theory.

Research that may one day prove that this universal life force which I simply call a mycelium internet on earth actually connects to the heavens via what scientists call today a “cosmic or galaxy filament” – the largest known structures in the universe.

Structures that are starting to reveal the secrets of “Dark Matter.”

It was in January 2014 when scientists were able to take an image of the cosmic filament close up to identify its mycelium like structure.

Researchers state that computer simulations suggest that matter in the universe is distributed in a “cosmic web” of filaments, as seen in the image above from a large-scale dark-matter simulation.

Scientists are finding that these cosmic filaments are massive thread-like web formations comprising huge amounts of dark matter which divide the universe into a vast gravitationally linked lattice interspersed with enormous dark matter voids.

The clusters and superclusters which connect to form filaments in the web due to gravity which researchers say make our Universe appear like foam or a sponge and may act as the skeleton of the Universe.

It is thought that this dark matter dictates the structure of the Universe on the grandest of scales.

In 2016, Hungarian researchers discovered what they call the fifth force of nature which was a new type of boson in “the decay of an isotope of beryllium.” The scientists claim that it may solve one of the greatest mysteries of the universe which is dark matter.

What caught my attention in reading this research is the fact that the scientists found this new force in “the decay” of an isotope of beryllium. The word decay signifies something that is dead and rotting which would indicate that several microscopic organisms such as fungi would be eating this dead matter in order to absorb its carbon body and remaining nutrients.

If you Google the meaning of decay, you are given this description: “(of organic matter) rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi.”

When I read this modern science of the fifth force found in decaying and rotting matter, it reminds me of the ancient story of the life that sprung from the rotten mud spoken about in The Theology of the Phoenicians from Sanchoniatho. It was translated by the 2nd century Christian Bishop and Church Historian, Eusebius of Caesarea who said that Sanchoniath wrote the truest history about the Jews.

Eusebius had translated;

“He supposes that the beginning of all things was a dark and condensed windy air, or a breeze of thick air and a Chaos turbid and black as Erebus: and that these were unbounded, and for a long series of ages destitute of form. But when this wind became enamored of its own first principles (the Chaos), and an intimate union took place, that connexion was called Pothos: and it was the beginning of the creation of all things.

And it (the Chaos) knew not its own production; but from its embrace with the wind was generated Môt; which some call Ilus (Mud), but others the putrefaction of a watery mixture. And from this sprung all the seed of the creation, and the generation of the universe.

The RT.com reported on the latest study that has yet to be peer-reviewed but the team’s previous research was accepted by the journal Physical Review Letters.

Once their findings have been thoroughly pored over, we may finally have a solution to the long-standing and often bemusing problem of accounting for dark matter which makes up the vast majority of the universe and is believed to be responsible for some truly baffling behavior among the stars.

Now, let me turn your attention from to the stars down here on earth to take a microscopic look at the massive underground networks of fungi (molds) in the soil and our bodies that look almost exactly the same as Cosmic Filament.

Interestingly, these fungi are also known as networks of filaments that trade carbon for the eternal light-bringer we know is science by the Greek name – Phosphorus and in Latin, Lucifer.

Please keep in mind that as you read my research, NASA found fungi AKA Toxic Mold growing on the walls of the International Space Station (ISS) and other fellow cosmonauts in the International space community such as in Russia and Germany have reported that fungi/molds have been found growing in the most inhospitable conditions.

In fact, scientists are finding these fungi/molds as high as 33,000 feet in the air.

Here is an explanation of this ongoing research by the Space Microbiology Research Group ;

When identifying what “space microbes” were contaminating the ISS, two main fungal genera are dominant: Aspergillus and Penicillium. These are most commonly known as mold, which has been found growing on the walls, windows, air filtration systems, water and urine systems, and even lettuce that was grown onboard the ISS.

Additionally, filamentous fungi like P. rubens and A. niger can also form biofilms. Fungal biofilms are one of the main causes of infections and can be found on our teeth, in industrial water systems or on medical instruments, such as catheters. But, they can be useful and good, too! Filamentous fungi are also the main producers of antibiotics, vitamins and food supplements in the biotechnological industry nowadays.”

They conclude, “Understanding how filamentous fungi grow and colonize the ISS and other enclosed habitats such as hospitals will help us monitor, control and use them to their full potential, both on Earth and in space.”

Let us look again to the Stars with this recent image showing the cosmic filaments with a blue light or gas running horizontally through its structures.

The white dots located within these filaments are said to be active star-forming galaxies that are “being fed by the filaments.”

According to a video by HubbleCast and host Dr. J. Astronomers, theories of cosmic evolution suggest that galaxy clusters form where filaments of the cosmic web meet, with the filaments slowly funneling matter into the clusters.

This seems to further validate Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity which says that the path of light is bent when it passes through or near objects with a large mass.

