Azazael: The Science of the Seed of Satan

Azazael: The Science of the Seed of Satan

One of the most powerful but mysterious Angels in the Abrahamic pantheon is known as Azazel (Azael or Azar). In the Book of Enoch, he is one of the chiefs of the 200 fallen angels who instructed the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men teaching them the magical arts.

The fallen angels were regarded as the founding authors (geni/jinn/demons) of sin in the world through various forms of transgression and corruption in which they were bound and tormented by a great fire (Eth. En. 21 s-io 54 1-6) for their worldly ways.

From the Gnostics, Jews, Christians to the apocryphal Book of Enoch and later passed over to the Arabians, Azazel is assigned as chief of the wind or air spirits by whom the earth was corrupted. Our oldest sources come from both ancient Jewish and Slavic legends which confirm that he is an evil spirit and one of two scapegoats bearing the sins of their people depicted in the ancient rite of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) in which one goat was designated by “lots for the Lord,” the “other for Azazel” (Leviticus 16:8). (more…)

Leigh McCloskey: Embrace the Matrix of Multidimensional Consciousness

Leigh McCloskey: Embrace the Matrix of Multidimensional Consciousness

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Embrace the Matrix of Multidimensional Consciousness Leigh McCloskey Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:24:14 — 62.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher Leigh McCloskey My special guest today is...
Gurdjieff’s Food for the Moon

Gurdjieff’s Food for the Moon

Food for the Moon was first introduced into Western Culture by the Russian mystic of Greek descent, George Gurdjieff (1872-1949). The infamous concept was an integral aspect of the “Fourth Way,” which were Gurdjieff’s esoteric teachings on the spiritual development of man.

The idea of Food for the Moon deals with the paranormal aspect of the slavery of Humanity in which its organic energy serves as “food” for some the cosmic entity we know as the Moon and its parasites that we can not see at another level of existence ie: the paranormal/fourth dimension.

Gurdjieff said, “The Moon is actually a fragment of this Earth, which must now constantly maintain the Moon’s existence. Everything living on the Earth, people, animals, plants, is food for the Moon. The Moon is a huge living being feeding upon all that lives and grows on the Earth.”

In other words, I would simply say that earth and all its organisms’ energies are slaves to a super parasitical mind in the night sky – the Moon. A massive predator in the heavens sending armies of parasites in a chain descending down through the biosphere to Mother Earth in order prey on its host population – US.

Gurdjieff had stated that it was only through “self-remembering” that it was possible for an individual to escape being eaten by the Moon.

A form of Gnosis from the ancient book of Plato who had said all learning is remembering. Its as if these great teachers are telling us we all have the keys ie: knowledge/Gnosis within to free ourselves from the parasitical grips of the effects of the moon.

Gurdjieff’s’ Food derived from humans is said to by vibrations generated by intense human experiences such as fear and hate which formulate unique energies on the collective level which create war and other human tragedies. We could compare this to mass hypnosis of humankind on earth so we perform a Jim Jones type mass ritual self-suicide in order to feed the parasites who in turn feed the moon.

With man being less and less conscious of the spiritual realm ie: non-material, these energies that he does not understand and no longer consciously controls can easily be harvested by parasitical organisms. When I look to medieval art by the alchemists and Christian Mystics of yesteryear, I see these teachings clearly spelled out in the battle against the serpent and who Christians call the Great Dragon – Satan – defacto ruler of earth ie: material realm and flesh.

Failing to battle the influences of the moon and its soul-sucking parasites then leads to a type of super slave which causes mankind to act as a drone/zombie who can then perform meaningless work, fight wars and endure cataclysms in which a certain quota of energy vibration can be released into the air to be “Moon fed”.

Quite possibly or should I say prophetically, today we can measure how we are feeding the parasites/fungi and moon at a rapid pace thus increasing war and mayhem.

