Lady Gaga’s Initiation Into Black Magic and the Price She is Paying for Playing the Game

Lady Gaga’s Initiation Into Black Magic and the Price She is Paying for Playing the Game

“Everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I’m from New York. I will kill to get what I need.” Lady Gaga Quote

In 2013, it was as if Lady Gaga had changed again overnight.

The change happened shortly after she had met and started collaborating with the occultist, black magician, and a Satanist named Marina Abramović. A woman who I believe cleverly styles herself as a performance artist to occult her overt Satanic art and ritualistic performances done in the open and for the ignorant public but at an extremely hefty price.

2013 was the year of magic for Lady Gaga who would spend three days conducting various rituals at Abramović’s studio in Hudson, New York, and completely immersing herself in Abramović’s methods.

Abramović told MTV that Lady Gaga was such a great student that “she’s rarely seen in any of her students” in which the singer didn’t eat or speak for four days and found her way out of the woods blindfolded and naked.

“I was very impressed with how humble and incredibly determined and hardcore this kid is,” Abramović told MTV of Gaga’s interest in her magic.

She (Gaga) said, ‘I want you to teach me, I want to be your student’.

MTV reported in 2013;

“For one of the Gaga video’s most provocative scenes, in which the pop star is seen walking through the woods blindfolded while totally nude, Abramović said Mother Monster went even further than anyone expected. “She is a hardcore student.”

Abramović said. “I had to blindfold her and she was in the forest for three hours, eaten by mosquitos and spiders, scratched by the bushes. It was quite incredible. Whatever I told her she met the exercise absolutely to the end, never complaining. And my exercises are pretty tough.”

According to MTV, Abramović was worried about her contracting Lyme Disease.

“The idea was that artists, even blindfolded, have to have vision like a blind man,” she said. “To feel with their entire body … She was in the fields and then the forest and by her pure intuition she had to find her way back home … During this exercise, completely of her own initiative, she took off her clothes.

She just wanted to be in nature and to feel the elements.” To be honest, Abramović said, she was worried about Gaga getting Lyme disease from the ticks in the area. At the same time, though, she was also blown away by how “fearless” and dedicated the singer was.

Abramović then uses magnets on Lady Gaga to help control the flow of energy in the body, and she considers her to be like a daughter.

MTV had written;

“Gaga then is transported into a river, where she is still making sounds while wearing Abramović’s patented “energy clothes,” including yellow horns that cover Gaga’s eyes, and, like the clothes, are fitted with magnets to help control the flow of energy in the body.

“I felt like she was my daughter,” Abramović said of the scene in which she and Gaga are seated, facing away from each other, in a river and taking in the natural beauty around them. “It was not about looking at each other, it was not about the forest. It was about being in the present. Two human beings.”

So how did that turn out for Gaga’s health and mental well-being in the long run? Please stay tuned to find out!

Shortly after the private workshop, Lady Gaga would see a magical jump in her career, and her fame skyrocketed bringing her fame and wealth, but she would pay a hefty price with her health as I will explain.

In 2014 it was publicly revealed that Lady Gaga had participated in a Spirit Cooking event hosted by her friend Marina Abramovic where she was seen by the world eating and drinking allegedly fake blood from a “fake dead person” in a peculiar ritual called, “Spirit Cooking.”

A June 28, 2015 email from the Julian Assage Wikileaks categorized as “15893” pertains to John and his brother Tony Podesta being invited to a “spirit cooking dinner” where invitees would pledge over $10,000 in support of the Marina Abramović Institute were invited to the “Spirit Cooking.”

It was in June 2016, that Gaga would be forever connected to Abramović who became mainstream news after a leaked email forwarded from the artist to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman John Podesta revealing the ritual to the world and the odd relationship between Satanism, black magick, Hollywood and Washington.

Just a few days before the election, WikiLeaks dropped a bomb tweeted an image of Abramović’s “Spirit Cooking” art, directly linking it to Podesta:

The Podestas’ “Spirit Cooking” dinner?

It’s not what you think.

It’s blood, sperm and breastmilk.

But mostly blood.

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 4, 2016

A dinner that involved both real food and genuine Satanic props such as “pigs blood” and “fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk” with “morning urine”. Images of Abramovic’s Spirit Cooking events became widely circulated on the internet, showing her writing on white walls crawled with pig’s blood “love spells.”

After the emails were released to the mainstream press, accusations of Satanism and the event mimicking a Satanic ritual circulated around the internet.

Conservatives call her a Satanist, and Liberals call Abramović a genius. Many critics claim that this email leak and so-called Satanic conspiracies ended Hillary’s chances of becoming President of the United States.

When the allegations first came about, Abramović told ARTnews, “Anybody who wants can read my memoirs and find out that [my work] is far away from Satanism…. My work is really more about spirituality and not anything else. I’ve been doing my work for so long, and this is a misunderstanding.”

Abramovic also said to the New York Times about the dinner, “We had lots of fun. There was no human blood, or baby serving, or sex orgies. “I really want to ask these people, ‘Can you stop with this? Can you stop harassing me? Can’t you see that this is just the art I’ve been doing for 50 years of my life?'” Abramovic said.

So is she telling the truth or lying to protect her public image?

Abramović created her original version of Spirit Cooking at the Zerynthia gallery in Paliano, Italy in 2007, where the recipes in her Spirit Cooking print portfolio scrawling Satanic phrases on the white walls with a large amount of pig’s blood. Abramović decided to make a so-called cookbook with this knowledge that she called “aphrodisiac recipes” to serve as evocative instructions for actions or thoughts like instructions to – “spit inside your naval / until the lake is filled / lie motionless / listen to the heartbeat / of a dog.