So my question is “What bends the light and why do they do it?”

Thinking further about this question makes me rephrase it to “Who or what takes the light from one source and gives it to another and why do they do it?”

Turning back to modern space science, experts state that these filaments of the cosmic web are largely made up of dark matter which are invisible with the naked eye, but their mass is enough to bend the light and distort the images of galaxies in the background, in a process they call “gravitational lensing.”

The team has developed new tools to convert the image distortions into a mass map.


Either way, my understanding always seems to lead to Gurdjieff’s conclusion that we all are, Food for the Moon.

A symbiotic relationship in which we human mushrooms must give our masters in space via the cosmic web the knowledge and light they seek to form a symbiotic relationship with our alien hosts. If we do not provide them with the sustenance they require, they turn hostile and the relationship morphs into an alien invasion upon our souls which leads to a parasitic death spiral of madness, illness, and disease.

When I look to our beautiful earth being destroyed by man-made industry as we pollute the heavens above, it seems that we have yet to understand the true laws of this symbiotic relationship in which the filaments that run through our bodies, the ground and into space are all connected. I believe that a serious violation of these immortal laws may equate to a death sentence for humankind who could be doomed for destruction by the very unseen forces that science is just starting to understand.

As Nietzsche had prophetically written, “If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

With that said, maybe instead of surfing the light of Dark Matter via the cosmic filaments to space and beyond like I do in my wildest Gnostic dreams, we are in the next process of our (their) evolution that will speed up this process into the abyss.

One in which I would like to take Gurdjieff’s theory a step further that if we do not change our ways, we may as well call this next stage, “Fast Food for the Moon.”


Some fungi trade phosphorus with plants like savvy stockbrokers

Dark City: A film about extraterrestrial parasites who seek to control people’s minds

Dark City: A film about extraterrestrial parasites who seek to control people’s minds

“They control everything here including the sun, that’s why it’s always dark. They can’t stand the light.” – Dr. Schreber

In the 1998 film, Dark City (IE: Dark Mind, Reptilian Brain = Parasite Left Brain), is about a group known as the “Strangers” (Archons, Fallen Angels) who live in the underworld (hell, unconscious mind) and are able to keep their parasitic grip on its human hosts above ground through a giant head (Satan, Devil, Great Serpent).

They are said to be an ancient parasitic alien race that is on the verge of extinction who seem to have unfathomable mental powers.

The main character, John Murdoch (Rufus Sewell) awakens in a hotel bathtub, suffering from amnesia (iGnosis/ignorance) and discovers the bloody horror scene of a corpse of what can be called a Satanically murdered (sacrificed to the demonic fungi) woman along with a bloody knife. He flees just as the Strangers show up to investigate the room.

The Strangers pursue Murdoch who eventually discovers that he has the Gnostic mind powers—which the Strangers also possess, and refer to as “tuning”—and he manages to use these powers to escape from them.

Murdoch meets Dr. Daniel Schreber (Kiefer Sutherland), who has the special Gnosis (knowledge) about the Strangers and he is also a bit crazy (schizophrenic). The mental capacity of Dr. Schreber gives him the inherent ability to see into their world. He explains to Murdoch that the Strangers are endangered extraterrestrial parasites who use humans as their hosts.

Dr. Schreber describes their abilities to alter physical reality like that of parasitic fungi/molds. The Doctors says in the film;

“They had mastered the ultimate technology – the ability to alter physical reality by will alone”.

They are telepathically connected to each other as “they share one group mind”.

They are most active at night, where the Strangers stop time and physically rearrange the city as well as changing people’s identities and memories. Having a hive mind, the Strangers have been experimenting with humans to analyze their individuality in the hopes that some insight might be revealed that would help their race survive.

It is interesting to note that the Strangers are most active when the people of the city are asleep or unconsciousness. The same thing can be said about parasitic organisms that reside in the human body who are most active at night to a global population is almost totally unaware of these interdimensional parasites that reside in their own bodies.

The crazy doctor writes about what he calls little men who are a few millimeters in height and are “invading his body because of his power.”

Schreber then says, “On some nights the souls finally dripped down onto my head, in a manner of speaking, in their hundreds if not thousands, as “little men”. I always warned them against approaching me, since I had become aware of the immensely increased power of attraction of my nerves.”

Another parasitic fungi/molds parallel is how the Strangers are able to manipulate the people of “Dark City” through this hive mind by working in unison to control the unconscious projections of its inhabitants. The Strangers have the ability to manipulate the unconscious humans and Dark City through a type of hive mind or collective conscious apparatus that is symbolized with a gigantic head with a clock inside.

This massive head is employed at night by the parasitic demons when the people of Dark City are sleeping AKA unconscious. This parasitic ability is observed during one scene when the Strangers conduct a tuning experiment with their collective will-power through the massive head, which opens to a clock at 9 p.m., which eventually turns to midnight.

