Ahimelech – Brother of Molech

ahimelechAhimelech or Amaleck is Hebrew for “Brother of Melek or Molech.” Moloch (representing Semitic מלך m-l-k, a Semitic root meaning “king”).

You will find several references to Ahimelech in the bible and also where he is referenced as a Hittite, a Levite and one of King David’s most trusted warriors. Ahimelech was the twelfth High Priest and one of “the thirty” of David’s body-guard (2 Sam. xxiii. 39;” 1 Chr. xi. 41). He had officiated at Nob, East of Jerusalem where he was visited by King David (to whom and his companions he gave five loaves of the showbread) when David fled from Saul (1 Sam. 21:1-9). Ahimelech was summoned into Saul’s presence, and accused, on the information of Doeg the Edomite, of disloyalty because of his kindness to David; whereupon the king commanded that he, with the other priests who stood beside him, 86 in all, should be slain with his family. This sentence was carried into execution by Doeg in the most cruel manner (1 Sam. 22:9-23). (more…)

Ramesses III’s Kilt of Many Colors

This past week, the DNA of Ramesses III was released to the public. This event had peeked my curiosity immediately because intuitively I knew that my ancestors had played a large role in Egypt. But I just couldn’t pin point exactly what role that was until the news of Ramesses III was released. In less than a week, I feel that I have now connected many of the missing dots of the Brotherhood’s early beginnings with Ramesses III playing a pivotal role in helping change the world as we know it and more importantly, the formation of a new brotherhood.

Recently I had written on the coat of many colors and in studying images and ancient carvings of the tomb of Ramesses III, I noticed that he too wore a similar item that we can compare to the coat of many colors. However, this would be more of a kilt of many colors.

Based on the image to the above left, we can clearly see that Ramesses III was not only was the second Pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty and is considered to be the last great New Kingdom king to wield any substantial authority over Egypt, he was also high priest which is evident in his kilt or apron that he is wearing. It appears to mirror the coat of many colors or what is now called a Ephod and the facts are that you will not see this worn by any other earlier Pharaohs than that of Ramesses III.

The Ephod is a sacred vestment that was originally worn by the High Priest Aaron. It is an outer garment, woven of gold, blue, purple, scarlet and linen threads with shoulder-pieces. These same colors can be seen in the clothing of Ramesses III to indicate the connection to the Jewish High Priests and not only that, Ramesses III may have DNA that further ties him to the Israelites.

An ephod (Hebrew אֵפוֹד) (pron.: /ˈɛfɒd/ or /ˈfɒd/) was an article of clothing, and an object of worship in ancient Israelite culture, and was closely connected with oracular practices and priestly ritual.

In the Books of Samuel, David is described as wearing an ephod when dancing in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6:14) and one is described as standing in the sanctuary at Nob, with a sword behind it (1 Samuel 21:9) in the book of Exodus and in Leviticus one is described as being created for the Jewish High Priest to wear as part of his official vestments (Exodus 28:4+, 29:5, 39:2+; Leviticus 8:7).

Here is another image below of Ramesses wearing this garment and also what appears to be rosary beads like we see Catholic priests wear. There are more connections to the priesthood such as the symbol of the Levites, the water vase that will be the subject of future articles.


Meaning of the Number 8

There are many meanings behind numbers that one can find when researching this subject. The secret underlying this article is the Greek alphabet when computing the gematria of the allegorical language of the New Testament. The number eight corresponds to the New Testament, according to Ambroise. This is something I AM relearning as I create these articles. For example, I found the number 8 tied to various important stories, events and in particular, a priesthood that had originated in the East. This article will mainly focus on what I feel are the most significant meanings to the Templars.

One of the earliest references to Shakespeare’s name links it with Pythagoras in three of his plays, each time in connection with the concept of the transmigration of souls. Pythagoras says this about numbers; “All is number.” The number 8, which the arithmeticians call the first actual square, has been named, by the Pythagorean Philo— laus the name of geometrical harmony, because he thinks he recognizes in it all the harmonic relations which you will find that in mathematics that the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down. It was the Pythagoreans who held that there are in man eight organs of knowledge; sense, fantasy, art, opinion, prudence, science, wisdom, and mind. (more…)

Coat of Many Colors

The purpose for the coat of many colors (Hebrew: כְּתֹנֶת פַּסִּים‎ kethoneth passim) that was given to Joseph by his father Jacob has been debated upon for many centuries. My hopes are that with this article, I will provide the reasoning backed by the facts to support my theory as to what the coat of many colors had signified in the most simple way possible. Before we explore what this coat is, we first have to identify the people and their tribes or affiliations in the story.

This coat was given to Joseph by his father Jacob. These names and all names in the bible whether it be the Old or New Testaments are not their actual names, but are allegorical. An allegory has a hidden spiritual meaning that transcends the literal sense of a sacred text.  Hence, what this means is that the names we see written in the Bible are simply not the original birth names of the people these stories are written about. This is the main method used by biblical authors to help conceal hidden meanings in both the Old and New Testament.

Who was Jacob and what does his name truly mean?

Jacob was the third patriarch of the Hebrew people with whom God had made a covenant, and ancestor of the tribes of Israel, which were named after his descendants. This sentence is key in understanding the coat of many colors because Jacob is essentially the father of Israel because it is the spiritual Israel with whom God made a covenant.

It is in (Genesis 32:28-29 and 35:10), before the birth of Jacob’s son Benjamin, God renames Jacob the new name, Israel. So we understand now that it was at this time that Israel had come into being. What you need to understand is that when Jacob was renamed Israel is that this was the new formation and beginnings of a new peoples united by religion, faith and some, blood. Jacob would be the anointed father of these new peoples that we can find represented in the Authorized King James Version, Genesis 37:3 reads: Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours. (more…)

The Conspiracy of St John the Scot: Apocalyptic Revelations

Moe Bedard Quote: What the Catholic Church has done with Johannes Scotus Eriugena, they have done to countless Brothers many times in the past. Just as they had committed the sin of burning the Knights Templar at the stake, this same violence they will commit on ANYBODY or ANY TEACHINGS they do not like or have deemed mind control unfit for the Catholic Church. Once you become their target, they will attempt everything in their multi-billion dollar power to destroy, burn, kill,  murder, rape and pillage these bodies, teachings, contracts and even these divine souls for their own good. This age old Catholic policy is as easy to verify over the last two thousand years as a simple Catholic fact. Just like the fact that their home base is in Vatican City with a total population of 911 in Rome and on seven hills. It just is. They cut off heads, crucify and burn people or things they do not like or the deem a threat and yes, even St John.

Never would I have thought in a million years that I would be where I was at today in the research into my long lost ancestors. The voice in my head that has led me down the path of illumination to the water of truth has been rite all along. The scorpion on the wall. The galloping hooves of the pale horse whose rider is the Pendragon. I AM Saint Bede, I AM Saint John who wrote the Book of Revelations and we have the rite of the Scorpion.

All of these vision quests that I have had over the last couple years have led me the truth of who I AM and why I AM here. This blog and my articles like this one here are my eye witness testimony to these Apocalyptic Revelations. You my Brothers are my jury. (more…)

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