She has gone on record stating,” These were not instructions for preparing actual meals. They were “evocative instructions for actions or thoughts.” In the book, she also describes making dishes, casting spells, and instructing readers to commit violent acts.

Anyone who understands the occult knows that this is not performance art. It is black magic and Satanism.

Abramović got the idea for Spirit Cooking from Jacob Samuel and started working with him in her Amsterdam studio. Just the name with the two words, Spirit and cooking should tell you something about what is really esoterically happening at these events.

This 1997 video on YouTube of her Spirit Cooking has over 2 million views.

Here is a list of ingredients for spirit cooking in Abramović’s own words;


in time of doubt

keep a small meteorite


in your mouth

to be consumed on a solar eclipse

take 13 leaves of uncut

green cabbage with

13,000 grams of jealousy

steam for a long time in a

deep iron pot

until all the water


eat just before attack

essence drink

mix fresh breast milk


fresh sperm milk

drink on earthquake nights

fire food

on top of a volcano

open your mouth

wait until your tongue

becomes flame

close your mouth

take a deep breath

Abramović has argued that what she is doing is not Satanic but this is simply a lie for her public image and the fame, sex, and money she is making off her black magic.

As I have stated before, that is the whole point of black magic.

Rituals that use blood, semen and other bodily fluids like Aleister Crowley’s semen and vagina blood cakes are used in black magic and prescribed in various Satanic rituals, as I have written about many times before. Crowley was so proud of his black magic and communing with the Devil that he did not hide it from the public and went by the name The Great Beast and the Antichrist. In fact, he used it as a marketing ploy to attract new members into his circle as did other people like Anton Lavey, the Founder of the Church of Satan.

However, some public Satanists like Abramović will give false interpretations about what she is doing to people who do not know about the occult, like the newspaper reporters at the liberal and left-leaning – New York Times.

For example, when you kill someone in cold blood, you are a murderer, even though you may not think you are or your acts are justified. Or let’s say that you regularly work with wood and put things together like furniture and cabinets. That would make you a carpenter, even though you may call yourself a builder, woodworker, or some other title like a handyman.

Or let us use the example of a martial artist in the art of Ji Jit Su who is also a professional fighter in the UFC. This person can be rightfully called a martial artist, a professional fighter, or a UFC fighter. However, they may personally just call themselves by the title professional fighter. All these titles are logically correct that can be used interchangeably and are truthful adjectives and statements to describe what the person does or is.

Sure, you may call yourself a woodworker, but you can also be correctly called a carpenter just like if you called yourself a professional fighter, someone else can rightfully call you a martial artist without being wrong or the statement being a lie.

Just like Ambrovic calls herself a performance artist but she is also performing black magic and Satanic acts no matter how she tries to spin the truth or change the definition to her favor for her public image.

American historian and diplomat, James T. Shotwell puts this as follows.

One cannot separate religion from magic by a mere definition. The further we examine the phenomena of religions the more we find them interpenetrated with strains of magic forces, and where our comparatively keen analysis fails to detect those elusive penetrations of varying grades of intensity and power, the primitive mind certainly never was able to distinguish them.

When you perform magical rituals with blood and semen, you are creating black magic and it is a form of Satanism.

Even though you may try to use definitions and adjectives that would falsely try to prove otherwise. So, even though you may call yourself a performance artist to people who do not have knowledge of these facts and do not understand the difference, you are de facto performing real black magic and Satanic rituals no matter how you try to spin it.

Blood and semen have been used by sorcerers in “Ceremonial Magic” as the main element in witchcraft and magic for millennia because it is believed to have supernatural and magical powers. After all, it has been long known as the “demon’s favorite gift” they get from humans.

Author and 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly. P. Hall explains in his Secret Teachings of All Ages;

“CEREMONIAL magic is the ancient art of invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of certain formulae. A magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and carrying a wand inscribed with hieroglyphic figures, could by the power vested in certain words and symbols control the invisible inhabitants of the elements and of the astral world. While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic.

Egypt, a great center of learning and the birthplace of many arts and sciences, furnished an ideal environment for Transcendental experimentation. Here the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries. By establishing a sacerdotal caste they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government.

Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council — a committee of archsorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.

These sorcerers then began the systematic destruction of all keys to the ancient wisdom, so that none might have access to the knowledge necessary to reach adeptship without first becoming one of their order. They mutilated the rituals of the Mysteries while professing to preserve them, so that even though the neophyte passed through the degrees he could not secure the knowledge to which he was entitled. Idolatry was introduced by encouraging the worship of the images which in the beginning the wise had erected solely as symbols for study and meditation.”

Hall concluded, “False interpretations were given to the emblems and figures of the Mysteries, and elaborate theologies were created to confuse the minds of their devotees. The masses, deprived of their birthright of understanding and groveling in ignorance, eventually became the abject slaves of the spiritual impostors. Superstition universally prevailed and the black magicians completely dominated national affairs, with the result that humanity still suffers from the sophistries of the priestcrafts of Atlantis and Egypt.”

The important takeaways from Manly P Hall’s description of Ceremonial Magic are that black magic dictated the state religion as it does here in the U.S. and that false interpretations were given and elaborate theologies were created to confuse the minds of their devotees. This is exactly what  Marina Abramović is doing as a black magician completely undermining and corrupting the morals of the primitive Mysteries, and her devotees like Lady Gaga.

As the American Sociological Association explains, “Certain things are electric with mysterious power. They cause fear, awe, or wonder. There is both danger and blessing in the blood that is the symbol of life as well as death. It is the same as all sacred things: they may bless or curse.”