Through this massive head, the Strangers create false memories (maya) for its unconscious slaves who are now controlled by the Strangers.

The main character, Murdoch’s task is to reawaken to who he truly is and activate his Gnostic abilities in order to escape the mind control grip of the Strangers (Archons) by exiting Dark City (Labirynth/Matrix) and defeating their leader AKA the Minotaur (Satan, Devil – AKA The Gigantic Head of the Fungi).

Apparently, Murdoch is some type of Gnostic Warrior who is able to Gno (know) the Strangers (Archons) and discover the Revelations that the city as an enormous space habitat (Fungi/Dark Matter) surrounded by a force field.

The Strangers bring the Gnostic Warrior, Murdoch to their home (fungal colony) beneath the city and force Dr. Schreber to imprint Murdoch with their collective memory (Fungi Gnosis), believing Murdoch to be the final result of their experiments. Schreber instead injects Murdoch with the memories (Gnosis) of his childhood where he learned who these Strangers were and how to defeat them using his genetic Gnostic abilities.

The Strangers use the bodies of dead people as vessels to move around. You can recognize them by their pale skin, and big bald heads. Their choice of clothing generally consists of a long black trench coat, black fedora, gloves, and boots, which give them a menacing appearance. Beneath their coats, they wear black leather suits of unique design made of different black leather pieces held together with a number of intricate straps, belts, and laces.

In the original form, they are bluish gelatinous tadpole-like creatures. Across the body section, they have a rounded mouth with lots of teeth and lots of tentacles.

They usually don’t use weapons, they can easily lift and throw a person several meters away with their telekinetic powers or make people sleep with telepathic ones. Their powers seldom fail them but if they do – for example, if for some inexplicable reason their opponent happens to be immune to them – they resort to somewhat cruder weapons, such as knives.

Even when inhabiting the human host, The Strangers have an aversion to water and light. When sprayed with water they burn and turn to dust, so if you mix these ingredients the nightmare starts to fade away.

Now that Murdoch has fully awakened to his illuminating Gnosis, he frees himself and goes to war with the Strangers, defeating their leader Mr. Book (Ian Richardson) in what can be described as a spiritual battle high above the city.

Murdoch defeats their leader Mr. Hand and informs him that the Strangers have been searching in the wrong place—the mind—to understand humanity. Murdoch turns the habitat toward the star (Jupiter) it had been turned away from, and the city experiences sunlight (illuminating phosphorus) for the first time.

The spiritual man has become the Messiah using the self-illuminating (alkalizing) power of the light (phosphorus) to kill off the remaining Strangers (fungi) and is liberated from Dark City.

Pythagoreans Divide Man’s Astral Spirit Into Two Entities: Aerial and the Aethereal

Pythagoras once said, “the whole air is filled with souls” and he divided these spirits into the astral spirit of man after its exit from the body into two distinct entities: the “aerial” and the “aethereal vehicle.”

The word astral comes from the Latin astralis and astrum, meaning ‘star’.When I say that Pythagoras divided man’s ‘astral spirit,’ what I mean is the very alchemical makeup of our being which they believed came from the heavens.

As I had written previously, the origins of the word spirit comes to us the from Latin spiritus “breath, spirit,” from spirare “breathe.” It was an ancient belief for thousands of years that supernatural beings or things fly and float in the air and they could enter a person’s body simply by being in the company, touching and breathing in these beings or things. (more…)

Gnostic Duality

One of the main Gnostic scientific teachings for the past 3,000 years is that we humans are dualistic beings. What the Gnostics had meant in simple modern terms is that there are two separate parts, elements, and or aspects to we humans. One element is immortal being made of light (spirit or soul) and the other mortal darkness (flesh or materiality).

The human spirit was of divine origin and good which came from the True God. It was made of an immortal light that descended from the heavens. The body was opposed to this light because it was inherently material, earthly and can be led to commit acts of evil. It was made of mortal flesh ruled by a False creator God who held sway over those materialistic souls who have not reached spiritual Gnosis. (more…)

Lemures: The Roman Parasitic Larvae Spirits

In ancient Roman mythology, the Lemures (lem’u-rez) were greatly feared evil spirits who caused disease and infection. They were thought to be malignant spirits, specters or ghosts who haunt the earth by night and to possess great power for evil over the living.

The reputation of the lemures really took off at the beginning of this 6th Age shortly first Pontifex Maximus of this 6th Age, Augustus Caesar had conquered the Gnostic Greek Hellenes, Cretans, and the Greco-Egyptian empire. It was at this time that many of the Gnostic philosophers from Greece, Crete, and Egypt were brought into Caesar’s inner circle. (more…)

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