For example, in all the wars of the 20th Century, there have been estimated a total of approximately 123 million people who died of which, 37 million were military deaths, 27 million collateral civilian deaths, 41 million victims of “democide” (genocide and other mass murder) and 18 million victims of non-democidal famine. (Matthew White: Worldwide Statistics of Casualties, Massacres, Disasters and Atrocities)

Can we now say that we have succeeded in feeding the Moon?


The Latin word for the moon is Luna and this is where we get the word for irrational behavior and madness during certain phases of the Moon which we call “lunacy and lunatic.” This belief was so widespread that in the 1800’s England made the law titled the “Lunacy Act of 1842” which gave allowances for certain crimes committed during the full and new Moon.

This law was the first of its kind to distinguish a criminal from either being chronically insane as a result of genetics and culture or a lunatic whose crimes were the result of paranormal influences. This is officially when in the West, a person’s lunacy had resulted in a deranged criminal act because of the Moon’s power and thus could not be held accountable for his or her actions.

This gave rise to the myths of barking animal men we call “werewolves” Thousands of years before Gurdjieff had written about Food for the Moon and Ozzy barked at the Moon, Pythagoras had stated that “The whole air is full of souls which are called genii or heroes,” which he also believed that these souls in the air affected our thoughts, dreams and sent omens of health, sickness and disease.

These teachings later became known as “The Doctrine of the Transmigration of Souls or Doctrine of Disembodied Spirit” later became part of the mythical teachings of Gnosticism as the “counterfeit spirit or counterfeit daemon,” which we find in the Christian Scripture when Saint Paul refers to them as wicked spirits of the air in high places in Ephesians 6:11-13.

The Gnostic version is described in the Pistis Sophia (ie: Faith Wisdom) as a small power and soul which has power over our flesh and gains power by the sins and evil we commit. It gathers itself out of the portion of evil (ie: sins/lusts/passions) that resideth in the body.

This sin and evil we vibrate from our beings would then create dark energy vibrations for the spirits of the air in high placed which would correspond exactly with Gurdjieff’s teachings on Food for the Moon.

While looking into the science of Food for the Moon, one of Gurdjieff’s disciples, Pyotr Demianovich Ouspenskii, had once written, “Everything that dies, from bacteria to man, then divides in two. One part of its organism remains on earth and enters in earth and produces many different effects on the surface of earth, and the other part is attracted by the moon and feeds moon. So part of us, when we die, feeds moon—but not only man—all organic life also.”

I have written and talked extensively about the science and effects of parasitical fungi/molds and also how they can be found in space both here on the Gnostic Warrior and for my business Mold Safe Solutions. For example, I had written previously about how a team of scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology discovered billions of tiny organisms such as bacteria and fungi 33,000 feet in the air after they flew six miles above Earth’s surface in a NASA jet plane and pumped outside air through a filter to collect particles.

This may be the very reason why NASA announced in July 2017 that it is preparing to fight fungus (mold) in space and on other planets. An article from CNET states that NASA is investigating fungi in space as an enemy of astronaut health.

The author cites a study published Monday in the journal Microbiome shows that when you add humans to the type of enclosed habitats that could one day be used on the moon or other planets like Mars, it can give a boost to the community of fungal stowaways known as the mycobiome.

The researchers claimed that certain fungi seemed to thrive once humans were added to the ILMAH, including some that can colonize the body and cause allergies, asthma or infections, particularly in people with decreased immune systems like astronauts.

More recently in March 2018, NASA said its search for alien life may have a fungus problem due to extraterrestrial sample yielding a particularly large number of fungi, of the same general group of species as the mold that inspired the drug penicillin. In certain conditions, these fungi can produce a few flavors of amino acids—the building blocks of proteins—that are quite rare on Earth and are therefore often assumed to be extraterrestrial.

Looking back at these teachings, I believe that we can now say that science is verifying what Gurdjieff called Food for the Moon, Pythagoras had said 2500 years earlier that the whole air is full of souls, the Gnostics called counterfeit spirits, and Saint Paul called the spirits of the air in high places.