I have written about this mysterious power and how semen and DNA are magnetic and can be manipulated via mind control before in my article, Sex Magick: Magnetic Sperm Bots and Mind Control. Semen and period blood is often used in sex magic for binding spells, to cause sexual attraction. Most people are not aware that their semen is not only gooey and sticky; it is also magnetic. So are our blood, brains, and DNA, which is now called “human magnetoreception.”

This is why in Christianity and Islam, magical practices using blood and semen are outlawed. It is considered blasphemous and punishable by death in many Islamic countries. In Islam, blood is mentioned clearly as forbidden food for Muslims, and also any sacrifice that is not carried out according to Islamic teachings.

It is my firm belief that 99% of the people who attend such events like Lady Gaga do not fully understand what they are doing, nor do they grasp the spiritual consequences in the form of cause and effect (karma) by performing such Satanic magic. I contend that the end results for almost all practitioners are nearly always the same.

They do not end well as you will see and can be clearly demonstrated time and time again.

Case in point, this was around the same time when a 2013 video showing Lady Gaga almost naked in a music video called “Do What You Want” with the notorious pedophile and criminal defendant, R. Kelly. The video shows Gaga in various erotic Marilyn Monroe type sexual poses promoting the degradation, homosexuality, and over-sexualization of women.

It is now well known today that R. Kelley is a notorious hardcore pedophile and sexual predator who also has Herpes and who knows what other STDs.

The official Lady Gaga and R Kelly videos have been taken down in numerous places online, but other versions can be found via various sources like these two with clips and a montage and the song’s lyrics.

These are the people demons you attract with this type of magic and music. Let me please add that R Kelly is said to have a sexual parasite called herpes, so hopefully, the overtly liberal Gaga was not stupid enough to have sexual relations with this scum bag?


Besides all the fallout from the Spirit Cooking dinners and choosing to do a music video with a known child rapist, the health and life of Lady Gaga are not going so well. Sure, she has money and fame, but her physical and mental health is deteriorating ever since she performed these black magic and Satanic rituals.

Just a few years after meeting Ambrovic and one year after the infamous Wikileaks emails were released, Lady Gaga postponed the European leg of her world tour in 2017 because she was in “severe physical pain,” according to a statement she posted on Twitter.

The announcement came just days after the singer canceled a performance in Brazil revealing that she suffers from fibromyalgia, a condition involving chronic, widespread pain, and can cause weakness, fatigue, and memory problems.

Gaga Tweeted in 2017;

“I use the word ‘suffer’ not for pity, or attention, and have been disappointed to see people online suggest I am dramatic, making this up, or playing the victim to get out of touring,” she wrote. “I use the word not only because trauma and chronic pain have changed my life, but because they are keeping me from living my normal life.”

Roland Staud, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Florida’s Center for Musculoskeletal Pain Research, explains the disease to;

Fibromyalgia is a disorder of disordered sensory processing,” explains Dr. Staud. “Signals in the body, particularly pain signals, are amplified to an extensive degree.” The resulting pain generally affects deep tissues—like the muscles, ligaments, and joints—and is often accompanied by other symptoms, including fatigue, sleep problems, and trouble thinking.

It seems that after Lady Gaga met one of her closest confidants and mentors, Marina Abramović, her life and health took a turn for the worse, but her fame and money skyrocketed. As if there was a spiritual price to pay, Gaga was now dealing with the very demons she had spawned.

They were now coming for their payback—her body and soul.

As I said, it usually never ends well when you practice this type of magic. Especially when you take it to these levels.

Like me, most people who get into the occult and magic were abused at some time in their lives. Whether they had poor parental guidance or were also mentally, physically, and/or sexually abused, these commonalities seem to be a recurrent thread amongst us people who take a walk on the dark side searching for the light.

The lost who walk into the abyss knowing the cost for doing so may be our very bodies and souls. Unfortunately, some of us make it, and many of us do not.

I believe a famous person who has taken this path and is now sadly paying the toll is Lady Gaga.

My goal with this article is not to follow the conspiracy path but to help people understand and possibly Gaga herself about the dangers of the occult, practicing such rituals, and making pacts with spiritual forces, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

To educate the youth about the fact that there is a serious price to pay when you walk this path. It will often cost your health, mind, and soul.

So how has this magic worked out for Abramović – Gaga’s black magician mentor.

Well, the last few major articles written about her reveal that she has had quite an eventful life. Abused as a child, she made her way with blood, sweat, sex, magic, and performance art to become a household name.

In the articles, you will find that deep down beneath the goth glamour, blood, and semen, is a sad woman who tries to be happy, and she remains unmarried and childless at 74 years old who wishes to have a normal relationship with a man. Oh, and gets out of bed every day putting on a pair of slippers with one reading “fuck” and the other “negativity”.

Abramović tells the Guardian, “That is how to start the morning with a smile on your face. Then she will make breakfast to tango music. Sometimes, she will retreat to a hut in the woods by her house in upstate New York, for six days with no food, to contemplate a giant crystal she keeps there and “connect with the memory of the planet”.

I do not know about you, but all these ideas from Marina Abramović do not seem so good, and it appears as she ends her life, all these Satanic rituals, black magick, and this liberal lifestyle as she nears her death feeling some regrets about the choices she made.

Marina Abramovic Just Wants Conspiracy Theorists to Let Her Be…

“I am an artist, not a Satanist,” the performance artist said after an online outcry prompted Microsoft to take down a video of her. It’s not the first time she’s faced the accusation.

