The Gnostic Warrior & Illuminatus Podcasts

Listen to the Gnostic Warrior and Illuminatus Podcasts where we take you on a  journey from the depths of darkness to the illuminating realms of secret knowledge and enlightenment.


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Get to Know Moe

Since 2009, Moe has explored and interviewed some of the world’s top experts on esoteric philosophies such as Gnosticism, Mystical Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, to name a few.

This path of knowledge and years of insight have given him a unique vantage point to become one of the world’s top experts on Western Esotericism

Latest Articles

Dr. Bruce Chilton: Ancient Evolution of Religion

Dr. Bruce Chilton: Ancient Evolution of Religion

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Bruce ChiltonIn this episode of the Gnostic Warrior, I speak with author and scholar of early Christianity and Judaism, Dr. Bruce Chilton. Bruce is the author of several books such as 'Rabbi Jesus: An Intimate Biography', 'Mary Magdalene: A...

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The Hidden Secrets of Notre Dame and the Parisii of Isis

The Hidden Secrets of Notre Dame and the Parisii of Isis

Around 250 BC, the Celts settled on the site which was to become the ancient city of Lutetia (Lutetia Parisiorum, “Lutetia of the Parisii”),' and today is known as the city of Paris. It was named after a tribe of Celts known as the Parisii during the Roman era of the...

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Jamie Wheal: Finding the Flow State & Stealing Fire

Jamie Wheal: Finding the Flow State & Stealing Fire

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Jamie Wheal In this episode of the Gnostic Warrior Radio Show and Podcast, I interview the Executive Director of the Flow Genome Project and author of the new best-seller, Stealing Fire, Jamie Wheal. He is one of the world’s most innovative experts on the...

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Bernardo Kastrup on How Philosophy Can Save Science

Bernardo Kastrup on How Philosophy Can Save Science

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Bernardo Kastrup My special guest today on the Gnostic Warrior Podcast is former CERN scientist, Bernardo Kastrup. Bernardo now calls himself an anti-materialist who seeks to bridge the gap between mainstream science and philosophy with his research into...

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The physical body of man operated from outside

The physical body of man operated from outside

By Rudolf Steiner - "The physical human eye is similar to a camera, for, as with the camera, there appears within it a picture of the surrounding world. Only when one abstracts from the physical eye everything that is not to be found in the camera, does one discover...

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Joe Atwill on Jan Irvin, Nazi’s, Freemasons, and Occult History

Joe Atwill on Jan Irvin, Nazi’s, Freemasons, and Occult History

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Joe Atwill Author Joe Atwill is my special guest today for a live Gnostic Warrior Podcast. Joe talks about his recent fallout with Jan Irvin, Freemasons, Nazis, CIA, and the Occult. Atwill of Jan; "OK it is kind of crazy because he's claiming that the CIA...

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David Livingstone: Rule By Ordo Ab Chao

David Livingstone: Rule By Ordo Ab Chao

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David Livingstone My special guest today is David Livingstone to discuss his new book, Ordo Ab Chao. We talk about the Freemasons, Occult, Donal Trump, the Christian Right, White Russians, and the Apocalyptic End Times we may be in now. David is an...

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