Jedi Knights

The name Jedi (Djedhi) is derived from the Hebrew (Phoenician) name Yedidya, or more commonly Jedidiah- meaning Jedi Knightsbeloved of the Lord, friend of God. The name Jedi is also called in the bible, bedheydh, (“servant of Yah “Yahweh”). Yahweh  (Jahveh, Jehovah or Iehoua pronounced “yohweh” or /ˈjɑːw/ or /ˈjɑːhw/; Hebrew: יהוה‎) in the Hebrew Bible,  is written as יהוה (YHWH) and was the name of the Hebrew national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

In the bible from Samuel xii. 24 we learn that the proper name of King Solomon was Jedidiah, “because of the Lord;” and when he styles himself Koheleth, and describing himself  “the son of David, the king of Jerusalem.”  King Solomon was also called one of the ten sons through “The children of Bani; ” Dad: dear. Dodai (m): very dear, con. Dido, David, Jedidiah: dear to Jehovah. ” Over the course of the second month was Dodai.” Other spellings of the name Jedi are Jed, Jedd, Jeddy, Jededish, Jedi, and Jebediah. (more…)

Priests of Jupiter Amon – Part 1

Once upon a time, the planet Jupiter, or Jove, was the supreme god of the Roman pantheon. After the Roman conquest of Priest of jupiter amonGreco-Egypt by Augustus Caesar, and in their attempt to unify both empires, Jupiter was combined with the Greco-Egyptian deity Amon to create Jupiter Amon of the new Republic. In the legendary history of Rome and Greco-Egypt, the Priesthood of Jupiter Amon was often connected to kings and kingship. Priest kings and military leaders who were some of the most powerful well known men in history such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar, to name a few.

In the year 331 BC, in the hot Egyptian desert of the Siwa Oasis, at the Temple of Jupiter Amon; Alexander the Great was ordained the Son of Amon by the High Priests of Jupiter Amon. The Siwa Oasis is located between the Qattara Depression and on the edge of the Great Sand Sea, only 50kms from the Libyan border and Alexander’s tomb that was recently discovered at this same location in January 1995. The image below depicts Alexander the Great being Christened as the messiah by this same priesthood.

Alexander at the temple of Jupiter Ammon

This coin below shows the horns of Jupiter-Amon on Alexander around the period when the ancient city of Damascus was captured by Alexander the Great in 333 B.C. Could Alexander be “A Ram on the Rampage (8:3-4)?”

Then I lifted my gaze and looked, and behold, a ram which had two horns was standing in front of the canal. Now the two horns were long, but one was longer than the other, with the longer one coming up last. I saw the ram butting westward, northward, and southward, and no other beasts could stand before him, nor was there anyone to rescue from his power; but he did as he pleased and magnified himself.

Jupiter alexander the greatThe rams horn is the hieroglyphic of authority, power, and dignity, and is the most common symbol of the Brotherhood that represents Jupiter or the blood line of King David. In the bible, the Ram (Hebrew: רם‎) is a figure in the Hebrew Bible. He is the son of Hezron and ancestor of King David. His genealogical lineage and descendants are recorded in 1 Chr 2:9 and at Ruth 4:19. In the New Testament, his name is given as “Aram” and “Arni”. Today, the only natural vocal instrument that the priests were permitted to use, as recorded in the scripture, is ‘The Ram’s Horn’ known as the ‘Shofar’.

The original capital for the Priests of Jupiter was located in Thebes. According to Diodorus;

the temple of Jupiter Ammon was originally built on the eastern side of the Nile (the site of the ruins of Carnac) by his son Osiris, the first coloniser of Egypt. But Ammon himself reigned at Thebes, according to the same writer, and was supposed to be identical with Osiris; and Plato acquaints us that “Thamus (a well-known name of Osiris), king of all Egypt, who reigned in a great city in the upper country, which the Greeks called the Egyptian Thebes, was named Jupiter Ammon.”