To people on the outside, it looked like a Satanic coven with real-life demons feasting upon human cadavers, but to these people like Ambrovic and Lady Gaga, this is the process being revealed that helps gives them temporary power, fame, and riches.

I have been studying the occult, Satanism, and magic for many, many years, and it was obvious to me that the occultist, Marina Abramović, was disguising or what is called occulting the satanic ritual as ‘hidden’ falsely calling it’ performance art’ under the codename ‘Spirit Cooking’ or as they say on Twitter – #Spiritcooking.

These rituals often use real semen, vagina blood, and breast milk, which contains sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). For example, suppose you were to consume any bodily fluids or exchange them knowingly or unknowingly from Marina Abramović. In that case, you will contract her disease, such as Lyme disease, which she acquired a few years ago.

After all, Lady Gaga, did you know that Lyme Disease mimics fibromyalgia?

Studies have found that Lyme disease may trigger fibromyalgia, but antibiotics do not seem to be effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia.

Remember, ladies and gentlemen, It usually does not end well when you choose this path.

Many of the most famous Satanists like Aleister Crowley had lives filled with failures, addictions, broken relationships, evil deeds, and early deaths from disease and drug addiction. Sure, there is fame and some reach fortune, but is it worth it?

However, to some people, it seems their fame and the Satanic folklore surrounding their names keep them as cult heroes where the facts I speak about mean nothing. Instead, they infect young minds and thus are emulated by thousands of influential people worldwide whose lives often end up like that of their Satanic heroes – alone and in failure.

People like Marina Abramović, who follow the same dark path seem to become living testaments of this fact.

And to you, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, known professionally as Lady Gaga, I sincerely believe you have been sadly misled, and it is not too late to reinvent yourself yet again by turning away from the dark path.

To make the decision in your heart and then live it and thus be born again in the light as a good role model for our nation’s youth and young women.

It doesn’t always have to end well when there is time to redeem yourself.

Why Leprosy in the Scripture is Toxic Mold in Modern Times

Why Leprosy in the Scripture is Toxic Mold in Modern Times

The word leprosy is derived from the Greek lepra, which means spotted or stained and represents an ancient illness and disease known for millennia. Whole cities, houses, and even entire islands worldwide up until the 1900s were specifically designated by government and church authorities to segregate the sick lepers from the rest of the healthy population.

Not only people could get leprosy, but also their clothes and homes would become leprous via green, white (lepra alba), and red spots that they had to destroy if the stuff did not keep growing. I contend that this disease, medical practices, and remediation techniques have been carried out well over 2,000 years up until this very day.

The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, calls it “the Phoenician disease,” and Galen said it was “elephantiasis.” I believe it is really a fungal disease due to Toxic Molds. What the CDC called last week, “Transmission of Pan-Resistant and Echinocandin-Resistant Candida auris in Health Care Facilities ― Texas and the District of Columbia.”

In studying the etymology of leprosy before the Greeks had called this disease lepra, the Phoenician Hebrews (Canaanites) had called it by the name tsara or tsarath in the Old Testament/Tora. The Coptic name for leprosy is tseht and the disease is described in the Papyrus Ebers as ukhedu. It is also mentioned in ancient Indian and Japanese history.

The Hebrew Tzaraath describes disfigurative conditions of the skin, hair of the beard and head, clothing made of linen or wool, or stones of homes located in the land of Israel in chapters 13–14 of Leviticus.

The first Old Testament mention of this disease is a sign given by God to the Hebrew Lawgiver Moses (Exodus 4:6 (Jahwist)), who was not only a king and priest but also a sick man with Leprosy aka Mold/Fungi. In the third Book of Exodus xi chapter, 4th verse, we learn, “Whence one cannot but smile at those who say that Moses was himself afflicted with the leprosy when he fled out of Egypt.”

Hence, Moses was expelled from Heliopolis on account of his being a leper (see also I, 26 and Ant, III, xi, 4). The second case is that of Miriam (Numbers 12:10), where the disease is graphically described (EP2).

The word tsara’at appears approximately two dozen times in the Hebrew Bible, almost exclusively in Leviticus, describing how it infects people, clothes, and people.

We find in the Greek Septuagint, the translation of the Hebrew Bible, negac tsara’at was translated in Greek as aphe lepras, and later in the Latin Vulgate, this became plega leprae. The word Tsara’at has continued to be translated as “leprosy,” even though the word leprosy was not known in the Mediterranean when the Hebrew Bible was written. 

Other scholars have suggested that the proper translation of tsara’at is “mold or fungi” and I agree.

There is now a tremendous amount of science and research we have showing that molds contaminate (defile) buildings and cause respiratory distress, memory loss, and spots in the form of rashes, pimples, ulcers, and cancer in humans, and the fact that mold has been present since the beginning of time, validate the translation of tsara’at and the later lepra as “molds/fungi.”

These modern references can be compared to the Scripture like in Leviticus 14:45 to mildew defiling a place to live in, so drastic measures had to be taken. 

In Leviticus, we learn an all-out effort by the ruling class and priesthood to cleanse Isreal of mildew/mold and leprosy, which seem to go hand in hand. Drastic measures were taken to inspect homes, people and make judgments or final inspection reports on all reported cases. If the home and people were found to have mildew or to contain leprosy, they were officially pronounced unclean and set for destruction and/or banishment from the community. 

Today, leprosy can be compared to the Corona Virus/COVID, or what I feel is more appropriate, toxic mold/Super fungus that the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) is calling, “Transmission of Pan-Resistant and Echinocandin-Resistant Candida auris in Health Care Facilities.”