The Artificial Spirit

The Artificial Spirit

From the The Secret Book of John (Apocryphon of John) – Then I asked him, “Lord, what about the souls who didn’t do these things even though the Spirit of Life’s power descended on them?“

He answered, “If the Spirit descends to people they will be transformed and saved. The power descends on everyone and, without it, no one can even stand up. After they are born, if the Spirit of Life increases in them, power comes to them and their souls are strengthened. Nothing then can leave them astray into wickedness. But if the artificial spirit comes into people, it leads them astray.”

Then I said, “Lord, when souls come out of the flesh where do they go?”

He replied, smiling, “If the soul is strong it has more of power than it has of the artificial spirit and so it flees from wickedness. With the assistance of the Incorruptible One that soul is saved and it attains eternal rest.”

I then asked him, “Lord, what of the souls of the people who do not know whose people they are? Where do they go?”

He responded, “In those people the artificial spirit has grown strong and they have gone astray. Their souls are burdened, drawn to wickedness, and cast into forgetfulness.”

“When they come forth from the body, such a soul is given over to the powers created by the rulers, bound in chains, and cast into prison again. Around and around it goes until it manages to become free from forgetfulness through knowledge. And so, eventually, it becomes perfect and is saved.”

I then asked him, “Lord, what of the souls of the people who do not know whose people they are? Where do they go?”

He responded, “In those people the artificial spirit has grown strong and they have gone astray. Their souls are burdened, drawn to wickedness, and cast into forgetfulness.”

“When they come forth from the body, such a soul is given over to the powers created by the rulers, bound in chains, and cast into prison again. Around and around it goes until it manages to become free from forgetfulness through knowledge. And so, eventually, it becomes perfect and is saved.”

Then I asked, “Lord, how does the soul shrink down so as to be able to enter its mother or a man?

He was happy that I asked this and said, “You are truly blessed because you have understood. The soul should be guided by another within whom is the Spirit of Life. It will be saved by that means and accordingly will not have to enter a body again.

And I said, “Lord, what happens to the souls of people who achieved true knowledge, but who turned away from it?”

He said to me, “Demons of poverty will take them to a place where there is no possibility of repentance. There they will stay until the time when those who blasphemed against the spirit will be tortured and subjected to punishment forever.”

I asked, “Lord, where did the artificial spirit come from?”

And he told me:

Three Plots against Humanity  

The Mother-Father is merciful
A Holy Spirit sympathizing with us.
Through the Epinoia of the Providence of the light
It raises up the children of the perfect race
Raising up their thought, their light eternal.

When the Chief Archon learned that they were elevated above him
And that their mental ability surpassed his
He wanted to put a stop to their thought
But he did not know the extent of their mental superiority
And he could not stop them.

He made a plan with his demons
Who are his powers
Each of them fornicated with Wisdom (Sophia)
And produced fate
The last variety of imprisonment.

Fate changes unpredictably
It is of different sorts just as the demons are of different sorts.
Fate is hard.
Fate is stronger than
The gods, the authorities, the demons, the generations of people
Who are caught up in it.

Out of fate emerged
Sinfulness, violence, blasphemy, forgetfulness, ignorance,
Weighty commandments
Heavy sins
Terrible fear.
In this way all of creation became blind,
Ignorant of God above everything.

Because of imprisonment in forgetfulness
They are unaware of their sins,
They are bound into periods of time and seasons
By fate who is lord of it all.

Yaldabaoth eventually came to regret everything he had created.
He decided to bring a great flood
Upon creation, upon mankind.

But the great light of Providence warned Noah.
He preached to all of the children,
The sons of men,
But if they were strangers to him they didn’t listen.

            [It was not the way Moses said: “they hid in an ark.”
Rather, they hid in a special place,
Not just Noah
but also many other people from the immovable race.
They went into hiding within a cloud of light.]

Noah knew his own authority
And that of the light Being who illuminated them
Although the Chief Ruler poured darkness over all the world.

The Chief Ruler and his powers plotted a strategy,
To send his demons to human daughters
And make themselves children by them to enjoy.
But they failed.