Thebes was founded in 1500 BC by a Phoenician Prince named Cadmus. The meaning of Thebes is from the word Theba that signifies ‘Ark.’ The capital for their religion was located in the City of Light, or what we know of as Luxor. The God they had worshipped was god Amon-Ra (Jupiter-Amon). At the temple at Luxor there are many Ram Sphinxs that symbolize God Amon Ra.

Secrets of the Pyramid Amon Ra Rams

The cult of Amon-Ra was introduced by the Egyptians under the XVIIIth Dynasty and Amon, who according to Plutarch is the first being and all things, Ra, the sun-god. A fact which is proved by the testimony of the Tell el-‘Amarna tablets. A temple was built near here by Ramses III, who had set up two obelisks in front of it, one of which is now in Paris, and it is  said in the legends chiselled on the face of one of these obelisks; ” made these works (the propyla of the palace of the Luxor) for his father, Amun-Ra, and that he had erected these two great obelisks in hard stone before the Ramsesseion of the city of Amun.”

Obelisk Thebes Ramesses III

Other names that this Prieisthood of Jupiter have been known by, are the Avral Brothers (Brethren) and later the Flamen Dialis. Marc Antony was said to be the first Flamen voted by Julius Caesar. Below is an image of Marc Antony on a Denarius  31 B.C. Cyrene. L. Pinarius Scarpus, moneyer with the horns of Jupiter Amon.

Priest of jupiter amon Marc Antony. Denarius

The word ‘Flamen’ meaning high priest. During the time of the Caesars in Rome, Jupiter was served by the patrician Flamen Dialis, the highest-ranking member of the flamines, a college of fifteen priests ‘who were part of the Pontifical College that had administered the Roman Religion. The high priest became known as Pontifex Maximus, and the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church says that it was in the 15th century that “Pontifex Maximus” became a regular title of honor for Popes.

The first Pontifex Maximus of this 6th Age was Octavian Augustus Caesar. Below is Octavian on a Denarius with the Head of Jupiter Ammon issued by L. Pinarius Scarpus. Scarpus was a survivor of the Imperatorial period. He served at the battle of Philippi as a commander under Mark Antony, and Antony made him governor of Cyrenaica. After Octavian had defeated Antony, Scarpus defected to Octavian’s Roman Army and as governor of Cyrenaica, he issued these rare coins for Octavian. The reverse of the present coin seems to copy Octavian’s denarius with reverse CAESAR – DIVI F, Victory standing left (rather than right) on globe, suggesting that this type of Octavian’s must have been struck before 31 BC.

Jupiter Octavian Denarius

In ancient Greco-Roman Egypt, the surviving histories reveal that the priests of Jupiter Ammon (Flamen Dialis) were also known as the Djedi (Jeudi, Jedi or Jupiter). The name Jedi can be found today in modern culture as a reference to knights in outer space with super human power. Such as in the world-wide hit movies Star Wars and the Empire Strikes Back where the Gnostic Warrior, Luke Skywalker attempts to master the force within, so he can master the forces without. Luke eventually completes his Jedi (Jupiter) training in order to become a true Jedi (Jupiter) Knight who is referred to as a member of the Jedi Order.


Symbol of the Lotus

Horus from lotusIn ancient Egypt, the symbol for “plant” meaning “Tree of Life” was the three sacred lotus lilies. To ancient Egyptians and their children who still honor these customs, the lotus is the symbolic plant of life, immortality, resurrection and sacred knowledge. In the funeral and re-birth ceremonies, the lotus was closely associated with processions and the imagery of the funerary Cult of Osiris, in which we find the God of light and truth; Horus, seated upon the lotus (pictured to the left). Evidence of the lotus being involved in their funeral ceremonies had been found in the tomb of Ramesses II.