We can compare COVID patients to the Leper because people who contracted this disease were officially pronounced unclean (COVID positive) and were isolated from the community. The word unclean was a word that did not just describe a person who was infected, but it was what they did and how they lived that caused the disease. The English word unclean is derived from the Greek akathartos; impurity (the quality), physically or morally — uncleanness.

Also, people who have COVID have similar symptoms in Leviticus 13; 14; Numbers 12:10-15 under which the disease might develop itself:

  1. Without any apparent cause (Leviticus 13:2-8)
  2. Its reappearance (9-17)
  3. From inflammation (18-28)
  4. On the head or chin (29-37)
  5. In white polished spots (38, 39)
  6. At the back or in the front of the head (40-44)

Like leprosy, COVID and certain pathogenic fungi also cause inflammation in victims, with the main feature being lung inflammation and respiratory failure caused by an overexuberant immune response. This may lead to “multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) , which is a serious condition associated with COVID-19 where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs.

COVID patients also get spots like lepers via red and white spots in the mouth and throat, and it also has the ability to reinfect people who have recovered from a previous illness. We are also treating modern COVID patients like we would the Lepers in the past. I assume soon, we may take this remediation program to the next level like they did back in the days of Moses when the Lepers were often banished to special cities and islands to be officially segregated from the rest of the world indefinitely.

You must distinguish between the unclean and the clean. – Leviticus 11:47

Golgotha: The Crucifiction of Our LORD at the Devils Cave on Crete

Golgotha: The Crucifiction of Our LORD at the Devils Cave on Crete

In a previous article, I had explained how the Doctor of the Church and Father of English history, Saint Bede had written that “God, ages ago, hath wrought our salvation in the middle of the earth.” He also said;

“In the Earth’s center, ’tis believed the place by Jews called Golgotha, we seek to trace.”

In the story of the Crucifixion of Christ, we are told in John 19:13, “When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge’s seat at a place known as the Stone Pavement (which in Aramaic is Gabbatha).”

In researching the most recent Biblical text, you will find that the new word is Golgatha, which is said to mean the place of the skull but was originally translated from the word Gabbatha and had allegedly derived from ‘Lithostrōton or lithostrótos, which is said to mean “stone pavement or mosaic pavement. As you can see, lithostroton is a long way from the doctored word we have now being Golgatha and still different from Gabbatha.

Here is a copy showing these various translations and original words that we have today

A clue to the true location is Pilate brought Jesus here and then sat on the judge’s seat. Hence, we know that this place was some earthly court and religious center where the Apostles and Fathers of the Church had taught and performed Baptisms. In 311 or 312, Lucian the Martyr of Antioch (322) mentions a cave, the gates of Hell, and a cleft in the rock of Golgotha in a fragment of the defense made before Maximinus. Lucian had said;

“If yet you believe not, I will also offer you the testimony of the very spot on which the thing was done. The place itself in Jerusalem vouches for these facts, and the rock of Golgotha broken asunder under the weight of the Cross: that cave also, which when the gates of Hell were burst, gave back the body in newness of life.”

According to Eusebius, who had written about the Life of Constantine said the Emperor first beautified the monument with rare columns, then paved with finely polished stone a large area open to the sky, and enclosed on three sides with long colonnades, and lastly erected the Church itself “at the side opposite to the cave, which was the Eastern side.”

So the clues to this location thus far are that it is near or in a cave, so there is a mountain involved with rocks that were said to be near some type of judges seat that also was the gates of Hell and was an essential location and religions center for a long time. The Church of Constantine was opposite to the cave, which was the Eastern side making the Church on the Western side.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem mentions the location frequently, and there was no doubt that Eusebius knew about it in A.D. 315. It is said that next to Eusebius and the Bordeaux Pilgrim who visited Jerusalem in 333, Cyril is considered to be the earliest and most important witnesses as to the site of Constantine’s Churches.

Saint Cyril had written about the descent of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost;

“as we discourse on Christ and Golgotha here in Golgotha, so it was most fitting that we should also speak concerning the Holy Ghost in the Upper Church; yet since He who descended there jointly partakes of the glory of Him who was crucified here, we here speak concerning Him also who descended there.”

In Cat. xiv. § 5, he says, “It was a garden where He was crucified. For though it has now been most highly adorned with royal gifts, yet formerly it was a garden, and the signs and the remnants of this remain.” Cyrill also alludes to the fact that this ceremony allows the initiate to “jointly partake of the glory” when he stated, “He who descended there jointly partakes of the glory of Him who was crucified here.”

Cyrill mentions a ‘garden’ twice, and it is obvious from the comments he made that he knew of this location that was also called allegorically a “garden and where royalty was buried” and the place of their “Holy Sepulchre,” once called Lithostrōton or lithostrótos, and then later changed to Gabbatha and then Golgatha to help conceal its original location from the profane (uninitiated) and grave robbers.

It was said that this custom of teaching and baptizing had remained in Jerusalem in the time of John, Cyril’s successor as Bishop, who in writing to Jerome says, “The custom with us is that we deliver the doctrine of the Holy Trinity publicly during forty days to those who are to be baptized.”

The following statement is from the Bordeaux Pilgrim:

“From thence (the Palace of David) as you go out of the wall of Sion walking towards the gate of Neapolis, on the right side below in the valley are walls where the house or Prætorium of Pontius Pilate was: here our Lord was tried before His Passion. On the left hand is the little hill (monticulus) of Golgotha, where the Lord was crucified. About a stone’s throw from thence is a vault (crypta) wherein His body was laid and rose again on the third day. Thereby command of Emperor Constantine has now been built a Basilica, that is to say, a Church of wondrous beauty, having at the side reservoirs (exceptoria) from which water is raised, and a bath behind in which infants are washed (baptized).”