After their failure they made another plan.
They created an artificial spirit
Modeled on the Spirit who descended
So, to impregnate souls by means of this spirit,
The demons changed appearance
to look like the women’s husbands
They filled the women with that spirit of darkness and wickedness.

They brought into being
Gold and silver,
Money and coins,
Iron and other metals and all things of this sort.

And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles
And were greatly misled.
And grew old
Experiencing no pleasure,
And died
Finding no truth,
Never knowing the true God.

This is the way that they enslaved all of creation
From the foundation of the world until now.

[They took some women and produced children out of darkness
And they closed their hearts
And they hardened themselves
in the hardness of their artificial spirit
Until the present day.]

Gnosis: The mystery which hath been hidden away from the ages and from the generations

Gnosis: The mystery which hath been hidden away from the ages and from the generations

In the New Testament which was originally written in Greek, we find the Greek words gnôsis (knowledge) and sophia (wisdom) often written together and reoccurring many times in association with the words “treasure (Greek: thēsaurízō) and secret mysteries.”

St. Paul, who was then writing to the Greeks or Hellenistic Jews ie: Gnostics at the time would use phraseology that was familiar to the initiated such as when he calls the gospel “a mystery,” which is “hidden from the natural understanding and from the previous searchings of men” (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). He emphasizes the notion of secrecy in its proclamation (comp. 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6); and “mystery is the correlate of revelation.”

Some of the early Christian Fathers who were collectively known as The Ante-Nicene Fathers had said that when Paul speaks of “treasures”, he is talking about knowledge (gnosis) and of hidden wisdom. In Volume 9, they proclaim;

“Apostles would have said this, too, as well as Paul. As for the text, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us,” we interpret it in this way.

By “treasures” we understand here, as in other passages, the treasure of knowledge (gnosis) and of hidden wisdom.”

The Ancient Gnostic mysteries were what can be called the Greek Athenian and Hellenistic Jewish mysteries that were secret religious doctrines and rites made known only to initiated persons, who formed various associations and schools. Some of the most sacred were the Gnostic mysteries near the city of Knossos on Crete and what is known as the Eleusis mysteries near Athens in Greece.

It was said that the mystical doctrines ascribed to Pythagoras were propagated by various secret societies, which were readily adopted by the Church of Alexandria whose goal was to expand Judaism using a secret symbolical and allegorizing method into a one world universal religious system.

The inner Gnostic mysteries would be veiled from the unenlightened (or uninitiated) fellow believers.

The English word mystery is derived from the Greek word μυστήριον, which means a “secret”, or knowledge (gnosis) kept hidden or covered ie: the unrevealed. Paul would have used the term to describe the secret doctrines of Gnosis that were to remain hidden until the apocalypse in order to uncover them.

In Colossians 1:26, Paul had said, “the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people.” In his Epistles, he uses the term “mystery” 21 times such as “The mystery which hath been hidden away from the ages and from the generations (Ephesians 2:2, 3; Ephesians 3:5, 9; Romans 16:25, 26; Romans 11:25, 26, 33).

The word “mystery” plays a large part in Colossians and Ephesians and it occurs in 1 Corinthians, and twice in the Roman Epistle, written from Corinth. Its use in Romans 16:25 is identical with that of the passage before us. ”

“In whom (not as Alford, ‘in which’) mystery; Christ is Himself the ‘mystery’ (Col 2:2; 1Ti 3:16), and to Christ the relative refers) are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Gnosis) hidden.

This is the wisdom of God in a mystery, a wisdom which is hidden.

This wisdom refers to how man’s redemption is truly accomplished which is through the secret doctrine of Gnosis.

In his Epistles to the Corinthians, Paul calls himself an idiot — a person unskilful in the Word, but not in the gnosis. Paul says, “We speak wisdom among the perfect or initiated. Not the wisdom of this world, nor of the archons of this world, but divine wisdom in a mystery, secret—which none of the Archons of this world knew.”

By revelation, Paul received the secret (μυστήριον) Gnosis.

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