The Egyptian Blue Water-lily, N. caerulea, or lotus was chosen as a symbol for the brotherhood because the ancient Egyptians believed that all life had originated from the Lotus and that creation began when the lotus had gave birth to the dual God, Amon- Ra, on the surface of a primordial ocean. Like the sun, the lotus at dusk closes its flowers as it prepares for the dark night and at the first sign of the morning rays of the sun, it opens its flowers again as if it is “reborn by the light.”

This lotus symbolizes the separation of the God Amon-Ra who is both Amon, the Hidden God and  the God of Truth who is our Ammon’s Horn (Hippocampus) and also Ra, the God of light who is Lucifer (Phosphorus) in our DNA represented in imagery by the sun.

33rd Degree Freemason, Master Rosicrucian and author, Manly P. Hall had said this of the Lotus –

May your consciousness be lifted upward through the Tree of Life within yourself until in the brain it blossoms forth as the Lotus, that rising from the darkness of the lower world, lifts its flower to catch the rays of the sun.

Your consciousness comes from both, your Ammon’s Horn (Hippocampus) in which the tree of life, AKA our DNA, is then combined with the light of Lucifer (Phosphorus) in our DNA, so we too are reborn and rise like the rays of the sun or lotus in the morning. (more…)

St. John to the Seven Churches – Explanation of the Apocalypse Chapter 1

Bede 4By Beda Venerabilis (Saint Bede) – Explanatio Apocalypsis; Book I – The translation cited here can be found in Rev. Edward Marshall’s book The Explanation of the Apocalypse by Venerable Beda.


1    The revelation of Jesus Christ. The progress with which the Church that had been founded by the Apostles was to be extended, or the end with which it was to be perfected, had need to be revealed, in order to strengthen the preachers of the faith against the opposition of the world. And John, in his own manner, refers the glory of the Son to the Father, and testifies that Jesus Christ has received from God.

shortly. That is, which are to happen to the Church in the present time.

signified. He wrapped up this revelation in mystical words, that it might not be manifested to all, and become lightly esteemed.

angel. For an angel appeared to John in the form of Christ, as will be seen more clearly in that which follows.

John. That through John He might lay open to all His servants the things which he, by the privilege of a peculiar chastity, obtained above all others to behold. (more…)

Christ (Reason) Crucified (Killed) on the Cross (Logos) in Golgotha (Place of the Skull or Our Brain)

In this article, I would like to explain the hidden esoteric meaning behind the allegorical mysteries in the story of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

It is said that Jesus was crucified in Golgotha which is a Hebrew word meaning “the skull or place of the skull.” Saint Luke had used the Greek word for Golgotha BY Pordenoneskull, Kpavlov. In the Vulgate the Latin word used is Calvaria and in English, Calvary. In the states here you will find many Christian Churches that are named Calvary Chapel (Chapel of the Skull).

In the story of Christ’s crucifixion at Golgotha, we find that his ancestor, the biblical Adam was also buried at this same exact location known esoterically as “the place of the skull” and that when Christ was crucified, drops of his blood had fell onto Adam’s skull, restoring Adam back to life. We can find many depictions of the skull in early pictures of the Crucifixion.

Most all words and names in the bible have an esoteric meaning that conceal secret mysteries in allegory, so that the secrets of religion and life as we know it are kept hidden from the profane (the uninitiated). The intentions were not that of ill will, but necessary word play to keep secret; that which bears the most light, in order to one day use the same light to reveal that which has been kept hidden. Therefor, we all need to understand these esoteric facts when interpreting or translating the secret mysteries hidden deep within the bible.

Words with secret meanings such as the one I have already established being ‘Golgotha’ and even the word ‘Christ’ which is derived from the ancient Greek Χριστός or Christós, meaning ‘anointed’ or “The Messiah,” (or mashiach) who is a king or High Priest. Christ is called the ‘anointed one and the messiah’ by the Christian priesthood simply by assigning the name of the Greek Christos to his persona as mentioned above, and by anointing him with oil he then become the High Priest and King. (more…)

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