Then we find out from Vespasian that another old name for this city was the ancient city of Shechem, now Nâbulus: the “porta Neapolitana” therefore was in the North wall of Sion.

So, now we know from all these most preeminent authors on this subject that the place we know of as Golgatha was also called Gabbatha. Before then, it was known as Lithostrōton or lithostrótos, but even later was called the city of Shechem, now Nâbulus (Nebo or Nabou), and Jerome writes Neapolis or Naplouse. Nebo (Nabau), a mountain celebrated as the scene of Moses’s death – a place in the tribe of Judah, Ezra ii. 29; Neh. vii. 33, a town belonging to the tribe of Reuben, taken by the Moabites, who held it in the time of Jeremiah (xlviii. 1).

When I read these latter names of Nâbulus (Nebo or Nabou), Neapolis, or Naplouse, I immediately remembered previous articles I had written about Nicopolis or The Holy Village of Ayios Nikolaos on the Island of Crete, which is also known by the names Agios Nik or Ag Nik – Greek: Άγιος Νικόλαος [ˈaʝos niˈkolaos]) and in English – Saint Nicholas. A place that looks like the mosaic or Stone Pavement I mentioned above.

My research had proved that Nicopolis was anciently called Neapolis (Naplouse or Napolose) and is listed as a city in Samaria between the Mountains of Gebal and Gerizem, approximately 24 miles North of Jerusalem. I have found it also under the names of Sychar, also called Sichem and Shechem.


The references by Bede of God giving us “salvation in the middle of the earth” and our heavenly city Jerusalem at its center, brought me to another similar reference in the Scripture called the “Heart of the Earth.” A place I know of as the island of Crete where I have discovered before along my path retracing the steps of the History of the Brotherhood and also where I believe happens to be the initiation/baptism and resting place of my most ancient ancestors.

Please keep in mind that this latter research was the result of my studies into the Christian concepts of Hell by also contrasting them with the ancient Greek myths of the Abyss and Hades coupled with the Gods/Deities who were said to rule this region of our world with a type of hive mind force. This hive mind force that is called the LORD, Prince of the World, and Satan in the Judeo Christian Scripture I contend began on Crete where some type of cosmological deal was sealed with the Brotherhood of the East and now, the West in blood and stone at Golgotha AKA the “Heart of the Earth.”

As Eliphas Levi had written, “They clave to their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse and into an oath, to walk in God’s law, which was given by Moses, the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our God, and his judgments and his statutes. Levi also said, “The fallen angels gathered around their chief, Samiaxas, on a high mountain, which has been called ever since, ‘the mountain of the Oath’, for the Eggregores pledged themselves there one to the other with a sacrilegious vow.”

This is where Jonah had stayed three nights in what is called today in the English doctored versions as the “Belly of a Whale,” but is properly translated from the old Greek Text as “the heart of the earth, the heart of the seas, or more appropriately, the “belly of hell, the world of the dead, which was believed to be far below the surface of the earth.

In Matthew 12:40, the LORD Jesus had said just has Jonah had stayed three nights in Hell, so will the Son of Man, i.e. you and I;

“A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The men of Nineveh will stand at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now One greater than Jonah is here.”

The secrets and the truth hidden within these passages are found by contrasting them with the Old Greek and Hebrew translations with modern English. By doing so, you will find that English is written more allegorically with similar words and nouns that have been changed from the original text to conceal the true meaning from the profane (uninitiated).

As I stated above, the word whale does not mean a literal whale, it allegorically represents the “belly of hell,” which our ancestors had called the world of the Dead that was located in the “Heart of the Earth.”

The word heart in our modern version of Scripture is variously translated onto the word ‘leb,’ which means the midst or middle (of things), the inner man or mind that serves his moral character that we already know is said to be a wicked and adulterous generation. This is what I like to call the little or false noos, or the second brain that causes many people to become selfish and pursue material desires which are considered evil and wicked i.e. Satanic. By default of character and mode of thinking, they are connected through their own bellies (second brains and emotions) to the “Bely of Hell” or the Abyss and River Acheron underneath their feet.

As I have explained in several previous articles, the earth’s center or what has been called the navel or birth center of the classical Gnostic world and Europe’s first powerful maritime civilization was and is what I like to call the “Holy Island of Crete.” Several historians, Greek myths, and many Biblical stories originate and also prove that Crete is the original home of the Tribe of Judah, the true home of Freemasonry, and also the place they call ‘Golgatha.’

In the Scripture, the true center of the world is where the Heiros Gamos had begun, where you will find the Seat of Satan at Pergamon, which would be the judge’s seat at a place known as the Stone Pavement (which in Aramaic is Gabbatha), and the mapping of the world which is referred to as Jerusalem, or what we can call the “New Jersulaem” in Ezekiel 5:5;

“This is what the Sovereign LORD says: This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with Symbols – Jerusalem map countries all around her.”

Here is a very old map made by the German Heinrich Bunting that shows exactly what I’m stating here.

This location would be the ancient official spiritual center for all Judeo-Christian religions. In Ezekiel 38:12, the Jewish people are simply referred to as the people who live at the “center of the world,” and in Hebrew reads, “the naval of the world.” I had detailed this research in a previous article, The Ancient Naval Center of the Old World, where I explain that the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea is halfway between Europe, Africa, and Asia, and was considered in ancient times as being at the center of the world, and the original location of the first city of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was the capital of Judah and the center of Israelite and Hebrew worship. It was the “metropolis” of the Greek Hellene nation, the house of the Ark of the Covenant amongst the globes royal houses, and the place of the crucifixion of Christ AKA Golgatha.

For example, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Crete is one of the holiest sites in all of the Christian world, unbeknownst to the most pious of Christians. There is a small church once called Aphendi Kristos, or the Lord Christ, near the ancient sanctuaries of Zeus at the Omalos plateau (Κορυφή Αφέντης Χριστός – Δίκτη, από το οροπέδιο του Ομαλού) which is part of the “Samarian Gorge”  in Chania, Crete.

Near here was the throne of Zeus, the Father of the Olympian gods, and where he was said to have driven his beloved chariots. According to the historian Diodorus Siculus, the goddess Diana was born here. The peak at Gingilos is known as “Rotten Mountain,” wherein ancient times, according to a tradition, there was also a famous Oracle at the Demonospilio (Cave of Demons or Devil’s Cave, known as the den of demons. It is also said that this was also the place of the Oracle of Delphi, which I have also connected to Crete and this precise location in my article, The Pythia Priesthood of the Delphic Oracles.

And here we find the cave of the infant Zeus (Heart of the Earth/Fungi Garden of the Apostles) who was hidden by the priesthood over 2,000 years ago. This is the same cave of Epimenides Gnosis, AKA Orpheus, and also where Pythagoras was initiated into the Orphic mysteries.

It was here where Pythagoras had learned the laws of Minos and was initiated by the Ancient Priesthood of Jupiter (Amon) on the Sacred Mountain of Mount Ida (Zion), and in the same cave on Crete that the greatest of all Greek Gods, Zeus was educated and also hidden from his most vengeful father, known in mythology as Cronus and in science as Saturn.

I have written extensively about Mount Ida and the Tribe of Judah detailing my research and the connections to Freemasonry in articles such as The First Jews of CreteLost Tribe of Judah Found: The Bedas, The Masonic Archons of the Tribe of Judah, The Widow’s Son, Giblim: The Bible’s First Masons in the City of Our Lord and Jesus: The Tribe of Idea (Judah). The people of God’s Mountain called Ida in Crete and who Josephus called the Idaens and is the same name where we derive Judah and the Tribe of Judah in which King David, Solomon, Hiram Abiff, and Jesus are said to be members ie: ancestors and their (our) book, the Bible.

As I explained in a previous article, The Cretan City of Cutha, is also the location of the ancient city of Kutu or Kutha, which is also the name of the capital of the Sumerian (Samarain Gorge) AKA Mesopotamian underworld. This is where “Irkalla AKA Kur, Irkalla, Kukku, Arali, Kigal, and various other names, was a dark, dreary cavern located deep below the ground, where inhabitants were believed to continue “a shadowy version of life on earth”.

The only food or drink was dry dust, but family members of the deceased would pour libations for them to drink.”

This cave was said to be the abode of various demons such as the child-devourer demon known as Lamashtu, the fearsome wind demon and protector god Pazuzu, and the demons who drag people into the underworld to be tortured were called the “galla.” Galla or Gal is where we get the English word cock or rooster which in Greek is ἀλέκτωρ, ορος, ὁ or alektór and in Latin is gallus or gallinaceous. The surname for Jesus being a Galilean from Gallillee on Crete and his Apostles like Simon who became Satan was surnamed Peter were Galileans as well. (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41)

The King of Demons in Judaism is named Asmodeus (Ashmedai) who according to the Kabbalah, is a cambion, born as the result of a union between King David, and the Queen of Demons named Agrat Bat Mahlat who was a succubus. David was the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah, and also an ancestor of Jesus.

This cave of Zeus sits just above the Plain of Nida on Mount Ida, to the southwest of Knossos. The mother of Zeus was also known in Latin as “Mater Idaea (Idaean Mother).” The name Mount Ida is where the Tribe of Judah had received their name, “the ‘Idaeans,” which is just an earlier spelling of the Judaeans.

This would be the Capital of the Underworld, i.e. Hell and the place of the Skull, Golgatha where Jesus was martyred.

It is alleged that the Roman emperor Constantine had established the Church here in the year 333 A.D., after his mother, Queen Helena, marked the place of Golgotha during her visit in 326AD. Now, here is an image of the Church of Constantine and Helen in Crete with the Double-Headed Eagle or more appropriately, the Double-Headed Phoenix.

The symbol of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry.

Ancient Crete was the Capital of the Secret Mysteries and home to the Holy Grounds of many famous Gnostics, philosophers, Apostles, and Saints throughout the history of the world. The priesthood of the Curetes had formed here who Herodotus had said came to Crete with the Phoenician Prince Cadmus.

Epimenides, one of the founders of the ancient Gnostic mysteries of Orphism was born in the city of Gnosis, which today is called the city of Knossos (Latin) on Crete. He lived in the 7th century B.C. and established a religion that was centered at the cave of Zeus. Epimenides was a lawgiver, prophet, sage, poet, and author who composed several works in verse such as on the origin of the priesthood of Crete known as the Curetes and the Corybantes.

Famous religious figures such as Saint George, Saint Basil the Elder, Saint Macrina the Elder, and St. Basil the Great were born on Crete. Paul the Apostle lived on Crete for two years and was Companion to St. Titus the Apostle, the first bishop of Crete. The 1st-century Jewish-Roman Historian, Flavius Josephus had married a woman from a royal family on Crete and mentions that one of the Cappadocian (Cretan) tribes is the Moschoi, associated  with the biblical figure Meshech, son of Japheth: “and the Mosocheni were founded by Mosoch; now they are Cappadocians (Cretans from the island of Crete).”

Meshech is named with Tubal as a principality of the prince of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1. Modern-day Moscow in Russia was founded by the Mosocheni (Moschoi, Mosoch or Meshech), or the Tabalior (Thobelites). The Russians are considered to be Third Rome and Masters of Jerusalem.

Hence, the Double-Headed Phoenix as their Coat of Arms and the national flag and their adherence to a national religion being the Russian Orthodox Church as the official state symbol of the late Byzantine Empire, symbolizing the unity between the Byzantine Orthodox Church and State.G

This history and ancient facts are also encoded within Greek mythology when the God Zeus sent two eagles (phoenixes) across the world to meet at its center, the “navel” of the world.

This was their holy center called Omphalos, where it was said that the navel-string of the infant Zeus had fallen to the ground.

The story is told in Myth by Hesiod in which Zeus is hidden in a cave by his mother Rhea from his child devouring Father, Kronus. Hesiod had written;

“Thither came Earth carrying him swiftly through the black night to Lyctus first, and took him in her arms and hid him in a remote cave beneath the secret places of the holy earth on thick-wooded Mount Aegeum; but to the mightily ruling son of Heaven, the earlier king of the gods, she gave a great stone wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Then he took it in his hands and thrust it down into his belly: wretch!

He knew not in his heart that in place of the stone his son was left behind, unconquered and untroubled, and that he was soon to overcome him by force and might and drive him from his honors, himself to reign over the deathless gods.

“After that, the strength and glorious limbs of the prince increased quickly, and as the years rolled on, great Cronos the wily was beguiled by the deep suggestions of Earth and brought up again his offspring, vanquished by the arts and might of his own son, and he vomited up first the stone which he had swallowed last. And Zeus set it fast in the wide-pathed earth at goodly Pytho under the glens of Parnassus, to be a sign thenceforth and a marvel to mortal men.

And he set free from their deadly bonds the brothers of his father, sons of Heaven whom his father in his foolishness had bound. And they remembered to be grateful to him for his kindness and gave him thunder and the glowing thunderbolt and lightning: for before that, huge Earth had hidden these. In them, he trusts and rules over mortals and immortals.”

Pausanias (x. 24. 6) saw near the tomb of Neoptolemus (Nicopolis, Neapolis, Naplouse, Napolose) “a stone of no great size,” which the Delphians anointed every day with oil, and which he says was supposed to be the stone given to Cronos.

To represent and honor this location as the Eastern and Western Brotherhood’s Capital (Double Headed Phoenix), a religious artifact in the form of a stone omphalos was created.

It is known as the Omphalos at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, which is an ancient Christian tradition, representing the navel of the world (the spiritual and cosmological center of the world). Jewish tradition held that God revealed himself to His people through the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple in Jerusalem, which rested on the Foundation Stone marking the center of the world.

The Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography – Volume 1 By William Smith also details this history.

The destruction of the ancient Palace Temple (the Second Temple), the royal archives, and the entire city of Knossos had come at the orders of Roman Emperor, Nero who had sent Vespasian and his son Titus to Judea to subdue the Jewish nation in a massive invasion of the Holy Island of Crete in the year 67 A.D. Titus had served under his father on the island of Crete in the kingdom of Judaea (Greco-Egypt) during the First Jewish-Roman War. For winning this historic holy battle for the Romans, Titus would later become known as Saint Titus,  Bishop of Crete and companion to the Apostle Paul.

Roman Senator and historian Cornelius Tacitus (110 A.D.) had written that the Jews often traveled to Crete to celebrate the festival of Pentecost in Jerusalem and that they eventually were exiled from the island when Saturn was driven from his throne by the violence of Jupiter.  In The Works of Tacitus, he explains the Jewish people and the exodus from the island of Crete to Africa’s coast in Libya.

Hence, this would be a thread of history and ideas which Bede, my ancestor, had sought to trace with its center near the Omalos plateau at the Oracle at the Demonospilio on Crete, Golgatha, I have placed.

God ordered Moses to make an “ark of chittim wood”

God ordered Moses to make an “ark of chittim wood”

In the Scripture, Moses in the Exodus is ordered to come into the mount by God to create an “ark of chittim (shittim) wood” to place the 10 commandments of the law in. This reference to “chittim or shittim wood” has caused much speculation by various Biblical interpreters whom many have said that it was from the Acacia tree, but I have found that it was the cedar tree which was the most esteemed by the Ancient Hebrews (Phoenicians).

I had written about the importance of the Cretan Cedar tree (Cedrus libani) in my article, God’s Mountain: The Original Mason Mark of Judah, where I explain that this was their number one source of timber because it was one of the only trees they could build with that never decays nor rots. For this reason, the Hebrews held the cedar as sacred which they referred to allegorically in the Scripture as the Cedars of Lebanon and why the Ark of the Covenant for the Tabernacle was made of cedar as a symbol of eternity and why King Solomon used it exclusively in the building of the Temple. (more…)

God’s Mountain: The Original Mason Mark of Judah

God’s Mountain: The Original Mason Mark of Judah

The symbol called the Double Headed or Double Axe is one of the oldest, most used, and least understood symbols that can be found all throughout history and especially in regards to true history, mythology, and Masonry. Perhaps nowhere in the world has more of these symbols been found with supporting archeology, artifacts, and stories than that of Mount Ida and Knossos on the island of Crete in Greece.

One of the oldest, Holiest, and most ancient Masonic places in all of the Western world. (more…)

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